Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Why I blog?
Call this a filler column if you must, but the truth is, I get this question a lot and believe it or not I ask myself it a lot as well. A day like today, where I’m having a case of blogger’s block on a column about the reality of Children of Men, actually causes me physical and mental stress. Why then do I do it? Is it that chump change I earn thanks to Google AdSense? Is it the hope that I’ll be discovered and get 1 million hits a day? No and no, the truth is I do it for a couple of reasons.
First and foremost, I blog because, despite days like today, I actually enjoy writing… no check that I must write. I’ve been a writer as early as I can remember, even before I could physically write. As an only child I created these massive sprawling tales for my Star Wars, Tron, and GI Joe figures to play out. Each figure was given a new name and a new identity. No longer was a Stormtrooper in speedbike gear just another grunt, now he was Nightstalker a being with psychic powers who had to wear a suit of armor to contain his power. Sometimes I’d write the stories out but mostly they’d stay in my head and adapt to changes like new toys, planets (i.e. furniture), and my age (around age 10 there started to be more romance storylines going on). In school I loved creative writing and when I had to do a report I’d almost always try to steer it back towards fiction whether it be a history of the X-Men or as I got older a comparison between Sauron from Lord of the Rings and Ronald Reagan. In high school though I finally got a little balance to my writing and discovered the many mysteries in non-fiction and history. By the time college rolled around I was all set to go into journalism with a goal of becoming a small town sports columnist. Of course once I realized I HATED interviewing people that dream quickly got set aside. Luckily I quickly found another outlet for writing and that came through filmmaking. For 10 years I wrote or co wrote a number of scripts and treatments that once again satisfied my need to put a pen to my thoughts. In the end though that creative well dried up on me or at least shut it’s door for a while and once again I had no outlet. Then a friend started to blog once in a while on MySpace and I started to look into the whole phenomenon and that led me to here. So that’s a really long and rambling way to say that I’ve learned by now that I’ve got to write in one form or another as it’s just who I am.
The second reason I blog is that I’m a bit full of myself. Now I’m not full of myself in the “look at me, pay attention to me, I’m doing something” kind of way. No, I’m full of myself in the “bow before Zod”, kind of way especially when it comes to pop culture. For a guy who can sometimes be unsure of himself around the ladies or even in large social gatherings, I’m damn sure of myself when it comes to issuing opinions on Tom Hanks or the new Radiohead CD. Pretty much I figure I know best when it comes to things of such matters. Now obviously I know that taste is subjective and people are entitled to differning opionions it’s just that I consider them wrong. I mean you’re reading these words from a guy who once made a date cry after he cited all the numerous flaws in Speilberg’s AI after a joint viewing. I’m also the guy who decided he wanted to end things with a girl he met online because her favorite TV shows were procedurals. Point is, the blog gives me a chance to share my infinite wisdom whether it be on something so bad it’s good like Laguna Beach or a modern day classic like Children of Men. Hopefully I turn a few people on to a good song, or maybe help people discover a dangerously addictive TV show, or maybe I just shake someone’s faith in their belief that Crash deserved an Oscar. Does that make me petty? Yes but keep in mind I even rip on my own tastes thus the title of the blog.
So I guess that’s why I blog, because I have an internal need to write and a need to tell everyone how right I am about matters of pop culture even when it’s damning to myself. Now if I can just figure out a catchy title to that blog on Children of Men…
First and foremost, I blog because, despite days like today, I actually enjoy writing… no check that I must write. I’ve been a writer as early as I can remember, even before I could physically write. As an only child I created these massive sprawling tales for my Star Wars, Tron, and GI Joe figures to play out. Each figure was given a new name and a new identity. No longer was a Stormtrooper in speedbike gear just another grunt, now he was Nightstalker a being with psychic powers who had to wear a suit of armor to contain his power. Sometimes I’d write the stories out but mostly they’d stay in my head and adapt to changes like new toys, planets (i.e. furniture), and my age (around age 10 there started to be more romance storylines going on). In school I loved creative writing and when I had to do a report I’d almost always try to steer it back towards fiction whether it be a history of the X-Men or as I got older a comparison between Sauron from Lord of the Rings and Ronald Reagan. In high school though I finally got a little balance to my writing and discovered the many mysteries in non-fiction and history. By the time college rolled around I was all set to go into journalism with a goal of becoming a small town sports columnist. Of course once I realized I HATED interviewing people that dream quickly got set aside. Luckily I quickly found another outlet for writing and that came through filmmaking. For 10 years I wrote or co wrote a number of scripts and treatments that once again satisfied my need to put a pen to my thoughts. In the end though that creative well dried up on me or at least shut it’s door for a while and once again I had no outlet. Then a friend started to blog once in a while on MySpace and I started to look into the whole phenomenon and that led me to here. So that’s a really long and rambling way to say that I’ve learned by now that I’ve got to write in one form or another as it’s just who I am.
The second reason I blog is that I’m a bit full of myself. Now I’m not full of myself in the “look at me, pay attention to me, I’m doing something” kind of way. No, I’m full of myself in the “bow before Zod”, kind of way especially when it comes to pop culture. For a guy who can sometimes be unsure of himself around the ladies or even in large social gatherings, I’m damn sure of myself when it comes to issuing opinions on Tom Hanks or the new Radiohead CD. Pretty much I figure I know best when it comes to things of such matters. Now obviously I know that taste is subjective and people are entitled to differning opionions it’s just that I consider them wrong. I mean you’re reading these words from a guy who once made a date cry after he cited all the numerous flaws in Speilberg’s AI after a joint viewing. I’m also the guy who decided he wanted to end things with a girl he met online because her favorite TV shows were procedurals. Point is, the blog gives me a chance to share my infinite wisdom whether it be on something so bad it’s good like Laguna Beach or a modern day classic like Children of Men. Hopefully I turn a few people on to a good song, or maybe help people discover a dangerously addictive TV show, or maybe I just shake someone’s faith in their belief that Crash deserved an Oscar. Does that make me petty? Yes but keep in mind I even rip on my own tastes thus the title of the blog.
So I guess that’s why I blog, because I have an internal need to write and a need to tell everyone how right I am about matters of pop culture even when it’s damning to myself. Now if I can just figure out a catchy title to that blog on Children of Men…
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Two Quick Reviews of Sorrow and a Repeat Review of Glee
Somewhere between getting over a cold, editing a hockey video, drinking enough to kill a small mule, and ruining and then saving a friendship, I actually found time to participate in 2 of my favorite activities this past weekend, eating fine food and watching some DVDs. Unfortunately one worked out better then the other so without further ado, some quick reviews.
Casino Royale
Let me be upfront here and say I’m not a huge Bond guy. Some of my favorites were from the corny Roger Moore era and I’m pretty sure that disqualifies me from being a true Bondie. That aside, I was super excited as I followed the production of the latest Bond. I thought Daniel Craig was perfect casting especially after his bad ass turns in Layer Cake and Munich. The early rumor that Tarantino was going to direct was predictably wrong but the word was that this was not going to be your dad’s Bond film and would be much grittier and darker. So when I sat down and watched the film what did I get, nothing but a bloated boring piece of potential. Craig is great, let’s get that out of the way. He slips into the Bond character seamlessly and does play Bond with a much needed serious tone. The first few minutes as we see Bond earn his OO status are very intense. Sadly after that it all goes downhill. The evil mastermind is neither that evil nor that smart. The Bond girls are dull and boring and after the very first chase scene the action is dull. Sure there are some interesting moments, like the disturbing bit of torture Bond goes through, but when those moments danced across the screen I was half asleep. The director, Martin Campbell is a Bond vet and I think this proves that besides getting some new blood in the tuxedo there needs to be some new blood behind the lens as well.
I tend to be rather skeptical of the Hollywood studios when it comes to their interactions with some of my favorite talents. When I hear a director is getting pushed off a project I naturally assume that whoever replaces them will end up delivering a weaker product, such as when Joss Whedon recently got kicked off Wonder Woman. I also tend to believe the director’s cut is usually going to be a better product than the studio cut; such was the case with Donnie Darko. I think the greatest insult is when I hear a studio is shelving a project because it didn’t test well and that’s what happened to Mike Judge’s (Office Space, King of the Hill) Idiocracy. When I heard it was shelved I expressed my outrage right here on the blog. I mean it’s got a great comedic cast including Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, and Stephen Root. Plus it was Judge’s first movie since Office Space so imagine the comedic genius that was all stored up for the screen. Well I hate to admit it when the studio is right but holy Michael Bolton did they get this right. Now maybe this DVD version is still not what Judge intended but I can’t possibly see that there’s enough material in this crapfest to make even an entertaining short film. Luke Wilson is his usual laid back self and for whatever reason that just doesn’t work here. Rudolph is wasted and the rest of the supporting cast is just plain not funny. For a movie set in the far future, the art direction looks like it was done in the 70’s and I don’t mean the style, I mean the actual handiwork. God this movie is a mess and I so wanted to love it. I actually had to put in my DVD of Office Space to wash out the horrible taste in my brain. Speaking of taste…
I already lauded this restaurant in my Top 10 Personal Moments of 2006 but after dining there for a second time this last Saturday I felt the need to write up a review despite the fact that many of you readers are outside the Twin Cities. 20.21 is the latest brainchild of the original celebrity chef, Wolfgang Puck. The restaurant opened last year as part of the newly renovated and expanded Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. After opening the restaurant was the hottest ticket in town but today diners can find it very accessible. My friend and I made reservations on Thursday and were easily able to get a 6:30 table and while we dined for the next hour a half there were almost always empty seats in the joint. Before we get started on the food, let me just say that 20.21 is also one of the best looking establishments I’ve ever visited. Taking a modern cue from the museum itself the dining room is a wide spacious area bordered by an open kitchen on one side and one of the best views of Minneapolis on the other. The plating and table ware all feature clear, distinct lines that never distract from the food but do enhance it. Speaking of food let’s get right to it. On both visits, the chef has sent out a small dish to sample. In Saturday’s case it was a small plate of cold Szechuan green beans. Despite having a bit of spice, the flavor was not overpowering and the freshness of the bean came through in every bite. We decided to skip an appetizer this time and enjoy our bottle of Australian Shiraz that was a relative bargain at $40; however the appetizer I enjoyed on my previous visit the Tempura Shrimp was still on the menu. For our main courses we both chose pork dishes. My companion ordered the pork chops prepared medium well which just about made my face go white as I tend to be in the pink and red camps of food temperature. Proving just how good this kitchen is, the waitress delivered medium well pork chops that were as juicy and tender as any I’ve had in my life. Accompanied by a grain mustard sauce and sautéed spinach the plate danced with color and flavor. My friend was not too pleased with the apple chutney that came on the plate but nicely that was separated from everything else and really not a necessary condiment. Lastly the dish came with a side of sinfully good blue cheese au gratin potatoes. I am not a fan of blue cheese but I must admit I was more then happy to help my friend finish her plate. For my part I ordered a braised pork shank which was done with a red wine reduction sauce that had a strong ginger flavor to it. To say the meat fell of the bone would be an understatement. Each bite literally melted in my mouth and the accompanying Thai flavored salad featured many of the same spices that I believe the pork was treated with. For my starch, the pork was accompanied by a taro root puree that my dinner partner on my previous visit had enjoyed. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear you were eating the greatest mashed potatoes you’ve ever had in your life. Throughout the meal we received only the best service which was an improvement over the previous visit. I’m not usually that picky when it comes to good service but when you’re shelling out for 4 star food at 4 star prices I think it’s only fair to expect the best. Perhaps the only negative thing I can say is that the dessert menu was somewhat lacking. While both my friend and I were predisposed to skipping dessert I was quite surprised that neither of us saw anything that jumped off the menu to entice us. However when the only negative about a restaurant is that it satisfies you completely without dessert I’d say you’re doing alright. For those of you within ear shot of Minneapolis I can’t stress enough that the next time you feel like eating a truly decadent meal in almost every aspect, you must go to 20.21.
Casino Royale
Let me be upfront here and say I’m not a huge Bond guy. Some of my favorites were from the corny Roger Moore era and I’m pretty sure that disqualifies me from being a true Bondie. That aside, I was super excited as I followed the production of the latest Bond. I thought Daniel Craig was perfect casting especially after his bad ass turns in Layer Cake and Munich. The early rumor that Tarantino was going to direct was predictably wrong but the word was that this was not going to be your dad’s Bond film and would be much grittier and darker. So when I sat down and watched the film what did I get, nothing but a bloated boring piece of potential. Craig is great, let’s get that out of the way. He slips into the Bond character seamlessly and does play Bond with a much needed serious tone. The first few minutes as we see Bond earn his OO status are very intense. Sadly after that it all goes downhill. The evil mastermind is neither that evil nor that smart. The Bond girls are dull and boring and after the very first chase scene the action is dull. Sure there are some interesting moments, like the disturbing bit of torture Bond goes through, but when those moments danced across the screen I was half asleep. The director, Martin Campbell is a Bond vet and I think this proves that besides getting some new blood in the tuxedo there needs to be some new blood behind the lens as well.
I tend to be rather skeptical of the Hollywood studios when it comes to their interactions with some of my favorite talents. When I hear a director is getting pushed off a project I naturally assume that whoever replaces them will end up delivering a weaker product, such as when Joss Whedon recently got kicked off Wonder Woman. I also tend to believe the director’s cut is usually going to be a better product than the studio cut; such was the case with Donnie Darko. I think the greatest insult is when I hear a studio is shelving a project because it didn’t test well and that’s what happened to Mike Judge’s (Office Space, King of the Hill) Idiocracy. When I heard it was shelved I expressed my outrage right here on the blog. I mean it’s got a great comedic cast including Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, and Stephen Root. Plus it was Judge’s first movie since Office Space so imagine the comedic genius that was all stored up for the screen. Well I hate to admit it when the studio is right but holy Michael Bolton did they get this right. Now maybe this DVD version is still not what Judge intended but I can’t possibly see that there’s enough material in this crapfest to make even an entertaining short film. Luke Wilson is his usual laid back self and for whatever reason that just doesn’t work here. Rudolph is wasted and the rest of the supporting cast is just plain not funny. For a movie set in the far future, the art direction looks like it was done in the 70’s and I don’t mean the style, I mean the actual handiwork. God this movie is a mess and I so wanted to love it. I actually had to put in my DVD of Office Space to wash out the horrible taste in my brain. Speaking of taste…
I already lauded this restaurant in my Top 10 Personal Moments of 2006 but after dining there for a second time this last Saturday I felt the need to write up a review despite the fact that many of you readers are outside the Twin Cities. 20.21 is the latest brainchild of the original celebrity chef, Wolfgang Puck. The restaurant opened last year as part of the newly renovated and expanded Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. After opening the restaurant was the hottest ticket in town but today diners can find it very accessible. My friend and I made reservations on Thursday and were easily able to get a 6:30 table and while we dined for the next hour a half there were almost always empty seats in the joint. Before we get started on the food, let me just say that 20.21 is also one of the best looking establishments I’ve ever visited. Taking a modern cue from the museum itself the dining room is a wide spacious area bordered by an open kitchen on one side and one of the best views of Minneapolis on the other. The plating and table ware all feature clear, distinct lines that never distract from the food but do enhance it. Speaking of food let’s get right to it. On both visits, the chef has sent out a small dish to sample. In Saturday’s case it was a small plate of cold Szechuan green beans. Despite having a bit of spice, the flavor was not overpowering and the freshness of the bean came through in every bite. We decided to skip an appetizer this time and enjoy our bottle of Australian Shiraz that was a relative bargain at $40; however the appetizer I enjoyed on my previous visit the Tempura Shrimp was still on the menu. For our main courses we both chose pork dishes. My companion ordered the pork chops prepared medium well which just about made my face go white as I tend to be in the pink and red camps of food temperature. Proving just how good this kitchen is, the waitress delivered medium well pork chops that were as juicy and tender as any I’ve had in my life. Accompanied by a grain mustard sauce and sautéed spinach the plate danced with color and flavor. My friend was not too pleased with the apple chutney that came on the plate but nicely that was separated from everything else and really not a necessary condiment. Lastly the dish came with a side of sinfully good blue cheese au gratin potatoes. I am not a fan of blue cheese but I must admit I was more then happy to help my friend finish her plate. For my part I ordered a braised pork shank which was done with a red wine reduction sauce that had a strong ginger flavor to it. To say the meat fell of the bone would be an understatement. Each bite literally melted in my mouth and the accompanying Thai flavored salad featured many of the same spices that I believe the pork was treated with. For my starch, the pork was accompanied by a taro root puree that my dinner partner on my previous visit had enjoyed. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear you were eating the greatest mashed potatoes you’ve ever had in your life. Throughout the meal we received only the best service which was an improvement over the previous visit. I’m not usually that picky when it comes to good service but when you’re shelling out for 4 star food at 4 star prices I think it’s only fair to expect the best. Perhaps the only negative thing I can say is that the dessert menu was somewhat lacking. While both my friend and I were predisposed to skipping dessert I was quite surprised that neither of us saw anything that jumped off the menu to entice us. However when the only negative about a restaurant is that it satisfies you completely without dessert I’d say you’re doing alright. For those of you within ear shot of Minneapolis I can’t stress enough that the next time you feel like eating a truly decadent meal in almost every aspect, you must go to 20.21.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Saturday Funnies
I'm missing Boston a ton this Saturday morning so in it's honor I present a clip from the second best movie about Boston ever...Good Will Hunting 2.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Top Wednesday

Ok wow I just got to say that was one of the best nights of TV I’ve seen in a long time and I haven’t even finished watching it yet (still got South Park, Daily Show, Road Rules and Colbert on the TiVo). Come and journey with me and take a look back on the TV that was last night.
Top Design
Ok I’m not paying super attention to this show. It’s from the Top Chef and Project Runway folks so it’s a well done show and who can’t help but listen to the white noise that is Todd Oldham’s voice, but really the only reason I TiVo this is to fast forward to the final 15 minutes or so and see what the hell judge Kelly Whistler is wearing. Last night she unveiled her best look yet. Behold the attack of the 1980’s Bride of Frankenstein.
Friday Night Lights
This show has really won me over and surprisingly it’s not because of their great football scenes. The relationships between these characters are so real, both in a gut wrenching way and an admirable way that the show pretty much scores every week. That being said, they really topped themselves last night when the 4 main player characters found themselves on the football field drinking beers on a night off. The camaraderie, the verbal jousting and the physical roughhousing provided a moment that I think defines why this show is good. Best scene ever!
Last night Survivor aired on a special night due to March Madness and it again showed why it’s the granddaddy of all reality shows; it always keeps it fresh. Last season it was the race war which while unspectacular and mildly offensive, did end up making the season interesting in the long run. This time around the “have” versus the “have not’s” angle has really taken the game up a notch and the buff switch last night was priceless as Probst pretty much tore a contestant a new one for sounding like she was giving up.
Holy mother of god! Without spoiling anything let me just say that the reveal of why Locke is in a wheel chair was damn satisfying. Also the show is finally giving some definitions to the shades of grey some characters have had in the past. I think we finally know who the good guys are and for sure who the bad ones are. Best ep this year yet.
Real World
Umm okay these folks might rival the Las Vegas cast in terms of crazy. Last night’s episode which featured a cast member going to detox for public urination was classic. Not only did he piss outside but he did it right in front of a cop car which his roommate had told him was there. Oh yeah and he had just gotten done yelling at his girlfriend in a voice that could wake Jesus. Add another roll in the hay for Raiderette Jen and you’ve got yourself one vomit inducing ½ hour of MTV.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Greatest Month of DVD Releases EVER Starts Today (well yesterday but I was to lazy/sick from my weekend to properly write a column)
I don’t know if it’s TiVo or Netflix or some combination but in the last year and a half my DVD purchasing habits have changed drastically. Instead of showing up at Best Buy nearly every other week for new release day, I’m lucky to be there once every two months. However that being said, the next few Tuesdays are ripe with releases that demand to be purchased.
March 20th
Newsradio: Season 5- This was the final season for one of TV great unsung comedies. Phil Hartman was murdered during hiatus and many questioned whether the show would return at all. Eventually it was given a green light and the producers brought on one of Hartman’s best friends Jon Lovitz. The result is a rather disjointed sometimes brilliant final season. The first episode which deals with the loss of Hartman’s Bill McNeil is funny, touching and wisely avoids introducing the Lovitz character. When Lovitz does show up he dominates the show in a bad way for 2 or 3 episodes. As Stephen Root (Jimmy James) says on one of the commentary tracks, “Jon had a certain rhythm and it was hard for him to adjust to the rhythm we already had.” The season does turn it around though as Patrick Warburton, then fresh off his run as Puddy on Seinfeld, came on as Jimmy’s nemesis Johnny Johnson. The show continued to further lose it’s already tenuous grip on reality as it reached its finale and that made for better and better comedy.
April 3rd
Twin Peaks: Season 2- This really deserves its own column and once I get done consuming the DVD I’ll promise to write a full review. Needless to say, that this is the second and final season of arguably my favorite TV show of all time. While many viewers dropped off after the Laura Palmer murder was solved, those of us that stuck around were treated to a show mythology created by David Lynch that was complex, dark, and utterly unique. The two part finale is some of the best filmmaking I’ve ever seen and while it’s maddening that the show never answered SO many questions thank to its untimely demise, what we do have is an example of TV at it’s finest.
April 17th
Venture Brothers: Season 2- One of the best shows of last year comes to DVD with its amazing second season. The Venture Brothers which is like Johnny Quest on crack is by far the best animated show going today. From the opening teaser of the first episode to the guest appearance by a certain Star Wars fan favorite in the finale, season 2 had me laughing all the way through. The visual jokes along with the dry humor and healthy dose of geek-toids make the show worth many repeat viewings.
April 24th
Kidnapped: The Complete Series- This may be more of a renter but then again it should be a pretty cheap release considering there were only 13 episodes ever produced. In my mind this was one of the best new shows of 2006. The cast including film vets Delroy Lindo and Timothy Hutton and TV vets Dana Delaney and Jeremy Sisto were pitch perfect. The plot reminded me of 24 as it would seem one angle would wrap up but in reality it only opened many many doors. The big question I have is does the show resolve the kidnapping by episode 13 or did NBC’s cancellation give up a DVD release that ends in the middle of the mystery? Looks like we’ll have to buy/rent to find out.
March 20th
Newsradio: Season 5- This was the final season for one of TV great unsung comedies. Phil Hartman was murdered during hiatus and many questioned whether the show would return at all. Eventually it was given a green light and the producers brought on one of Hartman’s best friends Jon Lovitz. The result is a rather disjointed sometimes brilliant final season. The first episode which deals with the loss of Hartman’s Bill McNeil is funny, touching and wisely avoids introducing the Lovitz character. When Lovitz does show up he dominates the show in a bad way for 2 or 3 episodes. As Stephen Root (Jimmy James) says on one of the commentary tracks, “Jon had a certain rhythm and it was hard for him to adjust to the rhythm we already had.” The season does turn it around though as Patrick Warburton, then fresh off his run as Puddy on Seinfeld, came on as Jimmy’s nemesis Johnny Johnson. The show continued to further lose it’s already tenuous grip on reality as it reached its finale and that made for better and better comedy.
April 3rd
Twin Peaks: Season 2- This really deserves its own column and once I get done consuming the DVD I’ll promise to write a full review. Needless to say, that this is the second and final season of arguably my favorite TV show of all time. While many viewers dropped off after the Laura Palmer murder was solved, those of us that stuck around were treated to a show mythology created by David Lynch that was complex, dark, and utterly unique. The two part finale is some of the best filmmaking I’ve ever seen and while it’s maddening that the show never answered SO many questions thank to its untimely demise, what we do have is an example of TV at it’s finest.
April 17th
Venture Brothers: Season 2- One of the best shows of last year comes to DVD with its amazing second season. The Venture Brothers which is like Johnny Quest on crack is by far the best animated show going today. From the opening teaser of the first episode to the guest appearance by a certain Star Wars fan favorite in the finale, season 2 had me laughing all the way through. The visual jokes along with the dry humor and healthy dose of geek-toids make the show worth many repeat viewings.
April 24th
Kidnapped: The Complete Series- This may be more of a renter but then again it should be a pretty cheap release considering there were only 13 episodes ever produced. In my mind this was one of the best new shows of 2006. The cast including film vets Delroy Lindo and Timothy Hutton and TV vets Dana Delaney and Jeremy Sisto were pitch perfect. The plot reminded me of 24 as it would seem one angle would wrap up but in reality it only opened many many doors. The big question I have is does the show resolve the kidnapping by episode 13 or did NBC’s cancellation give up a DVD release that ends in the middle of the mystery? Looks like we’ll have to buy/rent to find out.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Weekend Rewind: Boston Style

As I try to hold both my body and mind together on this fine Monday afternoon I thought I’d drop some knowledge on all y’all in regards to the big up St. Patrick’s Day capital of the world….Boston! Ouch, just typing the word makes my body shiver with withdrawal (withdrawal from the experience not alcohol although knowing me that would be a fair guess too). Needless to say I had a blast in Beantown this weekend and huge props to my traveling companions Parker, Nikki, Kate and Kristen for making every moment that I remember memorable. Without further ado here are 10 things I learned over the weekend.
1. You can take the geek out of Minnesota but you can’t take the geek out of the Minnesotan (see picture above).
2. If you stick around locals long enough, you’ll begin to speak with a Boston accent.
3. Speaking with a fake Boston accent is a pretty good way to get your ass beat.
4. I wish we had more ethnic neighborhoods in Minneapolis . Boston ’s North End was everything that I hoped it would be and more. Seriously I could live there, of course that would probably result in a weight gain of about 300lbs.
5. It’s not just a cliché that women love firefighters.
6. Sometimes cell phones mixed with alcohol can actually produce positive results…sometimes.
7. The only thing better then seeing the Dropkick Murphy’s live is seeing them live on St. Paddy’s day weekend and then meeting all the other DKM fans and sharing notes.
8. Bostonians are incredibly friendly to tourists, but not so much to each other.
9. I think I need that bonus oxygen that they pump into the Vegas casinos on every vacation I go on.
10. The Freedom Trail could use a fresh coat of paint and I mean that literally and metaphorically.
I learned many other things on my journey but I must now lay down my weary head. The blog will resume it's regular programming of media musings in a day or two.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Travel blogging is harder then
Travel blogging is harder then expected. First night though a hobo asked us if we wanted to pay a him a buck to kick his ass. Boston rules!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Batman vs. Wolverine
Sorry to post with my second comic tinged headline of the day but I just got done seeing The Prestige and had to share my thoughts. Hugh Jackman (Wolvie, Logan, Weapon X) and Christian Bale (Bruce Wayne, Batman, The Dark Night) have delivered along with auteur Christopher Nolan the 3rd best movie of 2006 (I know I've got to start putting out my best of lists in March of the next year apparently). The Prestige is the kind of twisty movie that gives you so much more then the unexpected turns and surprises which is something many of Nolan's peers have long since forgotten. ***M. Night, cough, cough*** Not to blow my own horn but I figured out the two twists with a good 30 minutes left in the caper and you know what, I could care less. Seeing how the characters reacted to these twists is what makes this movie so great. Michael Caine and Scarlet Johansson both give very solid turns and I think Caine should get some kind of best year ever award for his work in both this and Children of Men. Nolan proves that he's not simply a great screenwriter along with his brother but is also a visual director who doesn't waste a frame of film. Seriously this is a must see and based on it's box office many of you haven't yet so get out there and see some true movie magic.
Once More With…Inkers?
I just wanted to take a few moments and remind everyone that the first episode of season 8 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer premieres tomorrow, March 14th. I know it’s a comic book but considering that The Whedon is masterminding it and such great writers as Drew Goddard, Jane Epperson, and David Fury are all attached to consult or write arcs, it sounds very much like how any previous season was put together. Following this season could be like living in a dimension with no shrimp because instead of waiting for a new episode every week we’ll be waiting a month and that’s assuming that Whedon and company stay on schedule. Supposedly this season will be comprised of 30 episodes as opposed to the 22 in a regular TV season which means this will last at least two and a half years. In this post Mutant Enemy world I think we’ll all agree that two and a half years of Buffy on the written page is still better then no Buffy at all. Errr Arrgh!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Random Thoughts
From the people that brought you Bowl of Death this summer now comes Box of Death. Yes, KFC is at it again by creating another all in one, fat and cholesterol filled meal. This time they lacked the creativity of the layered bowl and just stuck one of everything bad for you in a box. There’s a chicken strip, popcorn chicken, a drumstick, coleslaw, mashed potatoes, a biscuit, a vile of crack, a gravy flavored shake, and a tub of melted butter to dip everything in. To add insult to America’s obese injury, KFC is even running a contest where the winner will receive free KFC food for a year. Seriously whoever wins that should hire an attorney the next day to help their family plan the wrongful death suit we can all see coming.
Has anyone else noticed that Survivor is quietly having another solid season? The concept of pitting a tribe of haves versus have nots has made for some compelling TV and some great competitions. Maybe it’s the fact that America love underdogs but you can just tell America is pulling for the have nots to win something…anything. One of my favorite seasons was when one tribe got whittled down week after week until there was only one. You really felt for that one person and you wanted her to somehow win against all odds. This season is setting up some similar storylines but the outcomes seem numerous, once again proving that Survivor somehow manages to stay fresh and unpredictable despite it’s status as the senior citizen of reality shows.
*SPOILER ALERT for Amazing Race All Stars*
How sad was The Amazing Race last night? I know I shouldn’t be cheering for a team of reality TV whores like Rob and Amber but the fact is, they play the game in the best mindset. They take the game for what it is…a game. While other teams like the crazy little person and her even crazier full sized cousin freak out on other teams and each other, Rob and Amber play the game with the number one intention of having fun. Sure sometimes they get a little dirty but it’s never malicious. The Race just got a lot more boring and probably a little meaner without them.
This week features three of my favorite things, Shamrock Shakes are back at McDonald’s, the NCAA basketball tourney starts, and of course there is the holiest of holies, St. Patrick’s Day. Seriously I’m like some kind of hyper kid who’s high on alcohol instead of sugar during these next 7 days. To make it an even bigger deal this year I’m shipping off to Boston with 4 friends to do St Paddy’s Day proper. I think celebrating St Patrick’s Day in Boston is something everyone should do in their lifetime, like spending Halloween in Madison or Christmas in Disney World. Not only will I be stumbling down the Freedom Trail, visiting Paul Revere’s Burning Bell, and dumping tea in the harbor, I’ll also be seeing the greatest Irish folk punk band today, The Dropkick Murphy’s on Friday night. This might be a year where the basketball takes a back seat to the holiday as I’ll be on planes and in and out of range of TVs but it’s so going to be worth it. As for the shakes, most airports have a Mickey D’s these days so don’t worry about me getting my shamrock on. Wheels are up on Thursday so I may or may not have another regular blog before then but once we’re in Boston I will try to experiment with some travel blogging so watch out for some rants and ramblings that may be a bit under the influence.
Has anyone else noticed that Survivor is quietly having another solid season? The concept of pitting a tribe of haves versus have nots has made for some compelling TV and some great competitions. Maybe it’s the fact that America love underdogs but you can just tell America is pulling for the have nots to win something…anything. One of my favorite seasons was when one tribe got whittled down week after week until there was only one. You really felt for that one person and you wanted her to somehow win against all odds. This season is setting up some similar storylines but the outcomes seem numerous, once again proving that Survivor somehow manages to stay fresh and unpredictable despite it’s status as the senior citizen of reality shows.
*SPOILER ALERT for Amazing Race All Stars*
How sad was The Amazing Race last night? I know I shouldn’t be cheering for a team of reality TV whores like Rob and Amber but the fact is, they play the game in the best mindset. They take the game for what it is…a game. While other teams like the crazy little person and her even crazier full sized cousin freak out on other teams and each other, Rob and Amber play the game with the number one intention of having fun. Sure sometimes they get a little dirty but it’s never malicious. The Race just got a lot more boring and probably a little meaner without them.
This week features three of my favorite things, Shamrock Shakes are back at McDonald’s, the NCAA basketball tourney starts, and of course there is the holiest of holies, St. Patrick’s Day. Seriously I’m like some kind of hyper kid who’s high on alcohol instead of sugar during these next 7 days. To make it an even bigger deal this year I’m shipping off to Boston with 4 friends to do St Paddy’s Day proper. I think celebrating St Patrick’s Day in Boston is something everyone should do in their lifetime, like spending Halloween in Madison or Christmas in Disney World. Not only will I be stumbling down the Freedom Trail, visiting Paul Revere’s Burning Bell, and dumping tea in the harbor, I’ll also be seeing the greatest Irish folk punk band today, The Dropkick Murphy’s on Friday night. This might be a year where the basketball takes a back seat to the holiday as I’ll be on planes and in and out of range of TVs but it’s so going to be worth it. As for the shakes, most airports have a Mickey D’s these days so don’t worry about me getting my shamrock on. Wheels are up on Thursday so I may or may not have another regular blog before then but once we’re in Boston I will try to experiment with some travel blogging so watch out for some rants and ramblings that may be a bit under the influence.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
El Dog’s Super Amazing Donkey iMix
Well here it is my new column on music, podcasts, and all things iPod/iTunes. The intent is to focus a whole column on what I’m listening to without trying to mash it up with the other media I’m consuming. In other words this is meant as a replacement to the “What I’m…” columns that used to be a regular feature on the site.
Podcast of the Week: Smodcast
Big shock here as I continue to expose myself as a complete and utter Kevin Smith whore. The new podcast he’s doing is only in its 4th week but has already become appointment listening for me. Featuring Smith’s long time friend and producer Scott Mosier the show features the same kind of stories that made Smith’s blog so interesting and funny to read over last summer. While the blog has declined in both updates and quality, the podcast features Smith’s almost over the top openness about the lives of himself, his family and friends. Mosier, who’s always been a great straight man on the ViewAskew DVD commentaries, shines by grounding some of Smith’s more lengthy and pointless diatribes and by bringing his own brand of funny to the plate.
New Single of the Week: Girlfriend- Avril Lavigne
I don’t think Avril was born when Toni Basil released that classic 80’s track “Mickey” but apparently whoever wrote her new single was. Combining an upbeat pseudo punk guitar line with a cheerleader like breakdown makes this an instantaneously catchy hit. This could be one of those songs that is stuck on the radio from now all the way through the summer. A lot of people will say that Avril should grow up and branch out but between tracks like this and her other staple, the violin rock slow jam, I say let her be her commercial yet fun self.
Guiltiest Pleasure of the Week: I Love You- Tila Tequila
It’s a sad day when Avril is beat out for the guiltiest pleasure download of the week, however that’s just what happened when I found out about Tila Tequila. As someone that’s been on the MySpace for almost 2 years you’d think I’d be familiar with the so called queen of MySpace but it took an email for iTunes on New Music Tuesday last week to open my eyes. Miss Tequila is a former model that like many pretty faces has decided to dabble in music but if you’re expecting puff pop you’re in for a rude surprise. Tila’s first single is a profanity laced rap track produced by Lil’ Jon that starts out with a sultry Tila telling her man that if he ever does her wrong “she’ll fucking kill you.” Ouch! Also if you bought the song on iTunes you got the video for free which features Tila in a variety of lingerie and wet clothes while brandishing a riding crop. The music is terribly catchy and the video is about as titillating as you can get so this easily gets my guilty pleasure of the week stamp.
Top 5 on my iPod this Week:
1. Girlfriend- Avril Lavigne
2. I Love You- Tila Tequila
3. Shine On- Jet (Somewhat lost in the demise of The OC by Fox, is the fact that good music is losing a major outlet on television. Both this track and my number 4 song were featured in the series finale a couple of weeks back and like so many great songs I was exposed to by The OC I will forever connect them to it. While the song is reminiscent of Jet’s earlier hit “Look What You’ve Done”, it has a soulfulness that sets it apart. )
4. Life’s A Song- Patrick Park (The OC truly provided a soundtrack to it’s characters lives and inspired me to create one for my own, so it’s fitting that the last song played reinforces that idea. Park’s folksy voice and simple chords were the perfect exit track.)
5. Here (In Your Arms)- Hellogoodbye (Yes I know I’m late to this party but this isn’t called the Timely Self Loathing Pop Culture Fanatic blog. This is the kind of dance pop I can get behind. I dare someone not to at least tap their fingers while listening to this track.)
Podcast of the Week: Smodcast
Big shock here as I continue to expose myself as a complete and utter Kevin Smith whore. The new podcast he’s doing is only in its 4th week but has already become appointment listening for me. Featuring Smith’s long time friend and producer Scott Mosier the show features the same kind of stories that made Smith’s blog so interesting and funny to read over last summer. While the blog has declined in both updates and quality, the podcast features Smith’s almost over the top openness about the lives of himself, his family and friends. Mosier, who’s always been a great straight man on the ViewAskew DVD commentaries, shines by grounding some of Smith’s more lengthy and pointless diatribes and by bringing his own brand of funny to the plate.
New Single of the Week: Girlfriend- Avril Lavigne
I don’t think Avril was born when Toni Basil released that classic 80’s track “Mickey” but apparently whoever wrote her new single was. Combining an upbeat pseudo punk guitar line with a cheerleader like breakdown makes this an instantaneously catchy hit. This could be one of those songs that is stuck on the radio from now all the way through the summer. A lot of people will say that Avril should grow up and branch out but between tracks like this and her other staple, the violin rock slow jam, I say let her be her commercial yet fun self.
Guiltiest Pleasure of the Week: I Love You- Tila Tequila
It’s a sad day when Avril is beat out for the guiltiest pleasure download of the week, however that’s just what happened when I found out about Tila Tequila. As someone that’s been on the MySpace for almost 2 years you’d think I’d be familiar with the so called queen of MySpace but it took an email for iTunes on New Music Tuesday last week to open my eyes. Miss Tequila is a former model that like many pretty faces has decided to dabble in music but if you’re expecting puff pop you’re in for a rude surprise. Tila’s first single is a profanity laced rap track produced by Lil’ Jon that starts out with a sultry Tila telling her man that if he ever does her wrong “she’ll fucking kill you.” Ouch! Also if you bought the song on iTunes you got the video for free which features Tila in a variety of lingerie and wet clothes while brandishing a riding crop. The music is terribly catchy and the video is about as titillating as you can get so this easily gets my guilty pleasure of the week stamp.
Top 5 on my iPod this Week:
1. Girlfriend- Avril Lavigne
2. I Love You- Tila Tequila
3. Shine On- Jet (Somewhat lost in the demise of The OC by Fox, is the fact that good music is losing a major outlet on television. Both this track and my number 4 song were featured in the series finale a couple of weeks back and like so many great songs I was exposed to by The OC I will forever connect them to it. While the song is reminiscent of Jet’s earlier hit “Look What You’ve Done”, it has a soulfulness that sets it apart. )
4. Life’s A Song- Patrick Park (The OC truly provided a soundtrack to it’s characters lives and inspired me to create one for my own, so it’s fitting that the last song played reinforces that idea. Park’s folksy voice and simple chords were the perfect exit track.)
5. Here (In Your Arms)- Hellogoodbye (Yes I know I’m late to this party but this isn’t called the Timely Self Loathing Pop Culture Fanatic blog. This is the kind of dance pop I can get behind. I dare someone not to at least tap their fingers while listening to this track.)
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Four Things You Should Be Watching if You Love TV
The Amazing Race All Stars- I’ve been clamoring for this show for the last year or so and we finally got it. TV’s best and purest reality competition has finally given us an all star edition featuring some of our favorite teams. There’s Joyce and Uchenna the married couple that got lost during every leg of their season and still managed to win. There’s Charla and Mirna the condescending, preachy, cousins one of which happens to be a little person. We even get the beauty queens and the Kentucky folk from this fall. Oh yeah there’s also this little team called Rob and Amber that just might be the best team ever that didn’t win their season. The first couple of episodes have weeded out some of the less interesting teams so we should have plenty of good racing from here on out. Plus for those of you that forgot or didn’t see them in action before you’ll quickly get sucked into the personalities of the remaining teams.
The Hills- I haven’t been giving this show the coverage I did during its first season but that doesn’t mean that it’s off my radar. Actually I’m prepared to say it’s the best guilty pleasure on TV right now. Lauren (LC) seems to have matured leaps and bounds compared to last year. I’m guessing the albatross that was Jason is a big reason for that. However don’t think The Hills is drama free just because some of the girls have grown. No my friends the drama is huge. First you had Heidi vs. Audrina, which was really just a warm up for the big battle of Heidi vs. Lauren. The common thread in these conflicts is Heidi’s boyfriend Spencer who gives all of us men a bad name just by breathing. The season is winding down but since it’s MTV you can catch repeats, weekend marathons, and online eps at your hearts desire.
Lost- Do you feel that? It’s subtle but if you pay attention you can almost feel the quality of Lost shifting back from good to awesome. The first two new episodes this year focusing on Juliet and Desmond were my favorites since the 3rd season premiere. They didn’t answer a ton of questions but they gave us some clues and more importantly they got back to great character stories which are what makes the show work. Sure the show took a step back last week with Jack’s tedious tattoo trip but even that was not without some positives. Last night’s Hurley ep was a great reminder that when the show wants to be, it can be one of the funniest around and still give us moments that progress the story. I know I’ve proclaimed that Lost is back before and then it’s gone on a slide for a couple of weeks, but I really think we’re seeing a trend that will lead to as satisfying a conclusion to season 3 as we can hope for.
The Sarah Silverman Show- I heart Sarah Silverman. She’s like some kind of dream woman for me. She’s got the sense of humor that I dream about finding in a mate and she packages it in this beautiful body that screams both hot and cute at the same time. With that said, I really didn’t care for her movie Jesus is Magic from last year. I thought it was bloated, self serving, and most importantly not funny. I blamed it on Sarah’s involvement with Jimmy Kimmel and since they’re still together I figured we were in for more of the same when it came to her new show on Comedy Central. The first two episodes seemed to support my fears as while there were funny moments, the show had poor timing and was down right boring at points. However, the last two weeks have been SO funny that I’m prepared to assume that Kimmel is out of the picture because this is Sarah at her best. The AIDS episode two weeks ago and the daughter episode last week were offensive, over the line, rude and were hilarious all at the same time. The supporting characters are getting more time as well and are equally funny especially Sarah’s sister. A second season has already been ordered up so hopefully the good Sarah is here to stay.
The Hills- I haven’t been giving this show the coverage I did during its first season but that doesn’t mean that it’s off my radar. Actually I’m prepared to say it’s the best guilty pleasure on TV right now. Lauren (LC) seems to have matured leaps and bounds compared to last year. I’m guessing the albatross that was Jason is a big reason for that. However don’t think The Hills is drama free just because some of the girls have grown. No my friends the drama is huge. First you had Heidi vs. Audrina, which was really just a warm up for the big battle of Heidi vs. Lauren. The common thread in these conflicts is Heidi’s boyfriend Spencer who gives all of us men a bad name just by breathing. The season is winding down but since it’s MTV you can catch repeats, weekend marathons, and online eps at your hearts desire.
Lost- Do you feel that? It’s subtle but if you pay attention you can almost feel the quality of Lost shifting back from good to awesome. The first two new episodes this year focusing on Juliet and Desmond were my favorites since the 3rd season premiere. They didn’t answer a ton of questions but they gave us some clues and more importantly they got back to great character stories which are what makes the show work. Sure the show took a step back last week with Jack’s tedious tattoo trip but even that was not without some positives. Last night’s Hurley ep was a great reminder that when the show wants to be, it can be one of the funniest around and still give us moments that progress the story. I know I’ve proclaimed that Lost is back before and then it’s gone on a slide for a couple of weeks, but I really think we’re seeing a trend that will lead to as satisfying a conclusion to season 3 as we can hope for.
The Sarah Silverman Show- I heart Sarah Silverman. She’s like some kind of dream woman for me. She’s got the sense of humor that I dream about finding in a mate and she packages it in this beautiful body that screams both hot and cute at the same time. With that said, I really didn’t care for her movie Jesus is Magic from last year. I thought it was bloated, self serving, and most importantly not funny. I blamed it on Sarah’s involvement with Jimmy Kimmel and since they’re still together I figured we were in for more of the same when it came to her new show on Comedy Central. The first two episodes seemed to support my fears as while there were funny moments, the show had poor timing and was down right boring at points. However, the last two weeks have been SO funny that I’m prepared to assume that Kimmel is out of the picture because this is Sarah at her best. The AIDS episode two weeks ago and the daughter episode last week were offensive, over the line, rude and were hilarious all at the same time. The supporting characters are getting more time as well and are equally funny especially Sarah’s sister. A second season has already been ordered up so hopefully the good Sarah is here to stay.
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