What better way for me to slip back into my happy zone then to gorge myself on TV and tonight we’ve got some doozies.
NBA Draft- 6pm CST, ESPN
The NBA draft used to be the best non-sporting sporting event around. I can remember watching it every year back in the late 80’s and early 90’s because unlike football the NBA draft had real drama. Of course my fascination with the draft was largely due to the fact that the NBA was in it’s hey day. We were all looking for the next Jordan in the draft and in the meantime we enjoyed all the crazy trades that commish David Stern would shuffle out to tell us about. The NBA has more or less lost my interest in the post Jordan era but one semi successful playoff run by LeBron James and I must admit my interest has been raised. Tonight’s draft may not feature the next Jordan but it has 2 ready made superstars at the top and a bunch of intrigue around some horribly dysfunctional teams. Perhaps the most dysfunctional is my home town squad, the Minnesota Timber-pups as they attempt to trade all world and future hall of famer Kevin Garnett for…well…at this point I’m scared they’ll trade him just to trade him. Either way to see that drama play out will make for good TV plus it’s a New York crowd so that’s always fun especially when they mock David Stern.
Hey Paula!- 9pm CST, Bravo!
For the 865th time I don’t watch American Idol, but except for Sanjaya and Prince’s appearance on last year’s finale, the only reason I’ve ever been tempted to watch is to observe the crazy that is Paula Abdul. I’ll admit there have been times watching Best Week Ever and The Soup that I’ve said to myself, why don’t they just cover Paula all the time? Well from my lips to the execs at NBC Universals ears. Tonight we get Paula in her own “reality’ show. It looks to be in the same strain as Kathy Griffin’s show My Life on the D List (which is surprisingly good by the way), in that the cameras follow Paula and her assistants around as she goes from public appearance to public appearance. If the previews are an indication we’ll get Paula in all her pill popping glory as she says the darndest things and gives us plenty of physical comedy (do you think they got Paula tripping over her dog a few months back?). So is this worth watching? Hell no in fact I’m guessing those of us that do will have a special little area of TV Hell all to our own but at least we’ll have fun getting there. Oh and speaking of TV hell, if you want to see perhaps the greatest best/worst reality show of all time Bravo! is running a marathon of Being Bobby Brown this afternoon. Damn, I miss Whitney and B Brown…
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip- 9pm CST, NBC
Well here it is the final episode of the rally story of the season. The previous 3 episodes have been this show’s finest hour and tonight we finally get to see Danny, Jordan, Matt, Tom, Simon and Harriet’s horrible day/night come to an end. I’ve talked this show to death so tonight its time to sit back and see if Aaron Sorkin was able to give us any closure as these characters sail off in to the sunset.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Quick Review: Kelly Clarkson- My December
We’ll try to return to regular programming today with a brief look at Miss Independent’s return to the charts. Clarkson’s 3rd album dropped yesterday and I admit I preordered it on the basis of faith in her last work and the single “Never Again”. Not to pat myself too hard on the back here, but that was a pretty risky move if you’ve been reading any of Kelly’s press lately. At the center of everything was an apparent battle with label head Clive Davis over the albums content and even its release. Good old Clive was worried that the darker tone on the album would scare away the teeny boppers who still think of Kelly as American Idol’s Kelly Clarkson. Truth is Kelly stopped being that on the last album. With the success of that disc she vaulted her self out of the teen pop princess world and into an artist that appealed across genres and generations. Anyway the worry is for nothing here as once again Kelly finds the perfect mix of pop and art. As a co-writer the lyrics Clarkson pens are a bit darker but the music is still guitar laced pop. There might not be a “breakaway” hit on this disc like “Since You’ve Been Gone” but I’ve got to admit after 3 listens that the only weak tracks on the disc are 2 remixes of “Never Again”. The best track on the album is “Haunted”, which except for a sound effect gimmick at the beginning and end of the song, is a perfect example of how much soul Clarkson’s voice has and how she pours all of it into every note. Also of note are “Maybe”, “Yeah”, and “Can I Have a Kiss” but then again like I said the whole album really shines.
Last Words on Benoit
Monday I praised him, Tuesday I despised him and today I’m moving on. While Chris Benoit was my favorite in ring performer of all time I can no longer stomach watching his matches. Maybe that will change someday but I doubt it. Many people still cringe when highlights are shown of OJ Simpson or Rae Carruth. Last night I packed away my Benoit DVD along with the rest of my wrestling DVDs. I’ll not throw them out but speaking as someone who has become much more of a causal wrestling fan these last couple of years, this tragedy might have turned me off for good. Between the WWE airing a tribute show to a murderer Monday night (given the news at the time I don’t blame them for doing it however it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I actually enjoyed it), to them returning to business as usual on their ECW broadcast last night (having two men choke each other in the ring days after one of their stars choked his son to death shows amazingly poor judgment even for Vince McMahon), WWE and wrestling itself has lost themselves a fan, at least for now and I’m guessing I’m not alone. I’m sure the industry will endure like it did through the steroid scandal in the early 90’s, and the deaths of Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero, and there’s a chance I might pull out the DVDs or catch a show down the line but in the meantime this unthinkable crime has taken any joy that pro wrestling gave me and twisted it into something horrible.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I hate this
Last night I wrote about my initial reaction to the death of WWE wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel. I used words like best and favorite, and I was not alone. After writing that column I settled in to watch a 3 hour tribute to Benoit on WWE Monday Night Raw. Wrestler after wrestler appeared and talked about how Chris was the greatest performer in the ring and the most moral and honest man outside of it. I cried, I drank, I even called my mother just to tell her I love her because some guy that usually wears a crown at ringside told me it would be a good idea. Then the show was over and I went back online and my worst fears were realized. When a whole family is found dead in a house in this day and age you expect the worst and from all reports the worst is what happened. It appears a guy who was the closest thing I had to a hero in the world of pro wrestling killed his 7 year old son, his wife and then himself in the span of 3 days. How the fuck does that make any sense what so ever? This is so confusing on so many levels. Why do I care about a guy who plays a fake sport? How can I feel this way when someone close to me is going through a real life tragedy involving brain tumors and hospitals? Was Benoit a horrible person or was he mentally ill? How can a guy who took such good care of other people not take care of himself and his family? As I write this WWE has taken down all the tribute videos that the wrestlers gave on Raw last night and its rumored they’re going back to regular programming for their Tuesday and Friday night TV shows. I guess you don’t want to pay tribute to a murdering coward which I get but I also don’t know how the people who last night seemed to know Chris so well and in such a good light will be able to lace up the boots, don the tights, and step in the ring without collapsing in grief and confusion. I’m having a hard time typing; I can’t imagine how those guys are going to be able to safely work in the ring together. Hopefully tomorrow we can get back to nonsense like Kelly Clarkson’s new album, drunken hotel heiresses and the wholly engrossing crap hole that is the world of entertainment but right now I'm just lost in a world of suckity suck suck suck.
Monday, June 25, 2007
RIP Chris Benoit 1967-2007

I don't know how this is going to read as I'm actually in a bit of shock right now. Last night I watched a DVD on The Four Horsemen the original clique if you will in professional wrestling started by Ric Flair. Over the years the group had many incarnations but the one I was exposed to the most was one of the later line ups that featured the Canadian Crippler Chris Benoit. Benoit was simply the best in ring performer I've ever seen. Every move was crisp and had meaning, there was no wasted motion. Benoit was only 5'11" a size that many higher ups saw as a disadvantage but Benoit used his compact size and speed to create a bezerker effect which led to his other nickname the Rabid Wolverine. At Wrestlemania 20, Vince McMahon finally rewarded Benoit's 18 years of complete dedication and professionalism by giving him the World Heavyweight Title. The victory is my favorite wrestling match of all time as Benoit bested two legends in the industry in HBK Shawn Michaels and Triple H. At the end of the match Benoit cried as he clutched the title and then was joined in the ring by his longtime friend and fellow champion Eddie Guerrero. As the two friends embraced I cried and still tear up to this day when I watch the match. When Eddie passed in November 2005 I was devastated, watching Chris pay tribute to his friend by working his ass of in the ring during a tribute show truly touched me. Eddie should not be meeting his friend in the afterlife this soon. There is much more to this tragic news I'm sure. The fact that not only Chris but his wife Nancy and their seven year old son Daniel were also found dead leads one to believe some sort of foul play but right now I just want to remember Chris as the great man he was inside the ring and by all accounts outside of it.
Weekend Wrap Up: Quick Thoughts
I was out of town this weekend and am still playing catch up with my TiVo but here are some brief observations I gleamed from the weekend:
I’m afraid John Cusack is in for another rude career awakening. While I’m happy to see his new movie 1408 open so strongly I’m afraid some studio knucklehead is going to once again try and make base a film’s success on him, (Serendipity anyone?). Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge Cusack fan and it irritates me that the guy has taken a great deal of undeserved abuse for never becoming a huge star after the success of Gross Pointe Blank and High Fidelity. Truth is he’s a good actor but he’s not a movie star.
If you liked seeing a wannabe chef cry on Hell’s Kitchen (i.e. Aaron the Asian Cowboy), then watch a repeat of last nights Next Food Network Star and catch not one, not two, not three, but four, four crying chefs. You’d think after chopping all those onions these guys and gals would be made of sturdier stuff.
Is mixed martial arts becoming the new poker? After watching the finale of the Ultimate Fighter this weekend I was struck with just how much MMA programming is on and it reminded me of when poker began to become overexposed. Between the new show on Versus, the team vs. team syndicated show, and all the various UFC programming its hard to keep track of what’s important much like all the satellite tourneys being televised detracted from the main event at the World Series of Poker. What’s next Celebrity Ultimate Fighter?
Let’s all thank the execs behind Evan Almighty for guaranteeing that Steve Carrell won’t be leaving The Office anytime soon to do movies full time.
Is it just me or is Transformers looking better and better with each passing ad? Could Michael Bay have pulled it off or is this Pearl Harbor part deux? Either way I’m getting super hyped.
On the opposite end of the spectrum there’s Live Free or Die Hard which looks worse and worse with each passing ad. Can’t believe he’s doing the “yippee ki yay” line again….
Another movie I'm dreading is Hairspray. I love the original film that spawned the musical which has now spawned this remake and the idea of John Travolta doing Devine's role is sacrilegious to me. If you like musicals, how about looking forward to this fall's upcoming flick Across the Universe. I don't know much about it but I'm loving the trailer below.
I’m afraid John Cusack is in for another rude career awakening. While I’m happy to see his new movie 1408 open so strongly I’m afraid some studio knucklehead is going to once again try and make base a film’s success on him, (Serendipity anyone?). Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge Cusack fan and it irritates me that the guy has taken a great deal of undeserved abuse for never becoming a huge star after the success of Gross Pointe Blank and High Fidelity. Truth is he’s a good actor but he’s not a movie star.
If you liked seeing a wannabe chef cry on Hell’s Kitchen (i.e. Aaron the Asian Cowboy), then watch a repeat of last nights Next Food Network Star and catch not one, not two, not three, but four, four crying chefs. You’d think after chopping all those onions these guys and gals would be made of sturdier stuff.
Is mixed martial arts becoming the new poker? After watching the finale of the Ultimate Fighter this weekend I was struck with just how much MMA programming is on and it reminded me of when poker began to become overexposed. Between the new show on Versus, the team vs. team syndicated show, and all the various UFC programming its hard to keep track of what’s important much like all the satellite tourneys being televised detracted from the main event at the World Series of Poker. What’s next Celebrity Ultimate Fighter?
Let’s all thank the execs behind Evan Almighty for guaranteeing that Steve Carrell won’t be leaving The Office anytime soon to do movies full time.
Is it just me or is Transformers looking better and better with each passing ad? Could Michael Bay have pulled it off or is this Pearl Harbor part deux? Either way I’m getting super hyped.
On the opposite end of the spectrum there’s Live Free or Die Hard which looks worse and worse with each passing ad. Can’t believe he’s doing the “yippee ki yay” line again….
Another movie I'm dreading is Hairspray. I love the original film that spawned the musical which has now spawned this remake and the idea of John Travolta doing Devine's role is sacrilegious to me. If you like musicals, how about looking forward to this fall's upcoming flick Across the Universe. I don't know much about it but I'm loving the trailer below.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Let's Make a List and Tear it Apart (Updated: Now with 21 ins and outs)
Last night the American Film Institute (AFI) presented the 10th anniversary of their 100 Greatest Movies list. This time around they added films from the last 10 years and allowed Institute members a chance to revote. The result was a minor shuffling but overall the list remained the same. Now I’m not going to rip apart what ranked where. In truth, I couldn’t name my 100 favorite movies if you held a gun to my head especially if I had to place them in order. Hell I can’t even place my top 10 in any order. Anyway while I won’t pick apart the ranking I did find 20 films I don’t think belong on the list, some because they outright suck, some because they’re good but not great, and some simply because I haven’t seen them. Of course to keep things even I also came up with 21 films I thought should be on the list to replace them.
21 I’d Take Out
West Side Story- A classic but one that just doesn’t evoke enough passion from me. This was the last one I took off. (AFI Rank #51)
The Gold Rush- Haven’t seen it. (AFI Rank #58)
Sullivan’s Travels- A very good movie but again not “100 greatest ever” good. (AFI Rank #61)
Cabaret- Sucks so hard. I don’t care if it was a spectacular show on Broadway, it’s a craptacular film. (AFI Rank #63)
Unforgiven- One of the least deserving Best Picture winners ever. It exemplifies why Eastwood films are more often then not, tedious exercises in overstating the obvious with over the top performances. (AFI Rank #68)
Saving Private Ryan- The opening scene on the beach is incredible filmmaking but after that this picture bores and like later Spielberg works the artistry of quality filmmaking is tossed outside the window. (AFI Rank #71)
The Sixth Sense- Maybe I’ve got M Night burnout with his pretentious, self important films but even looking beyond the Signs and Villages of recent years I’ve got to admit that Sixth Sense does not age well. The movie got lost in the shadow of the plot twist something M Night masterfully avoided in his best film Unbreakable. (AFI Rank #89)
Swing Time- Never seen it. (AFI Rank #90)
Yankee Doodle Dandy- Seen it, forgot it. (AFI Rank #98)
Toy Story- I get why this is on the list since it’s the film that revolutionized the animated film but seriously we’ve had so many better films since then including the sequel to this one. (AFI Rank #99)
Singin’ In the Rain- Really… #5 all time. I could justify throwing this out just for the fact that it was ranked that high. In the end though it’s a cute musical but nothing great. Sure there’s that one scene in the rain but speaking as someone who wanted to love it when viewing it the first time, it’s just an average flick. (AFI Rank #5)
Schindler’s List- Never seen it. I know, I know, it’s a crime I haven’t seen it, but after missing it in the theaters there has never been a moment when I’m in a video store and think, “You know what I want to see tonight, I brutally heart wrenching portrayal of the holocaust.” (AFI Rank #8)
Psycho- A good film but when compared to all of Hitchcock’s works it comes in below some films that didn’t make this list like The Birds and Spellbound. (AFI Rank #14)
City Lights- Never seen it…I think. (AFI Rank #11)
The General- Never seen it. (AFI Rank #18)
Some Like it Hot- Funny but dated and remarkably forgettable. (AFI Rank #22)
The Grapes of Wrath- We get it, it’s dry and the crops won’t grow. Geez, move on or something. (AFI Rank #23)
ET- Aside from the fact that this movie led to years of personal taunting, and the fact that I have grown to despise Spielberg, this movie has no business on this list because its just not that good, not horrible but not good. (AFI Rank #24)
High Noon- Never seen it. (AFI Rank #27)
The Best Years of Our Lives- Never seen it. (AFI Rank #37)
Forest Gump- This list was orginally a neat and clean 20 films I'd take out and swap until a friend mentioned that they couldn't believe I left Forest Gump on the list. My apologies to every person reading this as I would never want to be considered a Gump backer. If I wanted to watch 3 hours of right wing propaganda I'd watch Fox News. If I wanted to watch Tom Hanks give a good performance I'd watch Splash. I'm so upset with myself for leaving this in the first time, I'm in my own personal hell. (AFI Rank #74)
21 I’d Put In
Usual Suspects- Perhaps one of the finest acted films of all time and that’s saying something when a Baldwin not named Alec is in the cast. A movie where the audience is prepared for a twist ending but when it finally comes it still blows you away.
Kill Bill Volume 1- I had a hard time choosing between the two Kill Bills but I went with 1 because the set pieces are just so staggeringly beautiful. Tarantino gets ripped a lot for his personality and antics but his films are truly love letters to cinema of the past.
Blazing Saddles- How can one of the greatest American comedies not make the list? It’s a commentary on the western and Hollywood itself. Mel Brooks and his muse Gene Wilder do their best work here….or do they…
Young Frankenstein- The black and white…genius. Wilder, Garr, Kahn and Boyle….hilarious. The jokes…timeless and perfect. Ok this is Brooks’ finest.
The Straight Story- A David Lynch film that on paper is unlike any other yet one that perfectly fits into his catalogue of work. Lynch captures the Midwest in a way I thought only people who grew up here could do. The story is so simple but the struggle of the journey is complicated in both physical and spiritual ways.
Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet- Definitely one of my favorite films of all time. It is the definition of flawless. The scope and grandeur take your breath away but the performances keep you close and intimate. The screenplay came from a pretty good writer too.
Children of Men- I’ve spent the last 6 months thinking of no film more then this one. The best film of 2006 and a film that I guarantee will be on everyone’s best list in another 100 years…that is if anyone’s still around to make a list.
Slap Shot- The greatest sports movie ever and no not just the greatest sports comedy ever, just greatest ever, period. Paul Newman gives the first of many performances where he plays a middle aged man turning the corner on the productive years of his life. The hockey is ridiculous but shot well and the film holds a constant place in our cultural lexicon some 30 years later.
Out of Sight- I love George Clooney and I love Steven Soderberg. The two of them together has proven to be the best actor/director combo of the last 15 years. Out of Sight starts from great source material by Elmore Leonard and then Soderberg crafts the film with a deftness and attitude we now take for granted in his films. From the changes in film stock and lighting in the different locales, to the masterful editing that plays with our inner clocks, he creates a film that’s entertaining as well as a piece of art.
Fight Club- David Fincher’s masterpiece. Brad Pitt and Ed Norton’s finest hour. Meatloaf’s man tits. I mean come on this film is freaking awesome in every way. It’s the rare case where both the book and the film stand as separate but equally great works of American fiction.
The Exorcist- A thinking person’s horror film that broke boundaries and scared the bejeezus out of all of us.
Touch of Evil- Ok this one is in my top five. Orson Welles may have made a perfect film in Citizen Kane but it’s his flawed work here that I hold dearest. Watching the obese Welles transform from a film icon into one of the vilest villains in cinematic history is a treat. Of course there’s the magnificent and often imitated opening tracking shot and the fact that Charlton Heston plays a Mexican but its Welles on screen performance that makes this film so wonderful.
The Third Man- Here’s a Welles film that’s not a Welles film in the sense that he did not direct it. Orson and his longtime acting buddy Joseph Cotton star in this espionage tale that has more red herrings then a Tony Snow press conference.
The Incredibles- Forget great animated film, this is a great film. Brad Bird followed up his stunning debut Iron Giant with this tale of a super family living in a world without heroes. Pixar does its best work to date and the visual stunners keep pace with the clever one liners that appeal to old and young audiences alike.
Rushmore- Wes Anderson’s second film is one that truly speaks to absurdity of growing up and growing old. Remembered by some for its catch phrases, Rushmore is an emotionally dark film that allows its characters to grow in a natural fashion that is rare in cinema.
Raising Arizona- It’s so hard to say which Cohen brothers’ film is my favorite so instead I’ll say this is my favorite Nick Cage movie. His standard overacting fits perfect in this Preston Sturgis style comedy that has you laughing with tears from the outset.
Ed Wood- One of the most beautiful black and white films I’ve ever seen. Tim Burton packs in enough crazy to make you believe in and cheer with all your heart for Ed and his misfits. A film that made me want to make films.
Moulin Rouge- Baz Luhrman’s surreal musical is a roller coaster ride that ends before you know it. The use of modern songs was a brilliant stroke and the cast performs them with equal brilliance.
Mullholland Drive- Hard to believe a film that started out as a TV pilot would turn out to be one of the 100 greatest films. However I think this is Lynch’s greatest work. A film with so many layers you’ll never be able to peel them all way and one where you’ll always find something new. Naomi Watts gave a debut performance for the ages.
Empire Strikes Back- Hey I love Star Wars and I’m glad its ranked #13 but we all know the greatest of the trilogy is Empire. The darkness that permeated the film was mind-blowing for me a child and even today I marvel at just how George and company where able to get the studio to ok it. Sure the acting’s not great but the dialogue is exponentially better then the other films. And talk about twist endings…really who saw that whole Vader/Luke thing coming.
Magnolia- Self indulgent filmaking is a negative term. I think I've even used it in a negative way on this very site. However this time I'm using it to compliment Paul Thomas Anderson and his flick Magnolia. The first time you watch the film you realize he had no filter or outside editing influence. he just lays everything right out there for you. In fact the brillance might be that we, the audience, become active editiors in a way chosing how the stories intertwine and what we will take from them. A love it or hate it film I can understand why it didn't make the list but it will always be near the top of mine.
21 I’d Take Out
West Side Story- A classic but one that just doesn’t evoke enough passion from me. This was the last one I took off. (AFI Rank #51)
The Gold Rush- Haven’t seen it. (AFI Rank #58)
Sullivan’s Travels- A very good movie but again not “100 greatest ever” good. (AFI Rank #61)
Cabaret- Sucks so hard. I don’t care if it was a spectacular show on Broadway, it’s a craptacular film. (AFI Rank #63)
Unforgiven- One of the least deserving Best Picture winners ever. It exemplifies why Eastwood films are more often then not, tedious exercises in overstating the obvious with over the top performances. (AFI Rank #68)
Saving Private Ryan- The opening scene on the beach is incredible filmmaking but after that this picture bores and like later Spielberg works the artistry of quality filmmaking is tossed outside the window. (AFI Rank #71)
The Sixth Sense- Maybe I’ve got M Night burnout with his pretentious, self important films but even looking beyond the Signs and Villages of recent years I’ve got to admit that Sixth Sense does not age well. The movie got lost in the shadow of the plot twist something M Night masterfully avoided in his best film Unbreakable. (AFI Rank #89)
Swing Time- Never seen it. (AFI Rank #90)
Yankee Doodle Dandy- Seen it, forgot it. (AFI Rank #98)
Toy Story- I get why this is on the list since it’s the film that revolutionized the animated film but seriously we’ve had so many better films since then including the sequel to this one. (AFI Rank #99)
Singin’ In the Rain- Really… #5 all time. I could justify throwing this out just for the fact that it was ranked that high. In the end though it’s a cute musical but nothing great. Sure there’s that one scene in the rain but speaking as someone who wanted to love it when viewing it the first time, it’s just an average flick. (AFI Rank #5)
Schindler’s List- Never seen it. I know, I know, it’s a crime I haven’t seen it, but after missing it in the theaters there has never been a moment when I’m in a video store and think, “You know what I want to see tonight, I brutally heart wrenching portrayal of the holocaust.” (AFI Rank #8)
Psycho- A good film but when compared to all of Hitchcock’s works it comes in below some films that didn’t make this list like The Birds and Spellbound. (AFI Rank #14)
City Lights- Never seen it…I think. (AFI Rank #11)
The General- Never seen it. (AFI Rank #18)
Some Like it Hot- Funny but dated and remarkably forgettable. (AFI Rank #22)
The Grapes of Wrath- We get it, it’s dry and the crops won’t grow. Geez, move on or something. (AFI Rank #23)
ET- Aside from the fact that this movie led to years of personal taunting, and the fact that I have grown to despise Spielberg, this movie has no business on this list because its just not that good, not horrible but not good. (AFI Rank #24)
High Noon- Never seen it. (AFI Rank #27)
The Best Years of Our Lives- Never seen it. (AFI Rank #37)
Forest Gump- This list was orginally a neat and clean 20 films I'd take out and swap until a friend mentioned that they couldn't believe I left Forest Gump on the list. My apologies to every person reading this as I would never want to be considered a Gump backer. If I wanted to watch 3 hours of right wing propaganda I'd watch Fox News. If I wanted to watch Tom Hanks give a good performance I'd watch Splash. I'm so upset with myself for leaving this in the first time, I'm in my own personal hell. (AFI Rank #74)
21 I’d Put In
Usual Suspects- Perhaps one of the finest acted films of all time and that’s saying something when a Baldwin not named Alec is in the cast. A movie where the audience is prepared for a twist ending but when it finally comes it still blows you away.
Kill Bill Volume 1- I had a hard time choosing between the two Kill Bills but I went with 1 because the set pieces are just so staggeringly beautiful. Tarantino gets ripped a lot for his personality and antics but his films are truly love letters to cinema of the past.
Blazing Saddles- How can one of the greatest American comedies not make the list? It’s a commentary on the western and Hollywood itself. Mel Brooks and his muse Gene Wilder do their best work here….or do they…
Young Frankenstein- The black and white…genius. Wilder, Garr, Kahn and Boyle….hilarious. The jokes…timeless and perfect. Ok this is Brooks’ finest.
The Straight Story- A David Lynch film that on paper is unlike any other yet one that perfectly fits into his catalogue of work. Lynch captures the Midwest in a way I thought only people who grew up here could do. The story is so simple but the struggle of the journey is complicated in both physical and spiritual ways.
Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet- Definitely one of my favorite films of all time. It is the definition of flawless. The scope and grandeur take your breath away but the performances keep you close and intimate. The screenplay came from a pretty good writer too.
Children of Men- I’ve spent the last 6 months thinking of no film more then this one. The best film of 2006 and a film that I guarantee will be on everyone’s best list in another 100 years…that is if anyone’s still around to make a list.
Slap Shot- The greatest sports movie ever and no not just the greatest sports comedy ever, just greatest ever, period. Paul Newman gives the first of many performances where he plays a middle aged man turning the corner on the productive years of his life. The hockey is ridiculous but shot well and the film holds a constant place in our cultural lexicon some 30 years later.
Out of Sight- I love George Clooney and I love Steven Soderberg. The two of them together has proven to be the best actor/director combo of the last 15 years. Out of Sight starts from great source material by Elmore Leonard and then Soderberg crafts the film with a deftness and attitude we now take for granted in his films. From the changes in film stock and lighting in the different locales, to the masterful editing that plays with our inner clocks, he creates a film that’s entertaining as well as a piece of art.
Fight Club- David Fincher’s masterpiece. Brad Pitt and Ed Norton’s finest hour. Meatloaf’s man tits. I mean come on this film is freaking awesome in every way. It’s the rare case where both the book and the film stand as separate but equally great works of American fiction.
The Exorcist- A thinking person’s horror film that broke boundaries and scared the bejeezus out of all of us.
Touch of Evil- Ok this one is in my top five. Orson Welles may have made a perfect film in Citizen Kane but it’s his flawed work here that I hold dearest. Watching the obese Welles transform from a film icon into one of the vilest villains in cinematic history is a treat. Of course there’s the magnificent and often imitated opening tracking shot and the fact that Charlton Heston plays a Mexican but its Welles on screen performance that makes this film so wonderful.
The Third Man- Here’s a Welles film that’s not a Welles film in the sense that he did not direct it. Orson and his longtime acting buddy Joseph Cotton star in this espionage tale that has more red herrings then a Tony Snow press conference.
The Incredibles- Forget great animated film, this is a great film. Brad Bird followed up his stunning debut Iron Giant with this tale of a super family living in a world without heroes. Pixar does its best work to date and the visual stunners keep pace with the clever one liners that appeal to old and young audiences alike.
Rushmore- Wes Anderson’s second film is one that truly speaks to absurdity of growing up and growing old. Remembered by some for its catch phrases, Rushmore is an emotionally dark film that allows its characters to grow in a natural fashion that is rare in cinema.
Raising Arizona- It’s so hard to say which Cohen brothers’ film is my favorite so instead I’ll say this is my favorite Nick Cage movie. His standard overacting fits perfect in this Preston Sturgis style comedy that has you laughing with tears from the outset.
Ed Wood- One of the most beautiful black and white films I’ve ever seen. Tim Burton packs in enough crazy to make you believe in and cheer with all your heart for Ed and his misfits. A film that made me want to make films.
Moulin Rouge- Baz Luhrman’s surreal musical is a roller coaster ride that ends before you know it. The use of modern songs was a brilliant stroke and the cast performs them with equal brilliance.
Mullholland Drive- Hard to believe a film that started out as a TV pilot would turn out to be one of the 100 greatest films. However I think this is Lynch’s greatest work. A film with so many layers you’ll never be able to peel them all way and one where you’ll always find something new. Naomi Watts gave a debut performance for the ages.
Empire Strikes Back- Hey I love Star Wars and I’m glad its ranked #13 but we all know the greatest of the trilogy is Empire. The darkness that permeated the film was mind-blowing for me a child and even today I marvel at just how George and company where able to get the studio to ok it. Sure the acting’s not great but the dialogue is exponentially better then the other films. And talk about twist endings…really who saw that whole Vader/Luke thing coming.
Magnolia- Self indulgent filmaking is a negative term. I think I've even used it in a negative way on this very site. However this time I'm using it to compliment Paul Thomas Anderson and his flick Magnolia. The first time you watch the film you realize he had no filter or outside editing influence. he just lays everything right out there for you. In fact the brillance might be that we, the audience, become active editiors in a way chosing how the stories intertwine and what we will take from them. A love it or hate it film I can understand why it didn't make the list but it will always be near the top of mine.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
El Dog's Super Amazing Donkey iMix
Yes its time again for that column that many of you dread, as I dip my toes into the world of music. Today we’ll hit on a new album from Jack and Meg, Diddy’s return to TV, and of course the top 5 songs I’m currently listening to.
Album Review: The White Stripes- Icky Thump
Do you like to rock? That’s the question the Stripes are asking listeners on their latest release. Thump is a clear cut rock and roll album that evokes memories of a wide array of bands from Skynard to Foreigner. Yes I said Foreigner check out I’m Slowly Turning Into You. If you’re a fan of the Stripes blue grass material don’t despair as the southern rock is in full effect on tracks like Baby Brother and Catch Hell Blues. There’s a playfulness that permeates the album whether it be in lyrics, music, or the banter on tracks like Rag and Bone. I’ve always been a fan but this is the first complete Stripes album I’ve bought and my decision to purchase it was based on the rockin’ title track that came out a couple months back. If you liked that track I guarantee you’ll love this album. (Note any guarantee made by me is not related to money or reimbursement of money)
What’s New in Music Television: Making the Band 4
I don’t watch American Idol. In fact I tend to avoid all reality shows that revolve around music competitions. With that said, I’m pleased to say that Diddy is back y’all. I don’t like Diddy in fact I kinda despise him but the man knows how to make a competition to get a spot in a corporate packaged musical act into compelling TV. I skipped the first edition of MTB when the fat guy that ate half the Backstreet Boys made O-Town (now relegated to jokes that were funny 5 years ago) but I jumped on board for season 2 when Diddy took over and created the hip hop act Da Band. True confession time, I am one of the 13 people who actually bought their album. Diddy might be evil but some of those kids had a nice flow and MTV had hypnotized me into making the purchase I swear. Despite my poor purchase the show itself was great TV. Diddy made these kids do work and lots of it. From the conflict to the triumph the show really excelled. Season 3 stretched into 3 mini seasons as Diddy struggled to put his all girl group Danity Kane together. Sure as a man age 18-35 there was plenty of eye candy but once again the real reason the show was worth watching was to see Diddy and his crew put these girls through the ringer and explain to them the cost and dedication it takes to be a fly by night pop star (in case you’re wondering I did have will power enough to resist purchasing their album). Now Diddy’s kicking off season 4 (MTV, 9pm CST Mondays) and he’s looking for a boy band in the tradition of New Edition, N*Sync, and the Temptations (his words not mine). The hour long premiere featured Diddy’s advisors scouring the nation to bring back 58 finalists who Diddy then reduced to 20. Now these guys will continue on until Diddy whittles them down to a group or blows it up and starts over again like he did in season 3. There’s already some cats to cheer for like Chubby Danny, plenty of drama on the horizon, and of course Laurie Ann Gibson, who as Diddy’s choreographer provides the show with many of its best moments.
Top 5 on My iPod
5. Coin Operated Boy- Dresden Dolls: I’m a big visual association guy when it comes to music, meaning that if I hear a song in a film or TV show that I enjoy then that song will take on a greater importance to me. Here’s a case of that to the extreme. Flashback a couple of weeks ago to the mighty Buffy Sing A Long and the pre-show entertainment made up of clip packages. Far and away the best one was set to this song and featured the 3 great loves of Buffy’s life. The song itself is great as it changes tones midstream and then back again but I gotta believe the reason I have this track on repeat is the visual stimuli I associate it with.
4. Umbrella- Rihanna: I know I said I hated this song and that I wouldn’t be turned by it but what I can say I’m weak willed. I still hate how she sings individual syllables but damn it if the song doesn’t lodge itself in your head.
3. Catch Hell Blues- White Strips: I’ve only had the album for a day and already I’m having a hard time not listening to this track over and over again. As I said earlier, pure southern hard rock and roll.
2. Lip Gloss- Lil’ Mama: I have sunk to new lows in my appreciation of pop music. This song is about exactly what the title says….lip gloss. On the flip side though, Lil’ Mama has one of the best flows I’ve heard from a woman in a while and the simple beat construction allows her to shine. Also check out her work on the remix of Avril’s Girlfriend. If you got burnt out on that song like I did, Lil’ Mama freshens it up and then some.
1. Real Love- Regina Spektor: Wow. That’s really all you can say about this song. While I’m not a huge Beatles or Lennon guy I can appreciate their works and Real Love is one song that I’ve always enjoyed. Released on the Darfur fundraising album, Spektor’s cover takes this song to new heights with its operatic overtones and classical piano work. Her voice is as captivating as ever and I honestly believe she makes this classic her own.
Album Review: The White Stripes- Icky Thump
Do you like to rock? That’s the question the Stripes are asking listeners on their latest release. Thump is a clear cut rock and roll album that evokes memories of a wide array of bands from Skynard to Foreigner. Yes I said Foreigner check out I’m Slowly Turning Into You. If you’re a fan of the Stripes blue grass material don’t despair as the southern rock is in full effect on tracks like Baby Brother and Catch Hell Blues. There’s a playfulness that permeates the album whether it be in lyrics, music, or the banter on tracks like Rag and Bone. I’ve always been a fan but this is the first complete Stripes album I’ve bought and my decision to purchase it was based on the rockin’ title track that came out a couple months back. If you liked that track I guarantee you’ll love this album. (Note any guarantee made by me is not related to money or reimbursement of money)
What’s New in Music Television: Making the Band 4
I don’t watch American Idol. In fact I tend to avoid all reality shows that revolve around music competitions. With that said, I’m pleased to say that Diddy is back y’all. I don’t like Diddy in fact I kinda despise him but the man knows how to make a competition to get a spot in a corporate packaged musical act into compelling TV. I skipped the first edition of MTB when the fat guy that ate half the Backstreet Boys made O-Town (now relegated to jokes that were funny 5 years ago) but I jumped on board for season 2 when Diddy took over and created the hip hop act Da Band. True confession time, I am one of the 13 people who actually bought their album. Diddy might be evil but some of those kids had a nice flow and MTV had hypnotized me into making the purchase I swear. Despite my poor purchase the show itself was great TV. Diddy made these kids do work and lots of it. From the conflict to the triumph the show really excelled. Season 3 stretched into 3 mini seasons as Diddy struggled to put his all girl group Danity Kane together. Sure as a man age 18-35 there was plenty of eye candy but once again the real reason the show was worth watching was to see Diddy and his crew put these girls through the ringer and explain to them the cost and dedication it takes to be a fly by night pop star (in case you’re wondering I did have will power enough to resist purchasing their album). Now Diddy’s kicking off season 4 (MTV, 9pm CST Mondays) and he’s looking for a boy band in the tradition of New Edition, N*Sync, and the Temptations (his words not mine). The hour long premiere featured Diddy’s advisors scouring the nation to bring back 58 finalists who Diddy then reduced to 20. Now these guys will continue on until Diddy whittles them down to a group or blows it up and starts over again like he did in season 3. There’s already some cats to cheer for like Chubby Danny, plenty of drama on the horizon, and of course Laurie Ann Gibson, who as Diddy’s choreographer provides the show with many of its best moments.
Top 5 on My iPod
5. Coin Operated Boy- Dresden Dolls: I’m a big visual association guy when it comes to music, meaning that if I hear a song in a film or TV show that I enjoy then that song will take on a greater importance to me. Here’s a case of that to the extreme. Flashback a couple of weeks ago to the mighty Buffy Sing A Long and the pre-show entertainment made up of clip packages. Far and away the best one was set to this song and featured the 3 great loves of Buffy’s life. The song itself is great as it changes tones midstream and then back again but I gotta believe the reason I have this track on repeat is the visual stimuli I associate it with.
4. Umbrella- Rihanna: I know I said I hated this song and that I wouldn’t be turned by it but what I can say I’m weak willed. I still hate how she sings individual syllables but damn it if the song doesn’t lodge itself in your head.
3. Catch Hell Blues- White Strips: I’ve only had the album for a day and already I’m having a hard time not listening to this track over and over again. As I said earlier, pure southern hard rock and roll.
2. Lip Gloss- Lil’ Mama: I have sunk to new lows in my appreciation of pop music. This song is about exactly what the title says….lip gloss. On the flip side though, Lil’ Mama has one of the best flows I’ve heard from a woman in a while and the simple beat construction allows her to shine. Also check out her work on the remix of Avril’s Girlfriend. If you got burnt out on that song like I did, Lil’ Mama freshens it up and then some.
1. Real Love- Regina Spektor: Wow. That’s really all you can say about this song. While I’m not a huge Beatles or Lennon guy I can appreciate their works and Real Love is one song that I’ve always enjoyed. Released on the Darfur fundraising album, Spektor’s cover takes this song to new heights with its operatic overtones and classical piano work. Her voice is as captivating as ever and I honestly believe she makes this classic her own.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I never thought I’d be thankful for the iron clad inescapable contracts that cell phone companies make us sign, yet here I sit thanking my lucky stars that I’m locked into Verizon for the next year and a half. Why am I so content to be stuck in a devil’s pact with this Jekyll and Hyde company? Simple, it prevents me from jumping ship to AT&T so I can get my greasy little fingers on the iPhone.
When the iPhone was unveiled by Steve Jobs I was excited and awed. These feelings subsided though as the cost and functionality of the iPhone brought me back to Earth. Sure the specs seemed cool. Internet, email, photos, music, video all in one device but then again my current cell can do most of that and at a fifth of the cost. I don’t even use the music functions as I’m quite content to leave all those functions to my trusty iPod. All in all I was impressed but the consumer in me was not raging, until now.
The iPhone hits the market in just over a week and they hype is reaching a crescendo. Ads seem to be everywhere and most news outlets are covering the device’s debut as if it were the release of a flying car. Apple is adding to the hype by announcing some last minute improvements to make it the most perfectly awesome god-like handheld device ever. They’ve gone ahead and extended the battery for longer talk time and the glass screen is more scratch resistant. As I’ve taken all this in I’ve come to one conclusion…I want it, I want it, I want it!!!!!! Sorry, just needed to get that out of my system. Truth is no one should really want this edition. As much as I love Apple, like all tech companies, it takes them some time to work out the kinks in their new products. Many argue that the iPod didn’t reach its potential until the video editions came out. My great hope is that in another year and a half we’ll be talking about the iPhone Verizon edition that has unlimited battery life, high speed wireless internet, and a cappuccino maker. In the meantime, despite all the above rational about the cost, bugs, and performance, the consumer in me will rock back and forth in the fetal position longing for the coolest new gadget in years.
Belated RIP: Frankie Abernathy (Real World: San Diego)
Somehow I missed this last week but I wanted to take a quick moment to remember Frankie from the Real World: San Diego cast. Its hard to believe when watching Real World: Key West and Real World: Denver that it was just a few years ago when MTV still tried to fill their cast with diversity. Frankie was one of the last true freak cast members. From her hair, clothing and attitude Frankie certainly was a shock to her roomates and hopefully to many of the white washed suburban kids who watch the show. While the girl didn’t fit today’s Real World standards for beauty or appearance she did bring plenty of drama which culminated in her leaving the show partly due to her battle with cystic fibrosis, a battle she lost earlier this month at the all too young age of 25. While most of us only knew Frankie through a few brief weeks of reality TV she certainly made an impact on her castmates and us viewers.
Find more info on the battle against cystic fibrosis here.
Find more info on the battle against cystic fibrosis here.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Quick Review: Ocean’s 13 and A Quick Apology
Before I get into Ocean’s 13 I wanted to offer a quick apology on last Friday’s post about Robot Chicken’s Star Wars special…actually 2 apologies. Apparently the YouTube link didn’t work for some of you so sorry about that. However what I’m really sorry about is steering anyone over to watching the show itself. Like I wrote Friday I have not enjoyed the show in the past but then again with Star Wars involved you’d figure it would be better. Wrong on all accounts, Except for a sketch where Jar Jar follows Anakin around after he’s become Darth Vader the whole thing was boring, unfunny, and left a bad taste in my mouth. So sorry about that.
Meanwhile I’m happy to report that my #1 most anticipated movie of the summer lived up to my own hype. Ocean’s 13 isn’t a ground breaking film but its solid summer fluff made by excellent filmmaker and an ensemble cast that is truly impressive. I’m in the minority when it comes to Ocean’s 12 in that I loved the constant winks and inside jokes but I also understand why that irritated other people and came off as self indulgent. This time around Steven Soderberg has struck the perfect balance with those jokes as well as the off the wall character moments he featured heavily in the original. My favorite example of the “in joke” comes as Matt Damon’s Linus character chats it up with the gang via cell while strolling the streets of Europe in a style that seems awfully reminiscent of another series of films that Damon has participated in. Casey Affleck meanwhile benefits from the completely superfluous storyline surrounding the working conditions in the Mexican dice factory. Every cast member has their shining moment in this one which is something that 12 lacked and 11 excelled in. Damon though particularly shines as he has truly given an arc to Linus’ development throughout the trilogy. Seeing the character grow in all 3 films almost feels out of place in films that are more style then substance but it’s a welcome addition. Damon’s transition from the self conscious son of famous criminal parents into a smart, dare I say leader, in the 3rd film is worth the price of admission especially considering he provides a majority of the laughs in the film. Meanwhile, Steven Soderberg is on his game here and as always he shines in the editing room. From the hard edged lines and split screens to the whimsical graphics he uses sporadically in the film, Soderberg keeps a film that is essentially a series of talking heads, visually arresting. The call backs to the previous 2 installments are both appreciated and enjoyable and probably too numerous to catch in one viewing. Of course the real reason these films work is the ease at which our core characters function together. As an audience member you want to be in that room and hang with Brad, George and the boys. They just exude cool but in a much more accessible way then say the Sinatras or Martins of the past. I know the key players have sworn off any future adventures but as long as these guys have fun making them I know I’d have fun watching them.
Side note: George and Brad are re-teaming for a new Cohen brother’s comedy so we’ve got that to look forward too…which is nice.
Meanwhile I’m happy to report that my #1 most anticipated movie of the summer lived up to my own hype. Ocean’s 13 isn’t a ground breaking film but its solid summer fluff made by excellent filmmaker and an ensemble cast that is truly impressive. I’m in the minority when it comes to Ocean’s 12 in that I loved the constant winks and inside jokes but I also understand why that irritated other people and came off as self indulgent. This time around Steven Soderberg has struck the perfect balance with those jokes as well as the off the wall character moments he featured heavily in the original. My favorite example of the “in joke” comes as Matt Damon’s Linus character chats it up with the gang via cell while strolling the streets of Europe in a style that seems awfully reminiscent of another series of films that Damon has participated in. Casey Affleck meanwhile benefits from the completely superfluous storyline surrounding the working conditions in the Mexican dice factory. Every cast member has their shining moment in this one which is something that 12 lacked and 11 excelled in. Damon though particularly shines as he has truly given an arc to Linus’ development throughout the trilogy. Seeing the character grow in all 3 films almost feels out of place in films that are more style then substance but it’s a welcome addition. Damon’s transition from the self conscious son of famous criminal parents into a smart, dare I say leader, in the 3rd film is worth the price of admission especially considering he provides a majority of the laughs in the film. Meanwhile, Steven Soderberg is on his game here and as always he shines in the editing room. From the hard edged lines and split screens to the whimsical graphics he uses sporadically in the film, Soderberg keeps a film that is essentially a series of talking heads, visually arresting. The call backs to the previous 2 installments are both appreciated and enjoyable and probably too numerous to catch in one viewing. Of course the real reason these films work is the ease at which our core characters function together. As an audience member you want to be in that room and hang with Brad, George and the boys. They just exude cool but in a much more accessible way then say the Sinatras or Martins of the past. I know the key players have sworn off any future adventures but as long as these guys have fun making them I know I’d have fun watching them.
Side note: George and Brad are re-teaming for a new Cohen brother’s comedy so we’ve got that to look forward too…which is nice.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Attention Geeks!
This Sunday at 9pm CST Adult Swim's Robot Chicken airs a whole edition dedicated to Star Wars. For those of you unfamiliar, Chicken is a skit show where the actors voice various toys filmed in stop action. I find it tiresome most of the time but come on this is Star Wars and Lucas gave his blessing so it should be pretty sweet. Check out the trailer below.
3 Quick Reviews: Summer of Food
Well we’re smack dab in the middle of summer TV and I’m freakin’ starving! Between Hell’s Kitchen, The Next Food Network Star, and Top Chef: Miami, my stomach is in a perpetual state of growling. Here’s a quick review of each to wet your appetites.
Hell’s Kitchen- Mondays 8pm CST, FOX
Season 3 of “Gordon Ramsey’s 60 Minutes of Yelling”, or “Hell’s Kitchen” as the network would like you to call it, is off to a slow start. In previous seasons, it seemed you could pick out the potential winners after the first 30 minutes of TV. This time…not so much. While in the past the eventual winners have struggled this cast has collectively struggled all together and straight from the starting gate. The show itself is beginning to show its age as well. Gordon’s yelling is nothing new and honestly the man seems to have a relatively limited pallet for a world renowned chef. His lack of interest in anything spicy or peppery strikes me as downright perverse. Still the food looks good and the challenges are fun. Plus, this season features the breakout reality star of the summer: Aaron the fat Asian Cowboy who cries. Seriously if you watch 3 minutes of the show you’ll see this guy either faint or breakdown or both and somehow he’s managed to stay through 2 weeks.
The Next Food Network Star- Sundays 8pm CST, Food Network
One of the highlights of my trip to New York last weekend was strolling past Iron Chef Morimoto’s restaurant as well as Mario Batalli’s new place, on my way to the Chelsea Market. The market is home to butcher shops, food stores, and many of the bakeries that supply the New York restaurant scene. It’s also home to the Food Network and as I walked through I couldn’t help but picture Emeril, Giada, Paula, Alton, Mario, Giada, Rachel, Guy, Bobby, and Giada, all making their way through the storefronts. It’s the accessibility of their stars that has made the Food Network such a success and that appeal also translates into a feeling that the audience can do it too. That’s the premise behind The Next Food Network Star also now in it’s 3rd edition. The show features some of the best food challenges on TV and of course a heaping helping of celebrity chefs. Did I mention Giada stopped by in the latest episode? The contestants come from kitchens in both restaurants and homes and all seem to have an interesting take. The only complaint is that the show tends to focus too much on the TV and not enough on the food which is a problem that often occurs on the network itself. Still its more food then entertainment unlike Hell’s Kitchen.
Top Chef: Miami- Wednesdays 9pm CST, Bravo!
Another food show entering its 3rd season is Bravo’s Top Chef. A food version of Project Runway, the show has grown out of its parent’s shadow and has become the most entertaining food competition show on TV. This season the show has added Ted Allen. who gained fame as one of the Queer Eye guys and frequently has been a judge on Iron Chef America, as a permanent judge joining host Padma, the Food & Wine editor, and of course Chef Tom Colicchio. More so then any other reality show, these judges have deliberations that truly discuss the merit of each contestant or in this case meal. The challenges are decent and the cast of season’s past have produced many a character and no lack of reali-drama. Last night’s premiere episode continued to show how this series has hit its stride. Allen was absent from the premiere but instead we were treated to the crazy ranting of Anthony Bourdain. The elimination challenge was right up his alley as the chefs had to create a surf and turf meal with some rather unique ingredients. Rattlesnake and gooey duck anyone? Whenever a show like this starts its tough to keep up with the large number (15) of contestants but so far Hung who has ties season 2 bad boy Marcel looks to be a stand out both cooking and drama wise. Between the challenges, judges, and contestants, this is the summer food show to binge on.
Hell’s Kitchen- Mondays 8pm CST, FOX
Season 3 of “Gordon Ramsey’s 60 Minutes of Yelling”, or “Hell’s Kitchen” as the network would like you to call it, is off to a slow start. In previous seasons, it seemed you could pick out the potential winners after the first 30 minutes of TV. This time…not so much. While in the past the eventual winners have struggled this cast has collectively struggled all together and straight from the starting gate. The show itself is beginning to show its age as well. Gordon’s yelling is nothing new and honestly the man seems to have a relatively limited pallet for a world renowned chef. His lack of interest in anything spicy or peppery strikes me as downright perverse. Still the food looks good and the challenges are fun. Plus, this season features the breakout reality star of the summer: Aaron the fat Asian Cowboy who cries. Seriously if you watch 3 minutes of the show you’ll see this guy either faint or breakdown or both and somehow he’s managed to stay through 2 weeks.
The Next Food Network Star- Sundays 8pm CST, Food Network
One of the highlights of my trip to New York last weekend was strolling past Iron Chef Morimoto’s restaurant as well as Mario Batalli’s new place, on my way to the Chelsea Market. The market is home to butcher shops, food stores, and many of the bakeries that supply the New York restaurant scene. It’s also home to the Food Network and as I walked through I couldn’t help but picture Emeril, Giada, Paula, Alton, Mario, Giada, Rachel, Guy, Bobby, and Giada, all making their way through the storefronts. It’s the accessibility of their stars that has made the Food Network such a success and that appeal also translates into a feeling that the audience can do it too. That’s the premise behind The Next Food Network Star also now in it’s 3rd edition. The show features some of the best food challenges on TV and of course a heaping helping of celebrity chefs. Did I mention Giada stopped by in the latest episode? The contestants come from kitchens in both restaurants and homes and all seem to have an interesting take. The only complaint is that the show tends to focus too much on the TV and not enough on the food which is a problem that often occurs on the network itself. Still its more food then entertainment unlike Hell’s Kitchen.
Top Chef: Miami- Wednesdays 9pm CST, Bravo!
Another food show entering its 3rd season is Bravo’s Top Chef. A food version of Project Runway, the show has grown out of its parent’s shadow and has become the most entertaining food competition show on TV. This season the show has added Ted Allen. who gained fame as one of the Queer Eye guys and frequently has been a judge on Iron Chef America, as a permanent judge joining host Padma, the Food & Wine editor, and of course Chef Tom Colicchio. More so then any other reality show, these judges have deliberations that truly discuss the merit of each contestant or in this case meal. The challenges are decent and the cast of season’s past have produced many a character and no lack of reali-drama. Last night’s premiere episode continued to show how this series has hit its stride. Allen was absent from the premiere but instead we were treated to the crazy ranting of Anthony Bourdain. The elimination challenge was right up his alley as the chefs had to create a surf and turf meal with some rather unique ingredients. Rattlesnake and gooey duck anyone? Whenever a show like this starts its tough to keep up with the large number (15) of contestants but so far Hung who has ties season 2 bad boy Marcel looks to be a stand out both cooking and drama wise. Between the challenges, judges, and contestants, this is the summer food show to binge on.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
TV Resurrection: The Ok, The Good, and The Great
It’s been a busy few weeks since the 06-07 TV season came to a close. The networks announced their new fall lineups and with that we lost a few shows that were cut before their time. However there are 3 that are now all in some form of resurrection with various results.
The Ok- CBS listens to the fans that have gone nuts for Jericho
Jericho was a show I wanted to like last Fall. However it got off to such a slow start and was basically a nighttime soap flush with family values. Later in the year (and I mean late as in the last 3 episodes) the show finally seemed to find a new gear and pushed out more action and mythology then the previous 20 episodes had. Still when CBS pulled the plug I didn’t shed a tear. Even though the show had shown promise at the end I was ready to say goodbye to Skeet Ulrich and his post-apocalyptic band of brothers. Apparently this is one geek bus I missed because there were plenty of folks hopping mad with CBS and they deluged them with letters and yes, nuts. Now Jericho has been renewed for a limited 7 episode midseason run and I must say I’m intrigued. Will we get the show that resembled Party of Five or the one that reminded me of the X Files? Either way it just goes to show that these fan campaigns work sometimes, which sadly brings us to the good.
The Good- Veronica Mars lives, no she dies, no she lives, well maybe?
After the success of the Jericho folks people started a campaign for a show I can really get behind and that is Veronica Mars (the first two seasons are on sale at Target for $22 people, check it out). The CW was inundated with Mars bars and Snicker’s with almonds which, unbeknownst to me, replaced the Mars bar a few years back. Unfortunately this did no good and the CW reiterated their commitment to shut Ms Mars down. This was the latest of many efforts to bring Veronica back, the most promising of which was the flash forward to FBI Cadet Mars that would surely have featured a new cast except for Kristen Bell but would have had the trademark wit and humor Mars fans have grown to love. Of course that failed as well, but fear not fans there seem to be two new avenues that have come out that point us in the good direction. First there is talk from creator Rob Thomas himself of a big screen adventure for the gang much like Joss Whedon’s Firefly transformed into the big screen Serenity. Now there’s word that inspired by the sales and success of Joss’s Buffy Season 8 comic book, DC comics has approached Thomas about a V Mars Season 4 book. Now Buffy tends to lend itself to comics with the monsters and the action but Mars would be a bit different, still I’m jonesing for a fix anyway I can get it.
The Great- Studio 60 Finally Shines Through!
The last show I want to talk about is one that has zero hopes of a literal resurrection. There won’t be a midseason return, or a movie, or a comic. No, Studio 60 will fade out from our lives in the near future. However the show has gone through a creative resurrection that has transformed it from a decent show into truly outstanding television. I knew Aaron Sorkin had it in him but between the over the top even handed political statements and the insipid faux skits the show was stuck in the decent but not great realm of TV. That was until it came back from its hiatus and has hit us with 3 great episodes. The first featured none of the shows big 3 stars, Bradley Whitford, Amanda Peet, and Mathew Perry, and in doing so really allowed the supporting cast to shine and to give real depth to their characters, especially Timothy Busfield’s director. The last two have focused on seemingly the entire cast. The story of Nate Cordrey’s character has been particularly emotional and almost difficult to watch with its heart wrenching developments. Peet and Whitford have also returned with a vengeance and have truly made their characters sudden romance not only believable but attractive to the audience who is now rooting them on full speed ahead. The show had two eps left and I can only hope they match the quality of the previous 3. If they do we’ll be losing a great show but at least we’ll see them go out in a blaze of glory.
The Ok- CBS listens to the fans that have gone nuts for Jericho
Jericho was a show I wanted to like last Fall. However it got off to such a slow start and was basically a nighttime soap flush with family values. Later in the year (and I mean late as in the last 3 episodes) the show finally seemed to find a new gear and pushed out more action and mythology then the previous 20 episodes had. Still when CBS pulled the plug I didn’t shed a tear. Even though the show had shown promise at the end I was ready to say goodbye to Skeet Ulrich and his post-apocalyptic band of brothers. Apparently this is one geek bus I missed because there were plenty of folks hopping mad with CBS and they deluged them with letters and yes, nuts. Now Jericho has been renewed for a limited 7 episode midseason run and I must say I’m intrigued. Will we get the show that resembled Party of Five or the one that reminded me of the X Files? Either way it just goes to show that these fan campaigns work sometimes, which sadly brings us to the good.
The Good- Veronica Mars lives, no she dies, no she lives, well maybe?
After the success of the Jericho folks people started a campaign for a show I can really get behind and that is Veronica Mars (the first two seasons are on sale at Target for $22 people, check it out). The CW was inundated with Mars bars and Snicker’s with almonds which, unbeknownst to me, replaced the Mars bar a few years back. Unfortunately this did no good and the CW reiterated their commitment to shut Ms Mars down. This was the latest of many efforts to bring Veronica back, the most promising of which was the flash forward to FBI Cadet Mars that would surely have featured a new cast except for Kristen Bell but would have had the trademark wit and humor Mars fans have grown to love. Of course that failed as well, but fear not fans there seem to be two new avenues that have come out that point us in the good direction. First there is talk from creator Rob Thomas himself of a big screen adventure for the gang much like Joss Whedon’s Firefly transformed into the big screen Serenity. Now there’s word that inspired by the sales and success of Joss’s Buffy Season 8 comic book, DC comics has approached Thomas about a V Mars Season 4 book. Now Buffy tends to lend itself to comics with the monsters and the action but Mars would be a bit different, still I’m jonesing for a fix anyway I can get it.
The Great- Studio 60 Finally Shines Through!
The last show I want to talk about is one that has zero hopes of a literal resurrection. There won’t be a midseason return, or a movie, or a comic. No, Studio 60 will fade out from our lives in the near future. However the show has gone through a creative resurrection that has transformed it from a decent show into truly outstanding television. I knew Aaron Sorkin had it in him but between the over the top even handed political statements and the insipid faux skits the show was stuck in the decent but not great realm of TV. That was until it came back from its hiatus and has hit us with 3 great episodes. The first featured none of the shows big 3 stars, Bradley Whitford, Amanda Peet, and Mathew Perry, and in doing so really allowed the supporting cast to shine and to give real depth to their characters, especially Timothy Busfield’s director. The last two have focused on seemingly the entire cast. The story of Nate Cordrey’s character has been particularly emotional and almost difficult to watch with its heart wrenching developments. Peet and Whitford have also returned with a vengeance and have truly made their characters sudden romance not only believable but attractive to the audience who is now rooting them on full speed ahead. The show had two eps left and I can only hope they match the quality of the previous 3. If they do we’ll be losing a great show but at least we’ll see them go out in a blaze of glory.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
We Should All Go To Jail

One of the biggest perils of vacation for me is staying in touch with the outside world. While I usually have a TV, newspaper, or even web phone near me, I tend to find a way to stay information free while out of town. Sadly, there are just some things you can’t escape like news about Paris Hilton.
That’s right its time for me to put me two cents in on a subject that has already been beaten to death. Thursday as I had a bloody mary waiting for my flight I actually found myself watching CNN as they discussed the escalating feud between Bush and Putin. There was no sound but I didn’t need it when the Breaking News logo flew on the screen. Did we invade Iran? Are the Russian’s invading Europe? Nope Paris Hilton was out of jail. So many feelings instantly flew threw my head not the least of which was anger.
Anger at our justice system: How many times do we have to see the rich, especially the white rich, get off with no time or minimal time?
Anger at our media: Really CNN…you needed to break in to tell us that?
Anger at our society: What has celebrity become and why do we reward the shows and magazines that focus on celebrity?
Anger at myself: Yes that was me flipping through someone’s US Weekly at the airport bar prior to the news flash and then posing in the picture above with Saturday’s NYC rags.
Anger at people in general: I couldn’t believe that as I walked down Broadway upon my arrival in Times Square, almost every conversation was about Paris getting sprung.
Of course the next day there was another 360 degree turn when Paris was turned back around. Sure I was happy to see her rich manufactured butt back in the slammer but was another 2 days of wall to wall coverage really worth it. I mean we’re on the verge of starting a new Cold War and the only thing I see on TV and newspaper covers is Paris. Now we get daily stories on her apology, her God search, her refusal to appeal and my god this is all for a woman who has done a few reality shows and not another thing ever. Imagine the wall to wall coverage if this was Brit Brit, or Lindsey…or wait you probably won’t have to imagine.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Quick Review...A Little Late: Knocked Up
After starting up my summer movie fare with the incredibly disappointing Spiderman 3, I was relieved to find my hope restored by Judd Apatow's Knocked Up. The fact that I listed it as my number 2 most anticipated movie of the summer speaks to my desire for it to be good and boy howdy was I rewarded. As I've said before Apatow writes people in their late 20's/early 30's better them anyone in Hollywood today even better then my beloved Kevin Smith. Judd takes the struggles we face growing up in a materialistic society while still attempting to make those basic human connections. In 40 Year Old Virgin, his directorial debut, Apatow approached the kinship of men relating to the struggle with an oversexed society and the demands that takes on us all. Of course he did so while making us pee our pants laughing which is what makes the film so damn watchable. Here he looks at our struggle to "grow up" and to reach out to different relationships whether by chance or by desire. Seth Rogen who has worked with Apatow for years, gives a break out performance as the stoner who knocks up a woman way "out of his league." Katherine Heigl brings both humor and a sense of desperation as that woman who struggles with ideas of what society, family, and work expect of her. The connection the two make after the fateful act do seem a bit rushed but since the movie clocks in at just over 2 hours I'm guessing there was a need to leave some script pages on the cutting room floor. Paul Rudd seems to have truly found his voice in Apatow's films almost stealing the show from Rogen much like he did to Steve Carrell in Virgin. All in all its a funny, sweet, even thought provoking film that is certainly the best I've seen this summer. Hope to catch Ocean's 13 later this week so I'll have my thoughts on that soon.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I'm Back Like Paris In Jail

I'm back from my spring hiatus and will resume my semi-regular posting this week. Let me just say that New York City is one hell of a town. After not being there in 17 years I wasn't sure what to expect but seriously is there any other place on Earth where you can feel so alive and stimulated just by walking down the street. Anyway I'll be posting on all that I missed from Paris to Knocked Up to the best TV show turnaround of the season, but in the meantime start your Monday out with a serene Waterlilly moment courtesy of Claude Monet and MoMA.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
10 Things I Learned From My First Buffy Sing a Long

10. Even though there’s more room to dance in my living room, seeing Once More with Feeling on the big screen is something every Buffy fan should do.
9. Most Buffy fans, like Joss Whedon himself, are huge Veronica Mars fans. During the clip from V Mars that features Joss there were many, “Save Veronica” cries.
8. Plastic vampire teeth are really just drool cups that make your mouth super uncomfortable.
7. Most hardcore Buffy fans hate Angel, love Spike, and feel a little sorry for Reilly.
6. While I consider myself an avid fan I’ve got nothing on the folks that could yell out episode titles in .03 seconds during the trivia portion. That’s true devotion bordering on obsession but impressive none the less.
5. Everyone hates Dawn…and if some how you don’t, hearing over a hundred folks scream “Shut up Dawn” every time she speaks will certainly bring you around.
4. Midnight movies suck in the Midwest where our bars close at 2am and our movie theaters are dry. Either start the show at 10pm or someone open a real drinking theater like the Drafthouse in Austin , TX .
3. Even non-Buffy fans can enjoy the spectacle thanks to the props, MCs, pre-show entertainment, and general sense of camaraderie. I brought along a Buffy neophyte who had just gone through a crash course viewing of the musical the night before and she said the only thing she regretted, was not knowing it well enough to participate more.
2. Xander and Anya’s song might not be a breakaway pop hit but damn it all if it didn’t seem to be the crowd favorite. I think it’s always been the favorite number in the many living room performances I’ve attended over the years but I was somewhat surprised that it was most popular number for the theater audience as well.
And the number 1 thing I learned from my first Buffy Sing a Long…Never underestimate true fans. I must admit while I was giddy at the thought of the show I was worried when I picked up my advance tickets to see that only 37 had been sold two weeks prior to show time. However when the curtain rose the house was packed (so was Friday’s performance according the MC). I also questioned how much people would get into it and honestly I was blown away. From the older couple in front of me who embarrassed their teen daughter and her friend by making out throughout the night, to the scores of lesbians who savored the hotness of Willow and Tara , the entire theater seemed alive. Of course the sing a long wouldn’t have been complete without bunnies and sure enough we had two of them run to the front of the theater for Anya’s solo during “I’ve Got a Theory”. Seriously, if you’ve ever been a member of the Mutant Enemy army, make sure you catch this if it comes to your town. BuffySings.com
I’m off to NYC tomorrow and will be back full time next week with reviews of Knocked Up and Ocean’s 13 and a look at the latest efforts to resurrect some cancelled shows including the aforementioned Veronica Mars.
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