A leopard can’t change his spots, or a tiger his stripes, and neither can a lackluster season of Top Chef change from a dismal failure to a success. Last night’s finale was the cherry on top of an excrement sundae as Hosea, a man who won one or two challenges all year long, walked away with the title. Sadly, the judges were almost forced to crown him but I’d argue there an alternative that no one thought of.
One nice thing about the finale is that it followed some of the previous seasons examples by letting the chefs go crazy. Unfortunately, like Richard last year, this opportunity seemed to freeze up two of our three chefs. Twist number one was revealed as the sous chefs arrived. Using the last three runner ups, Richard, Casey and Marcel, was brilliant and gave me hope for an interesting episode. I thought for sure Hosea would think with his penis and go Casey but instead he went for Richard. My ideal pairings would have been Hosea with Casey for the simple fact that she would help him the least, Richard with Carla as I think some of his techniques like smoking would have helped Carla’s type of food, and Marcel with Stefan simply because, as Stefan so eloquently put it, they’re both twats. Once the chefs got into the kitchen it was clear none of them had an immediate plan. I was shocked. If you are cast on Top Chef, you should be thinking before hand and during, of your perfect menu as you should expect that’s what you’ll get to do in the end. Carla immediately suffered from a case of the self-doubts, as she let Casey fill her mind with the same kind of ideas that cost her the title. Meanwhile, Stefan and Marcel had no communication at all. I thought Marcel could have lent some new style to Stefan’s old world cuisine. Hosea and Richard however talked up a storm and Richard, probably the best chef of his season if not for the finale, certainly had a huge influence on creating the flavors that were featured in Hosea’s dishes. The final twist with the appetizer certainly was anticipated, as was Hosea’s childish glee in sticking it to his competitors. I was glad to see all three apps were successful with the judges as it meant they all rose to the occasion. Sadly, after that we got three meals that were either uninspired, half-assed, or simply incomplete.
I would argue that none of these chefs deserved the title of Top Chef. If Bravo really wanted to shake things up they could have let these guys go home without a title or better yet forced them into a redo. Hosea clearly had the most consistent dishes but they lacked any sizzle. His app was probably the most inspired dish but everything else reeked of been there done that. Scallop and foie gras, ooh how daring. I’m going to regret this but I agree with Rocco Dispirito, that’s so been done. Meanwhile his venison dish looked great but it’s nothing I haven’t seen and eaten many times at restaurants here in the Midwest. Stefan continued his late season slide by playing it safe. Again, his app seemed to be the high note while his squab certainly did the best job of showing his style to the judges. Neither Hosea nor Carla established that in their meals. Alas, Stefan’s first and last courses were tremendous failures. I’m sure Marcel could have suggested a technique other than freezing for the fish Carpaccio and the dessert did look like something out of the 80’s and was rather uninspired. Then of course, there was Carla our surprising favorite. Not only did she let Casey dictate her menu but she also lost control of her kitchen. I screamed no when she agreed to cook her steaks in bags and even louder when she chose to do a soufflé. That just isn’t Carla. Her sauces and flavors are her bread and butter and they got lost here. I think my biggest disappointment though is in the judges. They all seemed to accept the mediocrity of the chefs. Perhaps they were just as tired as we were of this season. I thought Tom and certainly, that prick Toby had higher standards than that. Truly none of these chefs were tops last night. Carla and Stefan certainly deserved it more on a season basis but even than I struggle to but them in a class with Stefanie, Hung, Harold and even Ilan. Bring on Top Chef Masters….now! I’ve got to wash this season out of my muoth and the Santa Margarita pinot grigio is just not cutting it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oscar Wrap Up
Some final thoughts on last night:
Best Dressed- Diane Lane and Tina Fey, and no it’s not just because of their beauty and brains. I thought both wore dresses that fit them perfectly and matched their style. Big props to Viola Davis as well for her stunning old Hollywood garb.
Worst Dressed- I thought Tilda Swinton had this wrapped up and was well on her way toward creating the Tilda Award for outstanding achievement in runway train wrecks, when Miley Cyrus walked in late. Her gown was all over the place and screamed “Look at me I’m trying to be an adult. Albeit a poorly dressed one.”
Most Confusing Dress- Reese Witherspoon came on stage in a dress that looked unsymmetrical and not on purpose. The straps and nude netting were completely distracting from a woman who usually shines on the center stage.
Best Host Moment- The opening number by Hugh Jackman certainly quieted all the naysayers including myself. While I thought his follow up small talk went on too long, the musical bit was just priceless and a lot of credit goes to Anne Hathaway for that.
Worst Host Moment- While Wolverine struggled the rest of the night, no moment was more painful then the musical tribute to musicals he starred in with Beyonce, the ABBA kids, and the HSM3 kids. Not only was it poorly staged (sorry Baz) but the singers stepped all over each other and made it a muddled mess.
Best Winning Moment- While we were all touched by Heath’s family I thought Kate Winslet’s moment was the most special of the night. Watching the love between her and Sam Mendes was simply beautiful.
Worst Winning Moment- I felt so sorry for anyone that had to share the stage with Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston. While many of the presenters had poor banter, theirs was by far the worst.
In the end, I think the Academy should be congratulated for trying something different. The old Hollywood theme with the crystal curtain was fun and Jackman showed promise early. However as the night progressed there were far too many snooze moments and not enough Oscar memories. Maybe next year they’ll ask Tina Fey and Steve Martin to host the whole thing. Now that’s something that would be worth watching for three and a half hours.
Best Dressed- Diane Lane and Tina Fey, and no it’s not just because of their beauty and brains. I thought both wore dresses that fit them perfectly and matched their style. Big props to Viola Davis as well for her stunning old Hollywood garb.
Worst Dressed- I thought Tilda Swinton had this wrapped up and was well on her way toward creating the Tilda Award for outstanding achievement in runway train wrecks, when Miley Cyrus walked in late. Her gown was all over the place and screamed “Look at me I’m trying to be an adult. Albeit a poorly dressed one.”
Most Confusing Dress- Reese Witherspoon came on stage in a dress that looked unsymmetrical and not on purpose. The straps and nude netting were completely distracting from a woman who usually shines on the center stage.
Best Host Moment- The opening number by Hugh Jackman certainly quieted all the naysayers including myself. While I thought his follow up small talk went on too long, the musical bit was just priceless and a lot of credit goes to Anne Hathaway for that.
Worst Host Moment- While Wolverine struggled the rest of the night, no moment was more painful then the musical tribute to musicals he starred in with Beyonce, the ABBA kids, and the HSM3 kids. Not only was it poorly staged (sorry Baz) but the singers stepped all over each other and made it a muddled mess.
Best Winning Moment- While we were all touched by Heath’s family I thought Kate Winslet’s moment was the most special of the night. Watching the love between her and Sam Mendes was simply beautiful.
Worst Winning Moment- I felt so sorry for anyone that had to share the stage with Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston. While many of the presenters had poor banter, theirs was by far the worst.
In the end, I think the Academy should be congratulated for trying something different. The old Hollywood theme with the crystal curtain was fun and Jackman showed promise early. However as the night progressed there were far too many snooze moments and not enough Oscar memories. Maybe next year they’ll ask Tina Fey and Steve Martin to host the whole thing. Now that’s something that would be worth watching for three and a half hours.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
2009 Oscar Preview: Picture
2009 Oscar Preview: Picture
Continuing this year’s slightly different version of my Oscar preview we look at the best picture category and pick a head and a heart winner.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Heart Pick: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Again I’m a slacker this year and I haven’t seen a single one of the nominees. That being said, the one I’m most interested in is Button. Directed by one of my favorites and starring two of my top actors in Pitt and Blanchett I can’t imagine this movie not being uber pleasing. Then again I’ve heard it called Forest Gump II and if you want to turn me off on a movie that would do it. I’m giving Fincher and company the benefit of the doubt and will pull for this Oscar night.
Head Pick: Slumdog Millionaire
Whether you’ve seen it or not I can’t imagine anyone will be upset if Danny Boyle’s picture takes home the top prize other than Harvey Weinstein. It’s a small pic with unknown talent in front of the camera but a wealth of talent behind it. Compared to the boring (Frost/Nixon), the weird (Button), the standard (Milk), and the undeserving (The Reader) I think this is the strangest slam-dunk the Oscar’s have ever seen.
Continuing this year’s slightly different version of my Oscar preview we look at the best picture category and pick a head and a heart winner.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Heart Pick: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Again I’m a slacker this year and I haven’t seen a single one of the nominees. That being said, the one I’m most interested in is Button. Directed by one of my favorites and starring two of my top actors in Pitt and Blanchett I can’t imagine this movie not being uber pleasing. Then again I’ve heard it called Forest Gump II and if you want to turn me off on a movie that would do it. I’m giving Fincher and company the benefit of the doubt and will pull for this Oscar night.
Head Pick: Slumdog Millionaire
Whether you’ve seen it or not I can’t imagine anyone will be upset if Danny Boyle’s picture takes home the top prize other than Harvey Weinstein. It’s a small pic with unknown talent in front of the camera but a wealth of talent behind it. Compared to the boring (Frost/Nixon), the weird (Button), the standard (Milk), and the undeserving (The Reader) I think this is the strangest slam-dunk the Oscar’s have ever seen.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I Refuse to Call them Cheftestants: Week 13
With one week to go, I’m finally warming to this season and cast of Top Chef. Last night’s semi-final had all the key components of a good episode for the second week in a row, and furthermore it left the identity of the winner completely up for grabs.
When is a Quickfire Challenge not a Quickfire Challenge? Answer, when the contestants aren’t taking part. Last night the show threw a curveball and gave Jeff, Jamie, and Leah a chance to make it to the finale. I did throw up in my mouth a little bit when the guest judge was revealed to be Emeril. The guy is such a media whore you have to believe he was calling the Top Chef production team the minute his Food Network contract went south. With so many cutting edge and classical Creole chefs to choose from in the Big Easy, I was saddened to see him as the producers’ choice. Thankfully, he toned down the “bams” and was a little more subdued. As for the challenge itself, I just kept praying that Leah did not make it back. Luckily, she didn’t know a crawdad from a shrimp and ended up with a soup that was supposed to be a gumbo. Meanwhile, Jamie made something that was very Jamie but unfortunately, that wasn’t what Emeril was looking for. Lastly, you had Jeff, who after weeks and weeks, finally found his own inner editor and that resulted in a winning dish. Jeff also seemed a bit humbled to be back which made his addition to the final four easier to take. The final twist also made Jeff’s inclusion easier as it was announced he had to win the Elimination Challenge to continue on.
Anytime you get to see two chefs go home at once, I’m inclined to like the Elimination Challenge. While I feel catering challenges don’t let the chefs shine through, I do appreciate that this was the semis and not the final. Jeff certainly made this a close call as all of his dishes certainly intrigued. However, Carla, once a cute novelty, continued to cement her status as favorite by cooking her ass off. The beignets she made elicited the best possible Top Chef reaction in me, as I was this close to licking my TV. Her daring choice to avoid the alcohol in her cocktail was worthy of recognition especially since it was good. Hosea surprised but honestly, if he couldn’t have delivered here, I think his whole resume should have been questioned. His catfish dish was second in my book to Carla’s beignets. If not for Jeff I think we’d have seen Team Euro go home and with good reason. Fabio has done little to excel all season long so while he was a sweetie, his time had finally come. Stefan on the other hand clearly was a victim of his own press. I’m sure the already cocky chef had spent the last few months before the finale watching episodes and reading blogs and realizing how much more talented he was compared to the other chefs. This of course made him ripe for the picking. I’m not sure if he got the wake up call last night and will bring his A game to the finale or if he’s got his head stuck so far up his own ass that he will quietly go away next week.
Speaking of next week, I’ve got to congratulate the producers for not making the mistake of airing the reunion show prior to the finale. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves and I’m happy to just get to the winner. As for the winner, I’m going to stick with my early season Stefan pick but Carla is a worthy adversary.
When is a Quickfire Challenge not a Quickfire Challenge? Answer, when the contestants aren’t taking part. Last night the show threw a curveball and gave Jeff, Jamie, and Leah a chance to make it to the finale. I did throw up in my mouth a little bit when the guest judge was revealed to be Emeril. The guy is such a media whore you have to believe he was calling the Top Chef production team the minute his Food Network contract went south. With so many cutting edge and classical Creole chefs to choose from in the Big Easy, I was saddened to see him as the producers’ choice. Thankfully, he toned down the “bams” and was a little more subdued. As for the challenge itself, I just kept praying that Leah did not make it back. Luckily, she didn’t know a crawdad from a shrimp and ended up with a soup that was supposed to be a gumbo. Meanwhile, Jamie made something that was very Jamie but unfortunately, that wasn’t what Emeril was looking for. Lastly, you had Jeff, who after weeks and weeks, finally found his own inner editor and that resulted in a winning dish. Jeff also seemed a bit humbled to be back which made his addition to the final four easier to take. The final twist also made Jeff’s inclusion easier as it was announced he had to win the Elimination Challenge to continue on.
Anytime you get to see two chefs go home at once, I’m inclined to like the Elimination Challenge. While I feel catering challenges don’t let the chefs shine through, I do appreciate that this was the semis and not the final. Jeff certainly made this a close call as all of his dishes certainly intrigued. However, Carla, once a cute novelty, continued to cement her status as favorite by cooking her ass off. The beignets she made elicited the best possible Top Chef reaction in me, as I was this close to licking my TV. Her daring choice to avoid the alcohol in her cocktail was worthy of recognition especially since it was good. Hosea surprised but honestly, if he couldn’t have delivered here, I think his whole resume should have been questioned. His catfish dish was second in my book to Carla’s beignets. If not for Jeff I think we’d have seen Team Euro go home and with good reason. Fabio has done little to excel all season long so while he was a sweetie, his time had finally come. Stefan on the other hand clearly was a victim of his own press. I’m sure the already cocky chef had spent the last few months before the finale watching episodes and reading blogs and realizing how much more talented he was compared to the other chefs. This of course made him ripe for the picking. I’m not sure if he got the wake up call last night and will bring his A game to the finale or if he’s got his head stuck so far up his own ass that he will quietly go away next week.
Speaking of next week, I’ve got to congratulate the producers for not making the mistake of airing the reunion show prior to the finale. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves and I’m happy to just get to the winner. As for the winner, I’m going to stick with my early season Stefan pick but Carla is a worthy adversary.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
2009 Oscar Preview: Lead Roles
Continuing this year’s slightly different version of my Oscar preview we look at both lead acting categories and pick a head and a heart winner.
Lead Actor
Richard Jenkins in The Visitor
Frank Langella in Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn in Milk
Brad Pitt in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler
Heart and Head Pick: Mickey Rourke
Penn is the major threat here but I think the comeback story staring the comeback story wins here and it couldn’t happen to a more talented guy. Plus, he love’s dogs.
Lead Actress
Anne Hathaway in Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie in Cahngeling
Melissa Leo in Frozen River
Meryl Streep in Doubt
Kate Winslet in The Reader
Heart and Head Pick: Kate Winslet
I’m a little worried that Streep will once again end Kate’s victory but like Gervais said the Oscar gold is in holocaust flicks. Hopefully we finally see Kate get the recognition for her body of work.
Lead Actor
Richard Jenkins in The Visitor
Frank Langella in Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn in Milk
Brad Pitt in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler
Heart and Head Pick: Mickey Rourke
Penn is the major threat here but I think the comeback story staring the comeback story wins here and it couldn’t happen to a more talented guy. Plus, he love’s dogs.
Lead Actress
Anne Hathaway in Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie in Cahngeling
Melissa Leo in Frozen River
Meryl Streep in Doubt
Kate Winslet in The Reader
Heart and Head Pick: Kate Winslet
I’m a little worried that Streep will once again end Kate’s victory but like Gervais said the Oscar gold is in holocaust flicks. Hopefully we finally see Kate get the recognition for her body of work.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
2009 Oscar Preview: Director
Continuing this year’s slightly different version of my Oscar preview we look at the directing category and pick a head and a heart winner.
David Fincher for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Ron Howard for Frost/Nixon
Gus Van Sant for Milk
Stephen Daldry for The Reader
Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
Heart Pick: David Fincher
This is a category with two of my favorite working auteurs. Fincher can do no wrong in my book. Sure Aliens 3 doesn’t stand up to the first two, but on its own it’s a visually arresting film that never slows down. While Fight Club might be his Kane, Zodiac was an underrated gem of a pic. Now we finally see recognition for this so-called dark filmmaker. Nothing would make me happier than to see Fincher win and continue to get the creative freedom he deserves from Hollywood.
Head Pick: Danny Boyle
My other favorite in this category should be the winner in Danny Boyle. Whether it was the overly praised Trainspotting or the underappreciated Beach. Boyle makes great films and always stretches himself as an artist. Take Millions and compare it against 28 Days Later and you’ll see two opposites working under a single mind. A win here legitimizes all the career choices he’s made that have often been questioned by the critics and academics of the film world.
David Fincher for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Ron Howard for Frost/Nixon
Gus Van Sant for Milk
Stephen Daldry for The Reader
Danny Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
Heart Pick: David Fincher
This is a category with two of my favorite working auteurs. Fincher can do no wrong in my book. Sure Aliens 3 doesn’t stand up to the first two, but on its own it’s a visually arresting film that never slows down. While Fight Club might be his Kane, Zodiac was an underrated gem of a pic. Now we finally see recognition for this so-called dark filmmaker. Nothing would make me happier than to see Fincher win and continue to get the creative freedom he deserves from Hollywood.
Head Pick: Danny Boyle
My other favorite in this category should be the winner in Danny Boyle. Whether it was the overly praised Trainspotting or the underappreciated Beach. Boyle makes great films and always stretches himself as an artist. Take Millions and compare it against 28 Days Later and you’ll see two opposites working under a single mind. A win here legitimizes all the career choices he’s made that have often been questioned by the critics and academics of the film world.
Monday, February 16, 2009
2009 Oscar Preview: Supporting Roles
Continuing this year’s slightly different version of my Oscar preview we look at both supporting categories and pick a head and a heart winner.
Supporting Actor
Josh Brolin in Milk
Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman in Doubt
Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon in Revolutionary Road
Heart and Head Pick: Heath Ledger
I love Downey Jr. but having recently watched both films a second time Ledgers performance is truly mesmerizing. Each time I watch I find new things that jump out at me whether it be his cadence or his movements. Ledger will win partly because of his tragic death but he deserves to win because of this performance for the ages.
Supporting Actress
Amy Adams in Doubt
Penelope Cruz in Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis in Doubt
Taraji P. Henson in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler
Heart Pick: Anyone but Tomei
Alright, I guess I’m a little bitter, but I still believe that Tomei’s name was read in error when she won for My Cousin Vinny. She could be amazing in The Wrestler and I could care less. Hell I’d even pull for the annoyingly predictable Cruz instead.
Head Pick: Amy Adams
Well respected and well received I believe Adams will take this home in a tight race.
Supporting Actor
Josh Brolin in Milk
Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman in Doubt
Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon in Revolutionary Road
Heart and Head Pick: Heath Ledger
I love Downey Jr. but having recently watched both films a second time Ledgers performance is truly mesmerizing. Each time I watch I find new things that jump out at me whether it be his cadence or his movements. Ledger will win partly because of his tragic death but he deserves to win because of this performance for the ages.
Supporting Actress
Amy Adams in Doubt
Penelope Cruz in Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis in Doubt
Taraji P. Henson in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler
Heart Pick: Anyone but Tomei
Alright, I guess I’m a little bitter, but I still believe that Tomei’s name was read in error when she won for My Cousin Vinny. She could be amazing in The Wrestler and I could care less. Hell I’d even pull for the annoyingly predictable Cruz instead.
Head Pick: Amy Adams
Well respected and well received I believe Adams will take this home in a tight race.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
2009 Oscar Preview: Screenplays
Continuing this year’s slightly different version of my Oscar preview we look at both screenplay categories and pick a head and a heart winner.
Adapted Screenplay
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Heart and Head Pick: Slumdog Millionaire
I haven't seen it but I just can't believe this won't follow the Good Will Hunting path of winning for a screenplay about a tortured underdog. It's got all the ear marks of a slam dunk. Don't ever count out a holocaust script though.
Original Screenplay
Frozen River
In Bruges
Heart Pick: Wall-E
If you were an adult and were not moved by the layers of Wall-E then check your pulse. The commentary on society was dark and spot on while still leaving a film on screen that entertained old and young alike.
Head Pick: Happy-Go-Lucky
Mike Leigh always wins these and it always drives me insane. The man, while a great filmmaker, is not a great screenwriter. He improvises like a mo-fo and that’s just not right. Of course far be it for the Academy to get it right this year as I expect Leigh to take home yet another award for a deserving film in an undeserving category.
Adapted Screenplay
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Heart and Head Pick: Slumdog Millionaire
I haven't seen it but I just can't believe this won't follow the Good Will Hunting path of winning for a screenplay about a tortured underdog. It's got all the ear marks of a slam dunk. Don't ever count out a holocaust script though.
Original Screenplay
Frozen River
In Bruges
Heart Pick: Wall-E
If you were an adult and were not moved by the layers of Wall-E then check your pulse. The commentary on society was dark and spot on while still leaving a film on screen that entertained old and young alike.
Head Pick: Happy-Go-Lucky
Mike Leigh always wins these and it always drives me insane. The man, while a great filmmaker, is not a great screenwriter. He improvises like a mo-fo and that’s just not right. Of course far be it for the Academy to get it right this year as I expect Leigh to take home yet another award for a deserving film in an undeserving category.
First Impressions: Dollhouse
In truth it was unfair to walk into the first episode of Dollhouse with all the expectations I had. Just because Joss Whedon was returning to TV, didn’t mean that his new show was going to be the messiah of spring TV. My head believed that, but my heart expected so much more. After watching the first ep, my head seems to have made the right call.
Following the lives of these folks who sell fantasy turned reality, allows the show great promise. Every week we’ll get to see Eliza play a different character and the show can adapt to different genres. Last night we saw the dangers in that premise as the generic kidnapping plot was paint by numbers and so was Echo’s “imprint”. I was bored at times quite frankly. Also lacking in a major way was any of Whedon’s sense of humor. I love the way Joss balances funny and sad and last night was just sad.
On the flip side there was still enough to keep me coming back. Seeing Fred, Faith, and Helo all in one place just about made my geek-dar explode. Plus the opening scene and last scene of the show held real mystery and real mythology hooks. Then there is simply the matter of the talented cast. I can’t imagine Joss not taking advantage of these folks to their fullest.
Dollhouse was not everything I hoped it would be. Dollhouse was not everything I expected it to be. Dollhouse is a new TV show from great creative minds that deserves the chance to breathe and find its way, and I for on am willing to join them on that journey.
Following the lives of these folks who sell fantasy turned reality, allows the show great promise. Every week we’ll get to see Eliza play a different character and the show can adapt to different genres. Last night we saw the dangers in that premise as the generic kidnapping plot was paint by numbers and so was Echo’s “imprint”. I was bored at times quite frankly. Also lacking in a major way was any of Whedon’s sense of humor. I love the way Joss balances funny and sad and last night was just sad.
On the flip side there was still enough to keep me coming back. Seeing Fred, Faith, and Helo all in one place just about made my geek-dar explode. Plus the opening scene and last scene of the show held real mystery and real mythology hooks. Then there is simply the matter of the talented cast. I can’t imagine Joss not taking advantage of these folks to their fullest.
Dollhouse was not everything I hoped it would be. Dollhouse was not everything I expected it to be. Dollhouse is a new TV show from great creative minds that deserves the chance to breathe and find its way, and I for on am willing to join them on that journey.
Friday, February 13, 2009
2009 Oscar Preview: Cinematography
Continuing this year’s slightly different version of my Oscar preview we look at Cinematography and pick a head and a heart winner.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Heart Pick: The Dark Knight
This is a tough category for me to pick and not just because I haven’t seen all the films. Some of my favorite directors who always utilize their cinematographers to the highest extent helm three of the nominees. That being said, I’m going Dark Knight here thanks to the levels of blackness the film contains and the amazing IMAX work Nolan and company accomplished.
Head Pick: Slumdog Millionaire
I’ve heard Slumdog described as a deviation from Danny Boyle’s style but truth is I think the man is a virtual changeling. Here the cinematography looks outstanding and this looks like one of many awards the picture will take home Oscar night.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Heart Pick: The Dark Knight
This is a tough category for me to pick and not just because I haven’t seen all the films. Some of my favorite directors who always utilize their cinematographers to the highest extent helm three of the nominees. That being said, I’m going Dark Knight here thanks to the levels of blackness the film contains and the amazing IMAX work Nolan and company accomplished.
Head Pick: Slumdog Millionaire
I’ve heard Slumdog described as a deviation from Danny Boyle’s style but truth is I think the man is a virtual changeling. Here the cinematography looks outstanding and this looks like one of many awards the picture will take home Oscar night.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I Refuse to Call them Cheftestants: Week 12
Is it a case of too little too late? Last night’s episode of Top Chef was really the first of this year that truly embodied all that is good and right about the show. The challenges, the food, the judging and yes, even the contestants were spot on. Now, as the season hurdles towards its finale, one wonders if they can string more efforts together like this and finish strong.
As I’ve complained about on almost a weekly basis, the challenges this year have wildly inconsistent. This week however, both the Quickfire and Elimination challenges were classic Top Chef. While I’m a little bored with Wylie Dufresne, I loved the egg challenge. I’ve seen the green eggs and ham bit before but Carla certainly did an unexpected take by infusing jalapeno in the dish. The design was perfection and certainly a worthy winner. Stefan also shined in both creativity and presentation while even the losers were at least creative in their attempts. I was especially impressed with Hosea’s egg white sushi wrap.
Facing the culinary icons in the Elimination challenge must have been intimidating for the chefs especially when given the task of making their last supper, but all again seemed to rise to the occasion. It was the first time this year where all the chefs really but on a show. I’ve been clamoring for Leah to leave so I was happy to see her go but both Stefan and Hosea could easily have left too. Stefan has made basic mistakes two of the last three weeks while Hosea once again slipped back into his brand of creativity which equals boring. Meanwhile Carla has gone from being a personality to being a front-runner. Not only can I cheer her on because she’s the lost Huxtable but also because she’s plating great dishes on a weekly basis. Fabio finally won one and while I think he is the most simplistic chef left that doesn’t mean he can’t pull out a surprise. For the fist time all season I think we have ourselves not only a competition but also an intriguing one at that.
As I’ve complained about on almost a weekly basis, the challenges this year have wildly inconsistent. This week however, both the Quickfire and Elimination challenges were classic Top Chef. While I’m a little bored with Wylie Dufresne, I loved the egg challenge. I’ve seen the green eggs and ham bit before but Carla certainly did an unexpected take by infusing jalapeno in the dish. The design was perfection and certainly a worthy winner. Stefan also shined in both creativity and presentation while even the losers were at least creative in their attempts. I was especially impressed with Hosea’s egg white sushi wrap.
Facing the culinary icons in the Elimination challenge must have been intimidating for the chefs especially when given the task of making their last supper, but all again seemed to rise to the occasion. It was the first time this year where all the chefs really but on a show. I’ve been clamoring for Leah to leave so I was happy to see her go but both Stefan and Hosea could easily have left too. Stefan has made basic mistakes two of the last three weeks while Hosea once again slipped back into his brand of creativity which equals boring. Meanwhile Carla has gone from being a personality to being a front-runner. Not only can I cheer her on because she’s the lost Huxtable but also because she’s plating great dishes on a weekly basis. Fabio finally won one and while I think he is the most simplistic chef left that doesn’t mean he can’t pull out a surprise. For the fist time all season I think we have ourselves not only a competition but also an intriguing one at that.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
2009 Oscar Preview: Music
Loyal readers will already know I have an excuse list a mile long about why I haven’t seen many of the Oscar nominees, so I won’t bore you again. Instead, please enjoy this year’s slightly different version of my Oscar preview as I pick a head and a heart winner for some of the major categories. First up, the music categories.
Original Song
“Down to Earth” from Wall-E
“Jai Ho” from Slumdog Millionaire
“O Saya” from Slumdog Millionaire
Heart Pick: “Down to Earth” from Wall-E
Being one of the only Oscar nominated films I’ve seen, I had to go with Peter Gabriel’s tune from my pick for best picture of 2008. Sure it’s another Disney/Pixar joint and they win every year but I’m pulling for Wall-E to get as much love as possible.
Head Pick: “Jai Ho” from Slumdog Millionaire
While many think that the duo nods for Slumdog will split the vote it seems this song is a winner based on other award season recognition.
Original Score
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionaire
Heart and Head Pick: Wall-E
Yet again my favorite film of ’08 and I think a deserving pick. I also think that Wall-E will take the prize thanks to the scarcity of dialogue in the picture.
Original Song
“Down to Earth” from Wall-E
“Jai Ho” from Slumdog Millionaire
“O Saya” from Slumdog Millionaire
Heart Pick: “Down to Earth” from Wall-E
Being one of the only Oscar nominated films I’ve seen, I had to go with Peter Gabriel’s tune from my pick for best picture of 2008. Sure it’s another Disney/Pixar joint and they win every year but I’m pulling for Wall-E to get as much love as possible.
Head Pick: “Jai Ho” from Slumdog Millionaire
While many think that the duo nods for Slumdog will split the vote it seems this song is a winner based on other award season recognition.
Original Score
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionaire
Heart and Head Pick: Wall-E
Yet again my favorite film of ’08 and I think a deserving pick. I also think that Wall-E will take the prize thanks to the scarcity of dialogue in the picture.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sick Day Means More Dollhouse Plugging
I've been out of commission for the last few days but mustered up enough strength to remind you once again that Joss Whedon's new show Dollhouse debuts on Friday at 8pm CST.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009
I Refuse to Call them Cheftestants: Week 11

This week’s Top Chef finally had some high quality moments that we’ve all grown to expect and love from the former reality show king. Unfortunately, in keeping with this disappointing season it also had some lows.
HIGH: Chef Eric Ripert
Anytime we get a visit from Chef Eric I get a bit woozy. Not only is it a joy to watch him cook through a TV screen, but he’s also got that combination of cute hotness. Yes, I have a huge crush on Chef Eric and tonight did nothing to lessen that. Whether it was watching him enjoy Carla being Carla or admiring the knife work of Stefan, you just wanted to eat him up. Of course seeing six dishes from the wonderland that is La Berndain is also enough to make a man weep. I am not a fish person but I’d step over my mother to get a taste of any of those dishes.
LOW: Leah Quits!
How can any self respecting contestant put down their knives and expect to win this competition? Furthermore, how could you do that in front of Chef Eric!?!? Good god Leah I don’t even know how you are still on the show. Your knife work is crap, your food is uneven and your quest to turn Top Chef into Flavor of Leah is just downright disgusting. The judges should have booted you for quitting on the show.
HIGH: Two Good Challenges
We’ve had some eps this year that feature a good Quickfire or a good Elimination Challenge but never both. Last night broke that streak by presenting two challenges that were worthy tests of the remaining chefs’ skills. The Quickfire got off to a rough start because once again the producers decided not to share the rules with us. Thankfully, the challenge itself made up for that oversight and watching Stefan and Hosea pound those eels was a high point of the season. The Elimination Challenge has been done in season’s past but it is a worthy test of a chef’s pallet and skill. Recreating a dish is something a home chef does as well as a professional one and it certainly lets the audience identify. In addition it should have been an honor for any the contestant to cook in La Bernadin and for Chef Eric.
LOW: Jamie
I’ve been a huge fan of Jamie from the first day Team Rainbow formed; however, last night as she packed her bags I must say I was not disappointed. While I would have kicked Leah to the curb for her failure and her attitude, I can certainly understand the judges’ decision to let Jamie go. On top of that, how sad was it that Jamie didn’t take the opportunity to cook and eat at La Bernadine seriously. “This isn’t my kind of food,” she said at the table. Look lady, when you get a chance to taste a bit of heaven you better get down on your knees and thank you’re lucky stars that you got on Top Chef. Respect lost.
HIGH: Stefan is back!
After one week at the bottom, Stefan righted his ship and took both challenges. He’s clearly the favorite to win and honestly, I can’t see him slipping again like last week.
LOW: Final Four?
Frak the producers! By keeping this to a final four, we’re going to get Stefan and three other also rans in the finale. I love Carla and Fabio for the entertainment value but neither has impressed me with their cooking. Hosea is a whiner whose food seems wildly inconstant and Leah is a quitter. This bland season is heading for an even blander finale.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Only 11 Days to Fresh Whedon Goodness!
Understanding the Dollhouse
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Top 5 Reasons to Watch the Super Bowl
Ok, I’m cheating here as the number one reason to watch today’s big game should be the game. However, I’m anticipating a Steelers rout so that leaves us with the Super Bowl experience. I’m not one for the ads in general but I do love me some movie trailers. Even though you can see them online by viewing below I can’t wait to catch these in HD. Here are the top five to catch during this year’s game.
5. Land of the Lost
It’s got sleestaks, Chaka, the waterfall and some guy named Ferrell. Yup, you can bet the 70’s kid in me is hoping this soothes his inner Krofft hunger.
4. GI Joe
In keeping with the kid theme we’ve got the hack director of The Mummy potentially desecrating more childhood memories but I’ve got to admit the images of Storm Shadow and Snakeyes dueling is pretty geektastic.
3. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Last but not least in the line of childhood flashbacks, we get the second installment in the Transformers franchise from Michael Bay. The first one was forgettable, laughable, and yet I found myself drooling for Optimus Prime’s showdown with Megatron. New robots, new ridiculousness, and yet I bet this new one is still entertaining.
2. Up
Click the link below for Pixar’s latest preview. Mostly the same stuff we’ve seen before but one new twist.
1. Star Trek
Every clip for JJ Abram’s new flick gets me more and more excited and I’m not even a Trekker. Guess it means the guy knew what he was doing.
5. Land of the Lost
It’s got sleestaks, Chaka, the waterfall and some guy named Ferrell. Yup, you can bet the 70’s kid in me is hoping this soothes his inner Krofft hunger.
4. GI Joe
In keeping with the kid theme we’ve got the hack director of The Mummy potentially desecrating more childhood memories but I’ve got to admit the images of Storm Shadow and Snakeyes dueling is pretty geektastic.
3. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Last but not least in the line of childhood flashbacks, we get the second installment in the Transformers franchise from Michael Bay. The first one was forgettable, laughable, and yet I found myself drooling for Optimus Prime’s showdown with Megatron. New robots, new ridiculousness, and yet I bet this new one is still entertaining.
2. Up
Click the link below for Pixar’s latest preview. Mostly the same stuff we’ve seen before but one new twist.
1. Star Trek
Every clip for JJ Abram’s new flick gets me more and more excited and I’m not even a Trekker. Guess it means the guy knew what he was doing.
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