Sorry for the lack of posts but between work, play, and a general lack of pop culture items demanding attention, I just haven’t had much to say. As such here’s a mid week hodge podge of thoughts:
This morning my hometown ball club, the Minnesota Twins, unveiled designs for their new stadium. Seems a bit plain to me but I do like the stone façade that mimics the walls of the Mississippi river valley. Of course tt would make more sense if the stadium was next to the river but if they chose something to mimic in the vicinity of the new stadium the front would mimic burning garbage. I’m not a big fan of mandatory taxes for building new stadiums (I tend to think volunteer donations on tax forms or lottery tickets are the way to go if the state is to have any involvement) but now that the construction looks to be starting on time I must admit these pics got me excited about outdoor baseball…in the snow.
Lost continues its recent renaissance with another excellent episode last night. Again it was very reminiscent to the first season as it really took the time to connect the audience with the characters. However I was shocked not only by the small answers they gave throughout the ep but by the giant reveal at the end. Usually something like that would be dragged out for weeks and while I expected some note of ambiguity at the end, I sure as hell was not expecting that.
RIP Andy Barker. Yep that’s right yet another Andy Richter series is in the tank. The latest, created by Conan O’Brien, had Andy playing an accountant who moonlights as a PI. I thought there was potential in the show from the 3 episodes I saw but it certainly hadn’t found its voice yet. I’d lambaste NBC for the quick cancellation but they get a free pass for a while longer due to renewing 30 Rock.
MTV unveiled its latest installment of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge on Tuesday night and it started out with a bang. (Yes this is the same blog writer who railed against this type of crap on Monday, but again just because I think it’s a low form of entertainment doesn’t mean I won’t compulsively watch it.) Everyone’s favorite sexy dirt bag CT got sent home on the first night after bringing his fist of fury down upon challenge newbie Davis from the current Denver Real World. The self loathing part of me loves that the producers somehow didn’t have a camera present for this to take place. You know they’d give anything to have captured it on film so they could slo-mo the replay about a million times. The Real World fanatic in me is pissed however because quite simply CT makes for great TV. Also I’m curious as to why MTV rushed this installment to the air. Denver is still airing and usually cast members don’t appear on a challenge until after their season has finished. There is a lot of talk that with the recent change in MTV’s head programmer that the Real World team might be on their way out. They are contracted for two more seasons of Real World (Sydney and ??) and one more of Road Rules. However with the earlier news of the reunited Las Vegas cast show perhaps rumors of Bunim/Murray’s demise are exaggerated.
Kudos to Apple and iTunes for once again finding a way to keep their strangle hold on digital music. The latest is their option that allows customers to buy a complete album they may have already partially downloaded. I have often lamented some ill choices to purchase single upon single only to realize I could have saved money if I had just bought the album (see Barkley, Gnarls). This is a shot at redemption for serial purchasers like myself and another example of how Apple anticipates their customer’s needs and desires better then any tech company in the market today.
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