I had written a long winded whiney blog for tomorrow about the anger and dissapointment I felt over two local sports teams here in the Twin Cities and while I may post it this weekend right now I just feel stupid because today Minneapolis/St Paul suffered real tragedy. As I write this it's 8pm CST about two hours after the 35W Interstate bridge collapsed into the Mississippi River. It was rush hour and traffic was bumper to bumper on the stretch of the highway in between downtown Minneapolis and the U of M campus. I truly feel lucky to know that as of now all my loved ones are alive and accounted for. That's not to say I didn't suffer some anxious moments as I tried to reach my mother for about an hour. I can't imagine the horror and pain for those that are still trying to reach people. We don't know what happened and really what does it matter. The plain fact is that a terrible tragedy has occured. Selfishly I can't help but think I was driving on that bridge at the same time as the collapse just last night and that the reason I was could have dictated I was on there today. Glad I was able to do my errand last night instead of tonight. So selfish to think that way especially when there are, as of now, 3 people are dead. My condolences to those that lost someone or are still waiting to hear. That's all, just had to write my thoughts and say to anyone whose contact is restricted to me via the blog that I'm all right,and my loved ones are alright. Take care of each other Twin Cities.
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