Wednesday, October 31, 2007
First Impressions: Britney Spears- Blackout
There’s no denying that I love me some Brit Brit. I consider myself a fan but my fandom has been balanced between 70% spectacle and 30% music. I’ve never bought an album and I really only enjoy her songs with a bit of my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Over the last year as Ms Spears has descended into madness I’ve grown to be less of a fan of the spectacle. As much as I enjoy a good scandal I truly wish Brit could get her life back together and then go back to shocking us with performances instead of (no)panties. So it’s pretty funny that while my fandom of her has decreased in one aspect I’m finding the other aspect increasing astronomically after listening to Blackout her latest album. The Madonna comparisons have often been thrown at Britney, usually in regards to her stage shows or videos. Now, you can count the music comparison as Blackout reminds me of a classic Madonna dance album. The tracks are all beat heavy and light on the vocals but you never forget whose album it is you’re listening too. By letting her “vocals” take a back seat to the music Britney has created an album that has a number of standout tracks. The first single “Gimee More” has been a regular on my iPod for weeks now and it epitomizes why this album works with its breathy vocals and club beats. Tracks like “Ooh Ooh Baby”, “Freak Show” and “Hot as Ice”, are filled with fresh sounds that will have you car dancing but again you’ll never forget that they’re courtesy of the legendary Ms Britney Spears. Let’s hope the success of this endeavor will encourage her to fix the rest of her life. (One last tidbit, if you’re going to pick up the album make sure to get the deluxe version on iTunes, the bonus tracks “Everybody” and “Get Back” are worth the extra couple bucks.)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tightened Up and Ready to Go
Tonight we got the season premiere of nip/tuck and boy did it satisfy. Last year's season was a bit uneven and seemed to push the reality envelope way too far. It seemed like you'd typically exclaim, "I can't believe they did that" three or four times an episode. In the end though the season wrapped up in a wonderfully satisfying finale that easily could have been the show's swan song. Thankfully FX thought there was more to do and now our favorite docs have relocated to LA. Tonight's premiere was pitch perfect. A number of ongoing stories where set up and while we got a fistful of new characters it really focused on the heart of the show, the love between McNamara and Troy. Their eternal battle to protect each other while competing in a game of one upsmanship seems to have found a perfect local in Hollywood. The guest stars as always were great with Lauren Hutton and Bradley Cooper truly shining. Eventually I'll want to catch up with the rest of the nip/tuck family but for now I'm really enjoying the docs in their new digs.
Tuesday Tidbits: Guitar Hero and More
I know I promised a full review of Guitar Hero III: The Legends of Rock on the Wii some time this week but as I went to shred town yesterday I realized that wasn’t going to happen. To give GH3 a proper review you’ve got to play it all and then look back and for me that would probably put the review out to at least December the game is just that full. Of course just because I can’t give a full review doesn’t mean I won’t give you some quick thoughts. First of all this is the first version of GH I’ve played for more then 10 minutes so it’s hard to really compare to previous incarnations. I can compare the song list to previous incarnations though and quite simply this is a dream list from Metallica to Gun’s N Roses to new stuff by The Killers. The graphics are a step up from other rhythm games, most notably Dance Dane Revolution: Hottest Party, but they are still pretty low quality but that’s not really the point of the game. Once I stared playing I hardly ever focused on anything then the colored circles and lines as I shredded my way through over an hours worth of frustration and then reward. Unlike DDR which left me tired and disappointed, GH3 left me exhilarated and eager for more. The game play on easy is just challenging enough for a beginner like myself. Sure I murdered one of my favorite Social Distortion songs to begin with but after a couple of false starts on Slow Ride, I was kicking out some Benetar and Poison. Before you knew it I had finished the opening section of career mode, conquered that Social Distortion song and even taken the first step in the career mode of the game. The career mode is a blast as you unlock more songs to play and can outfit your character with new gear and a new ax. My only two complaints about the game are that you have to play career mode to unlock all the songs to play for fun and that you can’t purchase a second guitar by itself as of yet to take advantage of all the delicious battle modes. Maybe once that’s available I’ll be able to do a full review.
Is anyone still watching Chuck (Monday 7pm CST, NBC)? I am and I’ve got to say the show is losing me. It’s by no means a bad show but it has become rather formulaic that last 3 eps. Last night it was the same old story: Chuck gets new mission, Chuck neglects friends and family, Chuck is betrayed or thinks he’s betrayed by his handlers and screws up the mission, Chuck saves day. Now the humor of the show is what’s keeping it going in my mind. For example last night’s ep was memorable for show creator Josh Schwartz openly mocking his previous creation The OC by recreating Ryan and Marissa’s classic New Year’s Eve meeting from season 1, this time using Chuck and his buddy Morgan. It was one of those jokes where you see where it was going but you couldn’t believe it until it was done. Moments like that make this show worthwhile but the filler in between has to get better.
Remember what I said about Heroes possibly turning the corner last week? Oh well it was fun to dream and the coming attractions got my hopes up for next week even though I’m sure that’s a mistake.
Today’s a big new release day as Britney is back, Twin Peaks goes gold, and one of my so called favorite shows hits the shelves. Reviews to follow, kids.
Is anyone still watching Chuck (Monday 7pm CST, NBC)? I am and I’ve got to say the show is losing me. It’s by no means a bad show but it has become rather formulaic that last 3 eps. Last night it was the same old story: Chuck gets new mission, Chuck neglects friends and family, Chuck is betrayed or thinks he’s betrayed by his handlers and screws up the mission, Chuck saves day. Now the humor of the show is what’s keeping it going in my mind. For example last night’s ep was memorable for show creator Josh Schwartz openly mocking his previous creation The OC by recreating Ryan and Marissa’s classic New Year’s Eve meeting from season 1, this time using Chuck and his buddy Morgan. It was one of those jokes where you see where it was going but you couldn’t believe it until it was done. Moments like that make this show worthwhile but the filler in between has to get better.
Remember what I said about Heroes possibly turning the corner last week? Oh well it was fun to dream and the coming attractions got my hopes up for next week even though I’m sure that’s a mistake.
Today’s a big new release day as Britney is back, Twin Peaks goes gold, and one of my so called favorite shows hits the shelves. Reviews to follow, kids.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wii Have No Buyer’s Remorse
Yesterday marked the 6th month anniversary of my love affair with my Nintendo Wii. Reading my thoughts on the purchase at the time I sound like a kid in a candy store. I raved about the controls, the graphics and the game play and six months later I’ve got to say…I feel even stronger. I have stated before that I am not a “gamer”. I usually purchase two or three games a year and play once a week or so on my own. The Wii has made some changes to that. Through six months I’ve already played 6 games not to mention two classics I downloaded on the Wii Virtual Consol. Here are my quick thoughts on the games so far:
Wii Sports- My greatest joy in gaming has always been playing with others and that’s where the Wii excels. This title that comes with the system is still the most played in my household. Just the other night I was bowling for hours on end trying to crack high scores in this simple but addictive motion capture game. Sure you only need to slightly move your wrist when holding the Wii remote but I challenge anyone out there to resist the natural urge to complete the usual physical motion of rolling the ball, swinging the racket, or punching an opponent.
Wii Play- I bought this game for the free controller that was included and really that’s all its worth. The game itself is designed to demonstrate all the different ways the Wii remote can be used but sadly it lacks the depth or multiplayer fun Wii Sports provides. In the end I got a controller and a healthy in store credit when I traded the game in.
The Godfather: Blackhand Edition- Also purchased on my first day of owning the system, this game really opened my eyes up to the different ways the Wii offers gameplay. Instead of a standard quest game walking around the streets of Little Italy where you hit “A” to punch or “B” to strangle, here you actually punched and strangled by making the motions with the Wii remote and nunchuck. I’m not usually one who is captivated by the type of game where you walk around interacting with people and getting missions, but the combo of one my favorite movies and the Wii-centric gameplay made this last longer then expected as I didn’t trade it in until 5 months later.
Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix- I already reviewed this on the blog back in July but in brief like The Godfather, this game succeeded due to its use of the Wii remote, in this case casting spells, and that it stayed true to the movie/book. I recently traded the game in but only after many hours of enjoyment.
Madden 08- This is my first real disappointment on the Wii and it has more to do with me then the game itself. Madden cleverly uses the Wii’s controls to give the player even more control when passing, running or tackling but for someone who’s played years of Madden using standard video game controllers, this takes a bit of adjusting. I find myself constantly referring to the manual as the controls, which I’m sure are intuitive to expert gamers or more likely newcomers, leave me frustrated and downright confused. That’s not to say it’s not enjoyable when you compete a deep pass down the sideline it’s just that it takes a hell of a lot of work. The game does offer a simplified control option called Family Play but for someone that prides themselves on their Madden play, I’m not sure if I can cop out like that. Finally there’s the fact that like most games Madden is best played with people and that’s something I haven’t explored yet so the final verdict is still out.
Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party- Here’s a game like Madden that I eagerly anticipated and am left feeling underwhelmed. Unlike Madden I had never played DDR but the idea of dancing on a pad to dance hits of the last 30 years sounded right up my alley. In the end though I’m having trouble enjoying this game for a multitude of reasons. First up there’s the fact that all the songs are covers. I realize that it costs a pretty penny to obtain song rights but look at Guitar Hero and other karaoke games that have doled out the cash. Second, there’s the actual gameplay. I find that while the pad is pretty sensitive the Wii addition of arm movements are often slow to be recognized by the motion sensor. One aspect of the game I like is the Workout feature that allows you to set calorie goals while you dance based on height and weight. This would be more enjoyable except the game continues to frustrate you by contrasting the praise for calorie burning with the criticism for your actual dance. Lastly there’s the group appeal which is the driving reason behind purchasing the game. I figured this would be a perfect party game but after trying it out with a couple of different people I’ve found it to be not as much fun as expected. Your attention is split between the person and the game and the frustration of the player is palpable. Maybe I just need to get someone over that’s a pro at the game but like Madden this may soon be traded in…
So looking at the six games above I’d say I’ve batted around .500 which considering the number of games I think is pretty good and enough to encourage me to look at these new games in the near future:
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (October 29th)- I’ve already reserved and paid for this bad boy and am counting down to release day. For the first time the popular franchise is coming to a Nintendo system and I can’t fucking wait. While I’ve only played Guitar Hero once in my life and did so quite badly, the game left an impression on me and a desire to return to it and improve. The new game features songs from the Stones to Rage Against the Machine and I can’t wait to pick it up Monday and should have a full review next week some time.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (November 6th)- This is shaping up to be the new Wii Sports. Featuring all your favorite Mario and Sonic characters, this game captures a number of Olympic events from archery to hurdles to the long jump. It offers 4 player competition as well as one player games. Unless it gets some bad previews I’m all over this one too which might spell the end for Madden or DDR.
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (November 6th)- I’ve never played any of the LEGO games but I hear they’re fun interpretations of the Star Wars galaxy. The real selling point here is that you can play through all six episodes as a variety of characters and perhaps more importantly you get to swing a lightsaber. Using the motion control aspect of the Wii remote, players will be able to swing their way through stormtroopers and other assorted baddies. The early reviews say the lightsaber action is fun but it may be prudent to wait for next spring’s Star Wars: The Force Unleashed which features a dueling option for ligthsaber battles with friends.
Super Mario Galaxy (November 12th)- Boy this one is tempting. Again I’m not much for quest type games but this one has it all.
Loveable hero Mario? Check.
Arguably the best graphics on Wii to date? Check.
Wii friendly controls? Check.
In addition the game features a multiplayer option which can best be described as a helper monkey option. When playing with a friend they can use a second Wii remote to point and click on various stars and items across the screen. It’s not a true multiplayer but it should ease the load off the main player while giving someone else an opportunity to do more then watch which is something games like Harry Potter could have used. I’ll probably hold off on buying this when it comes out but I’ve got a feeling I won’t last long.
With the games I’ve already played and the ones in the tube I must admit the Wii has captured my imagination (and my pocket book) in a way that no other previous system has. Throw in the Virtual Consol where you can download games like Punch Out! and Tecmo Bowl and I’m in heaven. Plus there are the little touches like the Miis. I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had creating my doppelganger and those of my friends. Plus there’s the Wii internet browser which, while completely unnecessary for a guy whose home computer is in the other room, has proven to be an intuitive user friendly app that Steve Jobs would be jealous of. Throw in upcoming additions like Wii Fit, that will use a balancing board device in a variety of aerobic and yoga-like activities and I think this love affair might last for good.
Wii Sports- My greatest joy in gaming has always been playing with others and that’s where the Wii excels. This title that comes with the system is still the most played in my household. Just the other night I was bowling for hours on end trying to crack high scores in this simple but addictive motion capture game. Sure you only need to slightly move your wrist when holding the Wii remote but I challenge anyone out there to resist the natural urge to complete the usual physical motion of rolling the ball, swinging the racket, or punching an opponent.
Wii Play- I bought this game for the free controller that was included and really that’s all its worth. The game itself is designed to demonstrate all the different ways the Wii remote can be used but sadly it lacks the depth or multiplayer fun Wii Sports provides. In the end I got a controller and a healthy in store credit when I traded the game in.
The Godfather: Blackhand Edition- Also purchased on my first day of owning the system, this game really opened my eyes up to the different ways the Wii offers gameplay. Instead of a standard quest game walking around the streets of Little Italy where you hit “A” to punch or “B” to strangle, here you actually punched and strangled by making the motions with the Wii remote and nunchuck. I’m not usually one who is captivated by the type of game where you walk around interacting with people and getting missions, but the combo of one my favorite movies and the Wii-centric gameplay made this last longer then expected as I didn’t trade it in until 5 months later.
Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix- I already reviewed this on the blog back in July but in brief like The Godfather, this game succeeded due to its use of the Wii remote, in this case casting spells, and that it stayed true to the movie/book. I recently traded the game in but only after many hours of enjoyment.
Madden 08- This is my first real disappointment on the Wii and it has more to do with me then the game itself. Madden cleverly uses the Wii’s controls to give the player even more control when passing, running or tackling but for someone who’s played years of Madden using standard video game controllers, this takes a bit of adjusting. I find myself constantly referring to the manual as the controls, which I’m sure are intuitive to expert gamers or more likely newcomers, leave me frustrated and downright confused. That’s not to say it’s not enjoyable when you compete a deep pass down the sideline it’s just that it takes a hell of a lot of work. The game does offer a simplified control option called Family Play but for someone that prides themselves on their Madden play, I’m not sure if I can cop out like that. Finally there’s the fact that like most games Madden is best played with people and that’s something I haven’t explored yet so the final verdict is still out.
Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party- Here’s a game like Madden that I eagerly anticipated and am left feeling underwhelmed. Unlike Madden I had never played DDR but the idea of dancing on a pad to dance hits of the last 30 years sounded right up my alley. In the end though I’m having trouble enjoying this game for a multitude of reasons. First up there’s the fact that all the songs are covers. I realize that it costs a pretty penny to obtain song rights but look at Guitar Hero and other karaoke games that have doled out the cash. Second, there’s the actual gameplay. I find that while the pad is pretty sensitive the Wii addition of arm movements are often slow to be recognized by the motion sensor. One aspect of the game I like is the Workout feature that allows you to set calorie goals while you dance based on height and weight. This would be more enjoyable except the game continues to frustrate you by contrasting the praise for calorie burning with the criticism for your actual dance. Lastly there’s the group appeal which is the driving reason behind purchasing the game. I figured this would be a perfect party game but after trying it out with a couple of different people I’ve found it to be not as much fun as expected. Your attention is split between the person and the game and the frustration of the player is palpable. Maybe I just need to get someone over that’s a pro at the game but like Madden this may soon be traded in…
So looking at the six games above I’d say I’ve batted around .500 which considering the number of games I think is pretty good and enough to encourage me to look at these new games in the near future:
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (October 29th)- I’ve already reserved and paid for this bad boy and am counting down to release day. For the first time the popular franchise is coming to a Nintendo system and I can’t fucking wait. While I’ve only played Guitar Hero once in my life and did so quite badly, the game left an impression on me and a desire to return to it and improve. The new game features songs from the Stones to Rage Against the Machine and I can’t wait to pick it up Monday and should have a full review next week some time.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (November 6th)- This is shaping up to be the new Wii Sports. Featuring all your favorite Mario and Sonic characters, this game captures a number of Olympic events from archery to hurdles to the long jump. It offers 4 player competition as well as one player games. Unless it gets some bad previews I’m all over this one too which might spell the end for Madden or DDR.
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (November 6th)- I’ve never played any of the LEGO games but I hear they’re fun interpretations of the Star Wars galaxy. The real selling point here is that you can play through all six episodes as a variety of characters and perhaps more importantly you get to swing a lightsaber. Using the motion control aspect of the Wii remote, players will be able to swing their way through stormtroopers and other assorted baddies. The early reviews say the lightsaber action is fun but it may be prudent to wait for next spring’s Star Wars: The Force Unleashed which features a dueling option for ligthsaber battles with friends.
Super Mario Galaxy (November 12th)- Boy this one is tempting. Again I’m not much for quest type games but this one has it all.
Loveable hero Mario? Check.
Arguably the best graphics on Wii to date? Check.
Wii friendly controls? Check.
In addition the game features a multiplayer option which can best be described as a helper monkey option. When playing with a friend they can use a second Wii remote to point and click on various stars and items across the screen. It’s not a true multiplayer but it should ease the load off the main player while giving someone else an opportunity to do more then watch which is something games like Harry Potter could have used. I’ll probably hold off on buying this when it comes out but I’ve got a feeling I won’t last long.
With the games I’ve already played and the ones in the tube I must admit the Wii has captured my imagination (and my pocket book) in a way that no other previous system has. Throw in the Virtual Consol where you can download games like Punch Out! and Tecmo Bowl and I’m in heaven. Plus there are the little touches like the Miis. I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had creating my doppelganger and those of my friends. Plus there’s the Wii internet browser which, while completely unnecessary for a guy whose home computer is in the other room, has proven to be an intuitive user friendly app that Steve Jobs would be jealous of. Throw in upcoming additions like Wii Fit, that will use a balancing board device in a variety of aerobic and yoga-like activities and I think this love affair might last for good.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Updated:Revenge of the Soul Patch
Last year's sixth season of 24 was a let down and perhaps more worrisome the show felt tired. By the looks of this trailer things might be looking up. CTU is gone, although a familiar looking geek girl can be seen briefly. Jack's finally spending time out of LA and spreading mayhem in a new locale, DC. Most importantly it looks like we're trading in the tired Arab bad guys for someone very familiar and supposedly very dead. Enjoy!
Update: The fine folks at Fox have removed the YouTube link I had on the page already but you can check it out on their official website later here.
Update: The fine folks at Fox have removed the YouTube link I had on the page already but you can check it out on their official website later here.
Quick Review: Death Proof
I have few regrets in life. In fact I make a concerted effort to live my life free of regrets. Sadly, I now have a mother load of regret over the fact that I did not see Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriquez’s double feature Grindhouse in the theater last spring. Going into 2007, Grindhouse was number 6 on my Top 15 Things to Look for in 2007 and obviously I was looking forward to it. However travel, other films, and the fact that the film(s) enjoyed a disastrously short box office stay all impeded me from seeing it in the theater. Excuses of course are like assholes…
So fast forward 6 months and what should arrive from Netflix but Tarantino’s half of the film entitled Death Proof. After the miserable box office take the Weinstein Company decided to release Grindhouse on DVD as two separate films with extended versions of each. Tarantino’s came out in September, and Rodriguez’s just last week. As I put in Death Proof last night I was already disappointed that I was missing out on the double feature experience that Grindhouse provided in the theater, yet with my love for all things Tarantino still in my heart I eagerly embarked on the film.
Death Proof is a muddled mess of genius and boredom. I don’t think that Tarantino’s “shtick” of talking heads has gone stale but I will say he needs to rein it in a bit. The majority of Death Proof is listening to two sets of girlfriends babble on about sex, drugs, and the occasional classic tune. Sure there are some classic bits of Tarantino dialogue including a post shot toast from the director himself playing a bartender but overall I found myself losing interest in a hurry. Meanwhile we’ve got Kurt Russell hunting down said girlfriends with his stunt car from hell. It’s a blast to see Russell recapture some of his bad assery from the Snake Pillson days but I wanted more him and less of his prey. Finally there’s the third element and the real heart of the flick and that’s the car chases. Tarantino’s never been touted as a great action director but he can lay claim to that now. The climax of the first segment of the film is not only gruesome but an amazing work of editing from its jump cuts to its repetition. The finale of the film is classic old school car racing that reminds one of Bullet or The French Connection if they were set in rural Tennessee. In the end though, these moments as awesome as they were, didn’t make the film that enjoyable. I found myself rather ambiguous about the whole experience and that’s when I really found the regret over missing the film in the theater. The DVD has a few extras but missing are the fake trailers that were sprinkled throughout Grindhouse by such directors as Rob Zombie and Eli Roth and of course there’s the fact that Death Proof was intended to be consumed with Planet Terror all in one sitting. Is Death Proof a horrible misstep in the career of Tarantino? No, but I think as a stand alone pic, it is clearly his worst but seen as it was originally intended to be, I think it would do its job and then some. Sadly, that’s something I missed out on by abandoning the film at the multiplex earlier this year. Thankfully as with most regrets I’ll have a chance to atone when the theatrical version of Grindhouse with both films and all the faux trailers hits DVD next June. Until then though I will wallow in my own pool of regret…
So fast forward 6 months and what should arrive from Netflix but Tarantino’s half of the film entitled Death Proof. After the miserable box office take the Weinstein Company decided to release Grindhouse on DVD as two separate films with extended versions of each. Tarantino’s came out in September, and Rodriguez’s just last week. As I put in Death Proof last night I was already disappointed that I was missing out on the double feature experience that Grindhouse provided in the theater, yet with my love for all things Tarantino still in my heart I eagerly embarked on the film.
Death Proof is a muddled mess of genius and boredom. I don’t think that Tarantino’s “shtick” of talking heads has gone stale but I will say he needs to rein it in a bit. The majority of Death Proof is listening to two sets of girlfriends babble on about sex, drugs, and the occasional classic tune. Sure there are some classic bits of Tarantino dialogue including a post shot toast from the director himself playing a bartender but overall I found myself losing interest in a hurry. Meanwhile we’ve got Kurt Russell hunting down said girlfriends with his stunt car from hell. It’s a blast to see Russell recapture some of his bad assery from the Snake Pillson days but I wanted more him and less of his prey. Finally there’s the third element and the real heart of the flick and that’s the car chases. Tarantino’s never been touted as a great action director but he can lay claim to that now. The climax of the first segment of the film is not only gruesome but an amazing work of editing from its jump cuts to its repetition. The finale of the film is classic old school car racing that reminds one of Bullet or The French Connection if they were set in rural Tennessee. In the end though, these moments as awesome as they were, didn’t make the film that enjoyable. I found myself rather ambiguous about the whole experience and that’s when I really found the regret over missing the film in the theater. The DVD has a few extras but missing are the fake trailers that were sprinkled throughout Grindhouse by such directors as Rob Zombie and Eli Roth and of course there’s the fact that Death Proof was intended to be consumed with Planet Terror all in one sitting. Is Death Proof a horrible misstep in the career of Tarantino? No, but I think as a stand alone pic, it is clearly his worst but seen as it was originally intended to be, I think it would do its job and then some. Sadly, that’s something I missed out on by abandoning the film at the multiplex earlier this year. Thankfully as with most regrets I’ll have a chance to atone when the theatrical version of Grindhouse with both films and all the faux trailers hits DVD next June. Until then though I will wallow in my own pool of regret…
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Heroes Makes Progress and CBS Does America Right
Last night the 2007 Fall TV season got two shots of adrenalin thanks to signs of life from the second season of Heroes and an announcement from CBS regarding the return of multi-Emmy winning The Amazing Race. Let’s break down both items…
As you may have gleamed from previous columns I’m not so crazy about the second season of Heroes. I’m bored by the new immigrant characters, I’m tired of the lack of interaction between last year’s stars, and everything seems to be moving so slow I think Hiro has frozen time. Last night’s ep showed signs of life however. The pairing of Parkman and Nathan is much more entertaining then the My Two Dads show Parkman has been putting on with Suresh and their investigation of the nightmare man made for one of the more exciting scenes of the year. Suresh and Jessica meeting at “The Company” provided a bit of a fan thrill as well. Also, instead of dragging out Monica’s discovery of her powers and slowly revealing them to Micah we got that all in one ep (although I could have done without the 5 minutes of jump roping). Then there was an introduction of a new character that had charm, intrigue, beauty, mystery and a bad side that immediately made an impact. Of course I’m referring to Kristen Bell joining the cast as Elle. Clearly she has had contact with Peter before since he mimics her power and hopefully this will lead to resolving the mystery of where our heroes where for 4 months. However, even though I’m a huge fan of Bell and her work on Veronica Mars, it’s unfair to think she can save this season but I think her presence will certainly help things. Of course the biggest news last night was that things finally seemed to be moving forward; Hiro looks to be wrapping up his spin-off series in feudal Japan, Suresh appears to be coming to a crossroads with “The Company”, Peter’s finally coming back to North America (anyone else think he painted the French Quarter and not Montreal), and we got some more background on the old school heroes. Still there were and are problems. The special effects last night were bad yet again. One week after watching Claire and her fly boy travel across a background that looked like an effect from The Greatest American Hero, HRG and the Haitian were walking around Moscow using an effect that looked like it was from The Daily Show. Plus we still have to deal with the black eyed death twins, Claire’s snore of a life, and no real idea of where the season is going. In the end last night was a start and that’s all it will be unless the creators work to follow it up.
The Amazing Race
Thank you CBS! As predicted Viva Laughlin, Hugh Jackman’s ill conceived musical, bit the dust yesterday after 2 episodes and while I usually decry networks making such quick moves this time I’ll applaud because it opens a slot on Sunday’s for…The Amazing Race. Starting Sunday November 4th, Phil will be back leading a group of teams around the world and I could not be happier. The Race is the rare reality show that doesn’t need to muck with its format to stay captivating and entertaining. Unlike Survivor who seems to have a new “twist’ every year (rather effectively I might add), The Race usually sticks with the same format; a yield here, a fast forward there, and the occasional team team-up. The only minor twist is that this year there are no non-elimination legs due to the fact the show was condensed a bit as a mid-season replacement. The teams should be announced last this week and I’ll probably break them all down prior to the premiere but for now lets just bask in the return of The Amazing Race.
As you may have gleamed from previous columns I’m not so crazy about the second season of Heroes. I’m bored by the new immigrant characters, I’m tired of the lack of interaction between last year’s stars, and everything seems to be moving so slow I think Hiro has frozen time. Last night’s ep showed signs of life however. The pairing of Parkman and Nathan is much more entertaining then the My Two Dads show Parkman has been putting on with Suresh and their investigation of the nightmare man made for one of the more exciting scenes of the year. Suresh and Jessica meeting at “The Company” provided a bit of a fan thrill as well. Also, instead of dragging out Monica’s discovery of her powers and slowly revealing them to Micah we got that all in one ep (although I could have done without the 5 minutes of jump roping). Then there was an introduction of a new character that had charm, intrigue, beauty, mystery and a bad side that immediately made an impact. Of course I’m referring to Kristen Bell joining the cast as Elle. Clearly she has had contact with Peter before since he mimics her power and hopefully this will lead to resolving the mystery of where our heroes where for 4 months. However, even though I’m a huge fan of Bell and her work on Veronica Mars, it’s unfair to think she can save this season but I think her presence will certainly help things. Of course the biggest news last night was that things finally seemed to be moving forward; Hiro looks to be wrapping up his spin-off series in feudal Japan, Suresh appears to be coming to a crossroads with “The Company”, Peter’s finally coming back to North America (anyone else think he painted the French Quarter and not Montreal), and we got some more background on the old school heroes. Still there were and are problems. The special effects last night were bad yet again. One week after watching Claire and her fly boy travel across a background that looked like an effect from The Greatest American Hero, HRG and the Haitian were walking around Moscow using an effect that looked like it was from The Daily Show. Plus we still have to deal with the black eyed death twins, Claire’s snore of a life, and no real idea of where the season is going. In the end last night was a start and that’s all it will be unless the creators work to follow it up.
The Amazing Race
Thank you CBS! As predicted Viva Laughlin, Hugh Jackman’s ill conceived musical, bit the dust yesterday after 2 episodes and while I usually decry networks making such quick moves this time I’ll applaud because it opens a slot on Sunday’s for…The Amazing Race. Starting Sunday November 4th, Phil will be back leading a group of teams around the world and I could not be happier. The Race is the rare reality show that doesn’t need to muck with its format to stay captivating and entertaining. Unlike Survivor who seems to have a new “twist’ every year (rather effectively I might add), The Race usually sticks with the same format; a yield here, a fast forward there, and the occasional team team-up. The only minor twist is that this year there are no non-elimination legs due to the fact the show was condensed a bit as a mid-season replacement. The teams should be announced last this week and I’ll probably break them all down prior to the premiere but for now lets just bask in the return of The Amazing Race.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Quick Review: Michael Clayton
You know how old timers always look back fondly on the Cary Grants and Bogarts of yesteryear, that’s the way I feel about George Clooney. The man is a star and always will be. Anything he touches becomes instantly watchable whether it’s an old Facts of Life rerun, an episode of ER, or one of the worst comic book movies ever, Batman and Robin. Good or bad Clooney has a presence on and off screen that endears him to audiences world wide and for lack of a better word I think it’s due to star power. However unlike many of his contemporaries who are content to fill bat-suits and ham it up for the camera, Clooney balances his time not only between directing and acting but also by alternating between box office flicks like Ocean’s 13 and films like his latest Michael Clayton in which he gives one of his finest performances to date. Sure the Clooney swagger is still apparent in the title character but so is a vulnerability and pain that Clooney rarely shows on screen. His cocksure fixer walks a moral tightrope throughout the film as he deals with his morally bankrupt law firm and their even more dubious client. Its hard to talk too much about the plot since in truth the film is a thinking thriller that deals a few surprises here and there but writer/director Tony Gilroy has crafted a script that blends drama and suspense in such a way that I’ve rarely seen. As a first time director you can see the influence Paul Greengrass had on Gilroy when he wrote the last two Bourne movies that Greengrass did, and truly there’s no better director to be influenced by visually in today’s filmscape. The rest of the cast all brings their A game and if the underappreciated Tilda Swinton does not receive an Oscar nod for her portrayal of the clients head of legal, then it will truly be an outrage. Swinton takes a character that is a paint by numbers villain and imbues her with something bordering on sympathy. It’s a magnificent turn and one that overshadows Clooney’s own Oscar worthy performance. As we turn towards award season Michael Clayton is the first Fall film that I can say I not only enjoyed but that I expect and hope is represented well at Oscar time.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Quick MTV Thoughts
A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila
This might be the dating show that finally puts me off dating shows forever. MySpace “personality” Tequila is choosing her new love from a group of straight men and lesbian women. That’s right folks she’s a bisexual and in case you forget that, the show repeats itself every 90 seconds by reminding us that she’s a bisexual. Its almost like Rudy Giuliani and 9/11. Like most dating shows in the STD era of Flavor of Love, the cast is packed with sluts and meatheads that would rather strip and fight then actually find a lover. Of course Tequila, trying to milk her 15 minutes, doesn’t help matters by putting the contestants through degrading challenges like dress up and group foam baths. Perhaps the biggest problem is the portrayal of bisexuality. Tequila keeps telling us she likes both men and women and is open to finding love in either. The show however is clearly presenting this as a winner take all debate. Is she chooses a man that means she’s straight and if she chooses a woman she’s gay. Thanks MTV, I’m sure that’s just what your average audience of 8-12 year olds should be learning.
The Gimme More Video
Anyone else thinking this is video B for Brit Brit’s comeback single? The video has the feeling of being slapped together in a quick and lazy fashion after a more grandiose version was either stopped in pre-production or not completed. It feels very similar to her VMA performance where she was forced to go to a less flashy performance after MTV vetoed her Cris Angel Mindfreak version. Still she seems together and is gyrating in all her hotness so its not all bad, plus I must admit I’m a huge fan of the song. I know her life continues to unravel but perhaps her album rekindle memories of Britney past.
The Real World:Sydney Report Card
We’re about half way through the season and its time to rate this season so far. I had a huge problem with the lack of diversity after watching the first ep and unfortunately that’s been consistent. Aside from Parisa, Cohutta, and Isaac the other 4 housemate not only seem to share a similar background but also similar behaviors. Trisha has emerged as the houseguest we love to hate as her ugly American act has extended not only to the fine people of Sydney but her roommates as well. Dunbar has faded into the background the last couple of weeks but his gigantic ego and ignorant behavior have also made for many a fine moment. Shauvon has gone from the wise older woman to the dumb sorority bitch whose too stupid to realize that its time to grow up a little. Of course it has made for some good drama from Shauvon throwing things at Isaac and Cohutta at separate times, to the boyfriend committed Trisha competing with Parisa over an Aussie lad who doesn’t seem that interested in either one of them. Right now the season would get a B+ from me but as a Real World purist the lack of diversity and the fact that their job is truly inconsequential and easy knocks it down to a C+. Let it be known though that if the much rumored physical altercation between roommates takes place, this could rocket up in a hurry.
This might be the dating show that finally puts me off dating shows forever. MySpace “personality” Tequila is choosing her new love from a group of straight men and lesbian women. That’s right folks she’s a bisexual and in case you forget that, the show repeats itself every 90 seconds by reminding us that she’s a bisexual. Its almost like Rudy Giuliani and 9/11. Like most dating shows in the STD era of Flavor of Love, the cast is packed with sluts and meatheads that would rather strip and fight then actually find a lover. Of course Tequila, trying to milk her 15 minutes, doesn’t help matters by putting the contestants through degrading challenges like dress up and group foam baths. Perhaps the biggest problem is the portrayal of bisexuality. Tequila keeps telling us she likes both men and women and is open to finding love in either. The show however is clearly presenting this as a winner take all debate. Is she chooses a man that means she’s straight and if she chooses a woman she’s gay. Thanks MTV, I’m sure that’s just what your average audience of 8-12 year olds should be learning.
The Gimme More Video
Anyone else thinking this is video B for Brit Brit’s comeback single? The video has the feeling of being slapped together in a quick and lazy fashion after a more grandiose version was either stopped in pre-production or not completed. It feels very similar to her VMA performance where she was forced to go to a less flashy performance after MTV vetoed her Cris Angel Mindfreak version. Still she seems together and is gyrating in all her hotness so its not all bad, plus I must admit I’m a huge fan of the song. I know her life continues to unravel but perhaps her album rekindle memories of Britney past.
The Real World:Sydney Report Card
We’re about half way through the season and its time to rate this season so far. I had a huge problem with the lack of diversity after watching the first ep and unfortunately that’s been consistent. Aside from Parisa, Cohutta, and Isaac the other 4 housemate not only seem to share a similar background but also similar behaviors. Trisha has emerged as the houseguest we love to hate as her ugly American act has extended not only to the fine people of Sydney but her roommates as well. Dunbar has faded into the background the last couple of weeks but his gigantic ego and ignorant behavior have also made for many a fine moment. Shauvon has gone from the wise older woman to the dumb sorority bitch whose too stupid to realize that its time to grow up a little. Of course it has made for some good drama from Shauvon throwing things at Isaac and Cohutta at separate times, to the boyfriend committed Trisha competing with Parisa over an Aussie lad who doesn’t seem that interested in either one of them. Right now the season would get a B+ from me but as a Real World purist the lack of diversity and the fact that their job is truly inconsequential and easy knocks it down to a C+. Let it be known though that if the much rumored physical altercation between roommates takes place, this could rocket up in a hurry.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Be More Funny and other new season observations
Be More Funny
What the hell is going on over at Saturday Night Live? I was pleasantly surprised last year at how smooth the transition from Tina Fey to Seth Meyers as head writer was. I thought last season produced many memorable sketches and digital shorts and was looking forward to the entire cast returning this year. Well oops I crapped my expectations. This season has gotten off to the slowest start in years and while its always fashionable to bash the show as being unfunny, for the first time I’m finding some real truth in that statement. Sure it didn’t help that two of the first three hosts weren’t actors (LeBron James and Jon Bon Jovi) but as Payton Manning showed last year, that’s not necessarily the kiss of death. Then they inexplicably found a way to make Seth Rogen, the one actor they did have, unfunny. Perhaps the most telling sign that this season is in trouble came Saturday night when the technical side of the show fell apart. People missed their cues, actors walked in front of cameras, sets fell apart, camera shots were missed, and the whole show had a feeling of confusion by cast and crew. I’ll probably always keep my season pass to SNL on my TiVo but it better shape up or it will become strictly Fast Forward viewing.
Earl Had to Die
Well the latest casualty in my Fall schedule is in and sadly it’s a returning favorite. After two years of white trash jokes, over the top guest stars, and feel good morality stories I’m killing My Name is Earl. The show still makes me chuckle but I’m just tired of the same thing over and over and over again. While the producers tried to shake things up this season by placing Earl in the slammer the results have been mediocre to say the least. While last week’s flashback episode provided some answers to certain character’s back stories, I was already not caring and thinking about 30 Rock and The Office. Earl is still better then a lot of garbage on TV and I hope it sticks around but its no longer must see or even must TiVo for me.
Biting off more then I can chew
Earl was the third show to get cut from my schedule and already I’ve got my fourth. The first was Kitchen Nightmares which suffered from going up against Bionic Woman and Gossip Girl. Then How I Met Your Mother got the ax when I realized the 3 camera sitcom is dead to me. Earl makes 3 for the reason’s above and now a fourth show is off my radar before I’ve even seen it. Viva Laughlin, the new musical dramedy from CBS, just premiered and I’ve already decided its out. Bad reviews, behind the scenes turmoil and a premise that offers high highs but more likely terrible lows, all impacted my decision. In the end though I think I cut it mostly because I’m a bit overwhelmed. Usually more shows I’m watching either get cancelled or turn out to be no good but so far I’m pretty happy with shows both old and new. Take a look at what I’ve got on my plate: Monday and Thursday consist of about 4 hours of programming, Tuesday and Sunday about 2 hours, and Wednesday is the grand daddy of them all with 8-10 hours of new programming each week. Throw in a few Friday shows like Best Week Ever and The Soup plus the occasional new MTV/VH1 show and you’ve got one TV addled Elliot. Anyhoo sorry to Hugh Jackman and his folks at Viva Laughlin, prove me wrong by creating something extraordinary that will force me to purchase you on DVD next year.
What the hell is going on over at Saturday Night Live? I was pleasantly surprised last year at how smooth the transition from Tina Fey to Seth Meyers as head writer was. I thought last season produced many memorable sketches and digital shorts and was looking forward to the entire cast returning this year. Well oops I crapped my expectations. This season has gotten off to the slowest start in years and while its always fashionable to bash the show as being unfunny, for the first time I’m finding some real truth in that statement. Sure it didn’t help that two of the first three hosts weren’t actors (LeBron James and Jon Bon Jovi) but as Payton Manning showed last year, that’s not necessarily the kiss of death. Then they inexplicably found a way to make Seth Rogen, the one actor they did have, unfunny. Perhaps the most telling sign that this season is in trouble came Saturday night when the technical side of the show fell apart. People missed their cues, actors walked in front of cameras, sets fell apart, camera shots were missed, and the whole show had a feeling of confusion by cast and crew. I’ll probably always keep my season pass to SNL on my TiVo but it better shape up or it will become strictly Fast Forward viewing.
Earl Had to Die
Well the latest casualty in my Fall schedule is in and sadly it’s a returning favorite. After two years of white trash jokes, over the top guest stars, and feel good morality stories I’m killing My Name is Earl. The show still makes me chuckle but I’m just tired of the same thing over and over and over again. While the producers tried to shake things up this season by placing Earl in the slammer the results have been mediocre to say the least. While last week’s flashback episode provided some answers to certain character’s back stories, I was already not caring and thinking about 30 Rock and The Office. Earl is still better then a lot of garbage on TV and I hope it sticks around but its no longer must see or even must TiVo for me.
Biting off more then I can chew
Earl was the third show to get cut from my schedule and already I’ve got my fourth. The first was Kitchen Nightmares which suffered from going up against Bionic Woman and Gossip Girl. Then How I Met Your Mother got the ax when I realized the 3 camera sitcom is dead to me. Earl makes 3 for the reason’s above and now a fourth show is off my radar before I’ve even seen it. Viva Laughlin, the new musical dramedy from CBS, just premiered and I’ve already decided its out. Bad reviews, behind the scenes turmoil and a premise that offers high highs but more likely terrible lows, all impacted my decision. In the end though I think I cut it mostly because I’m a bit overwhelmed. Usually more shows I’m watching either get cancelled or turn out to be no good but so far I’m pretty happy with shows both old and new. Take a look at what I’ve got on my plate: Monday and Thursday consist of about 4 hours of programming, Tuesday and Sunday about 2 hours, and Wednesday is the grand daddy of them all with 8-10 hours of new programming each week. Throw in a few Friday shows like Best Week Ever and The Soup plus the occasional new MTV/VH1 show and you’ve got one TV addled Elliot. Anyhoo sorry to Hugh Jackman and his folks at Viva Laughlin, prove me wrong by creating something extraordinary that will force me to purchase you on DVD next year.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A Call to Arms (or more accurately key strokes.)

Earlier this summer I had a truly complete life experience when I went to a sing a long screening of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode, “Once More with Feeling.” I wrote all about it here, but to summarize, it was truly a highlight of my year and something I recommended strongly to anyone who’s ever enjoyed an ep of Buff and her Scooby gang. Sadly I read last night that Fox is ordering a stop to all future screenings until issues relating to residuals and such can be worked out. You can read the whole article here but the important thing is to…
Fox needs to know that they’ve got a loyal fan base that is chomping at the bit for more screenings. Otherwise we’ll have to go back to performing in our various living rooms and I’m not sure how much more of that my neighbors can take.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Minneapolis Restaurant Review: Harry’s Food and Cocktails vs. The Bulldog NE
The bar chic’ movement that has enveloped the Minneapolis area over the last year is something of a culinary dream for me. As someone who doesn’t have a ton of disposable income it’s a real treat to go my local watering holes and have a 4 star chef prepare food at 2 star prices. Of course I’m sure some of the chefs long for the days gone by where Minneapolis was bursting with high priced over complicated restaurants but at Harry’s and The Bulldog NE it’s apparent these chefs are relishing every moment. In the last few weeks I’ve visited both places a couple of times and since they both share a similar space in the current restaurant scene I thought I’d take a look at them head to head. For food I’ve decided to break it down to burgers, fries, and everything else since both places are renowned for their fresh look at bar classics.
Harry’s: While Harry’s menu has a number of choices I knew before my first visit what exactly I was going to have...the Cowboy burger. Head chef Steve Brown stuffs a burger with pieces of wonderfully smoky BBQ pork shoulder, jalapenos, and cheese and then like all his burgers tops it with a layer of wonderfully grilled onion. The bun seems to have been soaked in butter and unlike some stuffed burgers the kitchen managed to keep my medium rare temperature consistent throughout the meat. On my return visit I couldn’t help but order the burger again and did notice that the size and amount of the jalapenos had great decreased which was a disappointment to me. A companion on one visit tried their BLTO burger which was essentially a BLT with onion on top of a plain burger and while she thought it was delicious it was disappointing when the onion had to be requested from the kitchen. This burger option has since disappeared from the menu.
Bulldog NE: A burger, double grinded in house, cured with herbs and spices, then given a bath in melted butter…my mouth salivates just typing those words. Chef Landon Schoenefeld has created burgers that are truly a work of art. The Junk Burger features the amazing meat that bursts with tender juicy flavor along with thick cut bacon, mushrooms, garlic aioli, tomatoes, lettuce and your choice of cheese, and it may be the greatest burger you’ve ever had. The Jap and Jack burger is exactly like it sounds with the freshest jalapenos Minnesota’s ever seen sliced over a local Monterey jack cheese. The Stilton Burger has become a favorite of a frequent dining companion of mine with stilton cheese, garlic chips, and homemade horseradish mustard. In the end, it’s the meat at the Bulldog that’s the star of the burgers.
Edge: Bulldog NE- the quality of the ingredients outweighs Harry’s creativity.
Harry’s: I can’t even describe the smile on my face the first time my server brought me my food at Harry’s and I saw that the fries were served in the same bags my high school cafeteria used. While I certainly hoped they didn’t taste anything like those fries, I appreciated the touch of nostalgia and creativity the plating showed. Seasoned perfectly, the fries themselves are slightly bigger then shoestring fries and alternate between crisp and soft. In the end you find yourself reaching in the bag for any crumbs that are left.
Bulldog NE: I have seen people literally declare their passionate love for these fries. They are very similar to Harry’s except for the fact that the Bulldog offers you the opportunity to doctor them up. The fries that seem to create the most passion are the ones that are drizzled with truffle oil and parmesan cheese. The saltiness of the parmesan accents the intense flavor of the truffle oil and each bite is one to be savored.
Edge: Bulldog NE- The truffle oil fries are hands down the best in town but Harry’s basic fry is close behind.
Everything Else Food
Harry’s: Honesty I haven’t tried much else off the menu past the burgers. On my first visit my companion and I split a side order of peppery arugula with white beans and shaved parmesan. The dish was very satisfying and succeeded in keeping the texture and feel of the arugula by cooking it very quickly. Unfortunately this is now of the menu but there are still many side dishes to choose from. The other attention grabber is the nightly specials; Friday night fish fries, cheese steaks with Grain Belts, and on Monday’s, meatloaf. On my last visit my accomplice ordered said meatloaf and what came out was an unqualified success. The meat was juicy and held together like a finer piece of meat. The gravy was more of an au jus and had a slight bitterness that played very well with the accompanying mushrooms and super creamy mashed potatoes. My companion thought the lack of onions and the inclusion of carrots in the meatloaf was odd but really enjoyed the gravy as it was a break from the thick grey/brown gravy one expects.
Bulldog NE: Again, like Harry’s its tough to get past the burgers when one comes to the Bulldog NE. However twice now I have ventured off the burger path with varying results. The chili is perhaps the best I’ve ever had at a restaurant. As a chili connoisseur there’s really no chili I truly enjoy other then the one I make or my father made before me. I find chili to be such a unique and personal taste that it’s often difficult to be satisfied by it when eating out. That being said, the chili here might make me change my mind. Using beef brisket as the base, this is a simple chili with meat and “gravy”. The spice is evident and builds with each bite. The mini cornbread muffins offer a great counter balance and are some of the best in town. On a separate occasion I sampled the “Philly” cheese steak. As someone who loves authentic cheese steaks I was pleased to see the menu use the proper terms of “wit” and “wit out” when it came to various add-ons. Sadly the sandwich was a bit of a disappointment as the meat never seemed to become one with other ingredients. A great cheese steak allows you to taste all the components in one bite and here the meat stood out on its own in every bite. Still it was not a complete disaster as the meat and ingredients were still all prepared with the utmost care.
Edge: Bulldog NE- The chili is the tops in town but the cheese steak at Harry’s could turn this around once I try it.
Harry’s: Amazingly both times I’ve been to Harry’s I’ve had the same server and thank god for that. While I’ve seen other wait staff wander with hot plates seeking out tables I’ve had nothing but good service. When my companion was missing the onions for her burger as previously mentioned, our server came back quickly and with enough onions to cover 4 burgers. Upon my first visit the maitre d’ made a point of asking me if I’d like a booth with a kitchen view which was also very considerate and appreciated.
Bulldog NE: Sadly if there is any area that either restaurant is truly deficient at, it’s the Bulldog and its service. A visit there on a Sunday afternoon can go smoothly and efficiently but things get a little dicier once you get into the early evening hours any other night. For example, the wait for food can exceed a reasonable time period, fries with garnish come plain and vice versa, burgers can cooked to the wrong temperature, and the bar can run out of anything from Bloody Mary mix to iced tea. Thankfully I can say that each of these examples I’ve sighted have been willingly corrected but they should not happen in the first place.
Edge: Harry’s- Astonishing that the new place has something over a place that’s been open nearly a year.
Location and Ambiance
Harry’s: Located on the edge of downtown, Harry’s snuggles up to the old railroad depot on Washington Avenue. A short walk to both the Metrodome and the new Guthrie, Harry’s offers another choice for pre game and pre theater dining. Inside the ex-Nochee space the restaurant exemplifies the phrase “clean space”. The raised booths in the main room offer a view of the open kitchen while the famous words of namesake Harry are stenciled above the pass through window. The bar area is comfortable and nothing feels cramped. The patio space outside offers views of traffic but thankfully its pushed back enough from the street so that one does not snort exhaust all meal. Perhaps the crowning achievement is the chandelier made of Grain Belt Premium bottles that hangs over the maitre d’ station and the smaller versions that adorn each corner of the bar. Only complaint comes from the bathroom where 3 months after opening the soap is still sitting in Softsoap dispensers instead of something more classy or permanent.
Bulldog NE: Located just over the river from Harry’s, the Bulldog seems to be a bar first and restaurant second and that’s just fine with me. If you’re looking for booths or tables where you can spread out then it’s best you head out. The real estate is tight and if you arrive anytime after 5 expect to be sharing your meal with those that are enjoying one of a liquid variety. While this all sounds negative, truth is the Bulldog has a certain charm all its own. From the shuffleboard table along the walls, to the umpteen plasmas around the exposed brick walls, the Bulldog always feels alive and accessible to crowds of all kinds.
Edge: Harry’s- A bit more of restaurant feel and the fact that you won’t get hit in the back by some drunk idiot while you’re eating is nice too.
Final Call
I’m so happy to be living in an age where this type of cuisine is so prevalent that its hard for me to pick a favorite here. More visits to Harry’s to explore their specials are certainly in order but until then I’ll give the nod to the Bulldog NE.
Harry’s Food and Cocktails, 500 Washington Ave S,

The Bulldog NE, 401 E Hennepin Ave,
Harry’s: While Harry’s menu has a number of choices I knew before my first visit what exactly I was going to have...the Cowboy burger. Head chef Steve Brown stuffs a burger with pieces of wonderfully smoky BBQ pork shoulder, jalapenos, and cheese and then like all his burgers tops it with a layer of wonderfully grilled onion. The bun seems to have been soaked in butter and unlike some stuffed burgers the kitchen managed to keep my medium rare temperature consistent throughout the meat. On my return visit I couldn’t help but order the burger again and did notice that the size and amount of the jalapenos had great decreased which was a disappointment to me. A companion on one visit tried their BLTO burger which was essentially a BLT with onion on top of a plain burger and while she thought it was delicious it was disappointing when the onion had to be requested from the kitchen. This burger option has since disappeared from the menu.
Bulldog NE: A burger, double grinded in house, cured with herbs and spices, then given a bath in melted butter…my mouth salivates just typing those words. Chef Landon Schoenefeld has created burgers that are truly a work of art. The Junk Burger features the amazing meat that bursts with tender juicy flavor along with thick cut bacon, mushrooms, garlic aioli, tomatoes, lettuce and your choice of cheese, and it may be the greatest burger you’ve ever had. The Jap and Jack burger is exactly like it sounds with the freshest jalapenos Minnesota’s ever seen sliced over a local Monterey jack cheese. The Stilton Burger has become a favorite of a frequent dining companion of mine with stilton cheese, garlic chips, and homemade horseradish mustard. In the end, it’s the meat at the Bulldog that’s the star of the burgers.
Edge: Bulldog NE- the quality of the ingredients outweighs Harry’s creativity.
Harry’s: I can’t even describe the smile on my face the first time my server brought me my food at Harry’s and I saw that the fries were served in the same bags my high school cafeteria used. While I certainly hoped they didn’t taste anything like those fries, I appreciated the touch of nostalgia and creativity the plating showed. Seasoned perfectly, the fries themselves are slightly bigger then shoestring fries and alternate between crisp and soft. In the end you find yourself reaching in the bag for any crumbs that are left.
Bulldog NE: I have seen people literally declare their passionate love for these fries. They are very similar to Harry’s except for the fact that the Bulldog offers you the opportunity to doctor them up. The fries that seem to create the most passion are the ones that are drizzled with truffle oil and parmesan cheese. The saltiness of the parmesan accents the intense flavor of the truffle oil and each bite is one to be savored.
Edge: Bulldog NE- The truffle oil fries are hands down the best in town but Harry’s basic fry is close behind.
Everything Else Food
Harry’s: Honesty I haven’t tried much else off the menu past the burgers. On my first visit my companion and I split a side order of peppery arugula with white beans and shaved parmesan. The dish was very satisfying and succeeded in keeping the texture and feel of the arugula by cooking it very quickly. Unfortunately this is now of the menu but there are still many side dishes to choose from. The other attention grabber is the nightly specials; Friday night fish fries, cheese steaks with Grain Belts, and on Monday’s, meatloaf. On my last visit my accomplice ordered said meatloaf and what came out was an unqualified success. The meat was juicy and held together like a finer piece of meat. The gravy was more of an au jus and had a slight bitterness that played very well with the accompanying mushrooms and super creamy mashed potatoes. My companion thought the lack of onions and the inclusion of carrots in the meatloaf was odd but really enjoyed the gravy as it was a break from the thick grey/brown gravy one expects.
Bulldog NE: Again, like Harry’s its tough to get past the burgers when one comes to the Bulldog NE. However twice now I have ventured off the burger path with varying results. The chili is perhaps the best I’ve ever had at a restaurant. As a chili connoisseur there’s really no chili I truly enjoy other then the one I make or my father made before me. I find chili to be such a unique and personal taste that it’s often difficult to be satisfied by it when eating out. That being said, the chili here might make me change my mind. Using beef brisket as the base, this is a simple chili with meat and “gravy”. The spice is evident and builds with each bite. The mini cornbread muffins offer a great counter balance and are some of the best in town. On a separate occasion I sampled the “Philly” cheese steak. As someone who loves authentic cheese steaks I was pleased to see the menu use the proper terms of “wit” and “wit out” when it came to various add-ons. Sadly the sandwich was a bit of a disappointment as the meat never seemed to become one with other ingredients. A great cheese steak allows you to taste all the components in one bite and here the meat stood out on its own in every bite. Still it was not a complete disaster as the meat and ingredients were still all prepared with the utmost care.
Edge: Bulldog NE- The chili is the tops in town but the cheese steak at Harry’s could turn this around once I try it.
Harry’s: Amazingly both times I’ve been to Harry’s I’ve had the same server and thank god for that. While I’ve seen other wait staff wander with hot plates seeking out tables I’ve had nothing but good service. When my companion was missing the onions for her burger as previously mentioned, our server came back quickly and with enough onions to cover 4 burgers. Upon my first visit the maitre d’ made a point of asking me if I’d like a booth with a kitchen view which was also very considerate and appreciated.
Bulldog NE: Sadly if there is any area that either restaurant is truly deficient at, it’s the Bulldog and its service. A visit there on a Sunday afternoon can go smoothly and efficiently but things get a little dicier once you get into the early evening hours any other night. For example, the wait for food can exceed a reasonable time period, fries with garnish come plain and vice versa, burgers can cooked to the wrong temperature, and the bar can run out of anything from Bloody Mary mix to iced tea. Thankfully I can say that each of these examples I’ve sighted have been willingly corrected but they should not happen in the first place.
Edge: Harry’s- Astonishing that the new place has something over a place that’s been open nearly a year.
Location and Ambiance
Harry’s: Located on the edge of downtown, Harry’s snuggles up to the old railroad depot on Washington Avenue. A short walk to both the Metrodome and the new Guthrie, Harry’s offers another choice for pre game and pre theater dining. Inside the ex-Nochee space the restaurant exemplifies the phrase “clean space”. The raised booths in the main room offer a view of the open kitchen while the famous words of namesake Harry are stenciled above the pass through window. The bar area is comfortable and nothing feels cramped. The patio space outside offers views of traffic but thankfully its pushed back enough from the street so that one does not snort exhaust all meal. Perhaps the crowning achievement is the chandelier made of Grain Belt Premium bottles that hangs over the maitre d’ station and the smaller versions that adorn each corner of the bar. Only complaint comes from the bathroom where 3 months after opening the soap is still sitting in Softsoap dispensers instead of something more classy or permanent.
Bulldog NE: Located just over the river from Harry’s, the Bulldog seems to be a bar first and restaurant second and that’s just fine with me. If you’re looking for booths or tables where you can spread out then it’s best you head out. The real estate is tight and if you arrive anytime after 5 expect to be sharing your meal with those that are enjoying one of a liquid variety. While this all sounds negative, truth is the Bulldog has a certain charm all its own. From the shuffleboard table along the walls, to the umpteen plasmas around the exposed brick walls, the Bulldog always feels alive and accessible to crowds of all kinds.
Edge: Harry’s- A bit more of restaurant feel and the fact that you won’t get hit in the back by some drunk idiot while you’re eating is nice too.
Final Call
I’m so happy to be living in an age where this type of cuisine is so prevalent that its hard for me to pick a favorite here. More visits to Harry’s to explore their specials are certainly in order but until then I’ll give the nod to the Bulldog NE.
Harry’s Food and Cocktails, 500 Washington Ave S,
The Bulldog NE, 401 E Hennepin Ave,
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I Told You So and Other Random Thoughts
* Back in August I picked Hung to win Top Chef and now two months later I’m happy to say I was right. Last night all three contestants prepared meals that any of us would be lucky to enjoy but Hung finally was able to bring more of his personality into the food. Dale really surprised me the last couple of weeks and I found myself pulling for him. His lamb dish sounded amazing and on paper his lobster dish should have worked. Casey, who had quickly become the popular pick to win, completely fell apart and blamed everything from altitude to baby leeks for her downfall.
* Please tell me you saw Pushing Daisies last night. Holy crap is that a show! From its pop art colors to its stunning cinematography the show looks like a polished Tim Burton film. Like those films the bright vibrant colors counter balance the dark, dark tone of the story. Pie maker/resurrector of the dead, Ned is one of the most unique fictional characters to come along in any medium in years. He doesn’t seem to question nor fully understand the nature of his “gift”, yet he has managed to craft a successful yet lonely life living above The Pie Hole (the name of his business which alone makes this show worth watching). Anyway please tell me you took my advice and watched it because this is one of those “too smart for TV” shows which already has me worried about its network longevity.
* I’ve kept my mouth shut on the latest Britney drama this week and with good reason. The woman lost custody of her kids and no matter what you think of her as a person or a mother it is still a sad event and one that does not deserve to be slathered in cynicism as its dragged through the headlines.
* Bionic Woman improved mightily in its second episode last night. Gay basher Isaiah Washington is an interesting addition to the cast and the lead character was actually given more…character.
* Took a leap of faith and pre-ordered the upcoming Jay Z album American Gangster. Last year I got burned when I did the same with his “comeback” album Kingdom Come but I’m keeping the faith based on the concept of this album. While not a straight soundtrack, the album is a companion piece to Ridley Scott’s new film of the same name staring Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington. The first track Blue Magic is classic Jay as he meanders from beat to beat telling his tales from the street.
* Please tell me you saw Pushing Daisies last night. Holy crap is that a show! From its pop art colors to its stunning cinematography the show looks like a polished Tim Burton film. Like those films the bright vibrant colors counter balance the dark, dark tone of the story. Pie maker/resurrector of the dead, Ned is one of the most unique fictional characters to come along in any medium in years. He doesn’t seem to question nor fully understand the nature of his “gift”, yet he has managed to craft a successful yet lonely life living above The Pie Hole (the name of his business which alone makes this show worth watching). Anyway please tell me you took my advice and watched it because this is one of those “too smart for TV” shows which already has me worried about its network longevity.
* I’ve kept my mouth shut on the latest Britney drama this week and with good reason. The woman lost custody of her kids and no matter what you think of her as a person or a mother it is still a sad event and one that does not deserve to be slathered in cynicism as its dragged through the headlines.
* Bionic Woman improved mightily in its second episode last night. Gay basher Isaiah Washington is an interesting addition to the cast and the lead character was actually given more…character.
* Took a leap of faith and pre-ordered the upcoming Jay Z album American Gangster. Last year I got burned when I did the same with his “comeback” album Kingdom Come but I’m keeping the faith based on the concept of this album. While not a straight soundtrack, the album is a companion piece to Ridley Scott’s new film of the same name staring Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington. The first track Blue Magic is classic Jay as he meanders from beat to beat telling his tales from the street.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Just A Reminder…
…TV Night in America round 2 is tonight and as we say goodbye to Top Chef (Go Hung!), we welcome a couple of old favorites and a promising new comer. Pushing Daisies (7pm, ABC) was the favorite new show of the season for critics along with Reaper. Let’s see if Daisies can live up to the hype like its satanic brethren did. Over on Comedy Central we’ve got the return of South Park and The Sarah Silverman Program. The gang in Colorado aren’t necessarily appointment TV for me anymore but they’re sure worth a TiVo and tonight’s premiere focusing on Cartman dealing with his new found tourettes sounds like a recipe for awesomeness. Meanwhile, Silverman returns after a first season in which she found a way to offend and entertain, maintaining a nice balance between making you laugh and gasp. Tonight’s season premiere is on abortion so I’m guessing we might get a lot of wire hanger and fetus jokes…can’t wait. If you’re keeping track at home that makes 9 hours of Self Loathing Pop Culture Fanatic recommended viewing so make sure you get that nap in after work cause its going to be a long night.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Did you have a life Saturday night?
Well so did I but I have TiVo and in case you missed it. Andy Sandberg delieverd another SNL digital short for the ages. LeBron sucked though and except for some brief inspiration the show was flat.
Blog Batteries Need A Changing
Happy October to one and all! This is hands down my favorite months of the year. The cool crisp air is finally free of allergens. The heat of summer usually makes one last welcome appearance. Football is in full swing. TV is fresh and new. Oscar season starts to kick off. And of course it’s the month with one of my high drinking holidays…Halloween. I’m kicking off October by taking a mini vay-kay out to San Diego for a good friend’s wedding so things might be a little dicey for a week or so when it comes to regular posts. Honestly with the Fall TV season now in full gear I’m feeling the need to sit back and refresh myself so this blog continues its high standard of adequateness. So keep checking back but don’t be surprised if I’m not posting that often this month …I’ll probably be out jumping in leaf piles, wearing my Vikings jersey, while watching new shows on my iPod.
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