10. Even though there’s more room to dance in my living room, seeing Once More with Feeling on the big screen is something every Buffy fan should do.
9. Most Buffy fans, like Joss Whedon himself, are huge Veronica Mars fans. During the clip from V Mars that features Joss there were many, “Save Veronica” cries.
8. Plastic vampire teeth are really just drool cups that make your mouth super uncomfortable.
7. Most hardcore Buffy fans hate Angel, love Spike, and feel a little sorry for Reilly.
6. While I consider myself an avid fan I’ve got nothing on the folks that could yell out episode titles in .03 seconds during the trivia portion. That’s true devotion bordering on obsession but impressive none the less.
5. Everyone hates Dawn…and if some how you don’t, hearing over a hundred folks scream “Shut up Dawn” every time she speaks will certainly bring you around.
4. Midnight movies suck in the Midwest where our bars close at 2am and our movie theaters are dry. Either start the show at 10pm or someone open a real drinking theater like the Drafthouse in Austin , TX .
3. Even non-Buffy fans can enjoy the spectacle thanks to the props, MCs, pre-show entertainment, and general sense of camaraderie. I brought along a Buffy neophyte who had just gone through a crash course viewing of the musical the night before and she said the only thing she regretted, was not knowing it well enough to participate more.
2. Xander and Anya’s song might not be a breakaway pop hit but damn it all if it didn’t seem to be the crowd favorite. I think it’s always been the favorite number in the many living room performances I’ve attended over the years but I was somewhat surprised that it was most popular number for the theater audience as well.
And the number 1 thing I learned from my first Buffy Sing a Long…Never underestimate true fans. I must admit while I was giddy at the thought of the show I was worried when I picked up my advance tickets to see that only 37 had been sold two weeks prior to show time. However when the curtain rose the house was packed (so was Friday’s performance according the MC). I also questioned how much people would get into it and honestly I was blown away. From the older couple in front of me who embarrassed their teen daughter and her friend by making out throughout the night, to the scores of lesbians who savored the hotness of Willow and Tara , the entire theater seemed alive. Of course the sing a long wouldn’t have been complete without bunnies and sure enough we had two of them run to the front of the theater for Anya’s solo during “I’ve Got a Theory”. Seriously, if you’ve ever been a member of the Mutant Enemy army, make sure you catch this if it comes to your town. BuffySings.com
I’m off to NYC tomorrow and will be back full time next week with reviews of Knocked Up and Ocean’s 13 and a look at the latest efforts to resurrect some cancelled shows including the aforementioned Veronica Mars.
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