Wow last night was a perfect Project Runway. We got Heidi showing off her German dominatrix side as she screamed at the designers to get going to the challenge (seriously I was scared for a second when she yelled at them). We got classic Tim quotes, “Ricky doesn’t look good, Ricky’s in trouble.” We got some designer cattiness as Ricky and Carmen mixed it up a little. And finally we got to see the season 4 designers stuck in a difficult challenge as they had to design men’s wear. It was hilarious to see the designers non reaction to their client former NFL great Tiki Barber. Although it was equally hilarious to see the lone straight guy freak out about Tiki in a similar fashion his fellow designers did when meeting Sarah Jessica Parker the week before. Because there was a celebrity involved I still felt like this season’s designers are getting challenges with huge rewards right of the bat, but that being said, it was obviously a tough challenge since the bottom 3 outfits were some of the worst in the history of the show. Carmen’s no shirt number (pictured above) was just embarrassing not only to her but to anyone ever been on or even watched Project Runway. It wasn’t just the lack of shirt or the ill fitted pants; the look itself was so bad that even the free accessories looked horrible when combined. Ricky wasn’t much better but at least he had something that could be worn…if you don’t mind being stuck with pins. Looking at Sweet P’s design made me think for the first time in my life that I could make clothes cause honestly I don’t know how much worse I could do than that collar. In the end Carmen had to go because of that god awful ensemble. Too bad too, because I loved her back story of being a former model turned designer. Lucky Ricky is living on borrowed time as he has placed in the bottom three twice in three weeks. Meanwhile the only problem I had with the episode was the winner. While Jack’s design was great I have a hard time giving the win to someone who didn’t follow the rules. It was clearly explained in the beginning that the outfits had to have three pieces and Jack only had two. Yes they were great pieces, but he still didn’t finish the task. I swear the judges have been sticklers for this in the past and by letting him win they’ve opened the door to a lot of potential controversy. Even if Jack had met the requirements, I still thought Kit had the best design. She took a look that could easily have been boring and classified as yacht wear, and played with textures and colors enough to make it young, hip and as she pointed out numerous times, TV friendly. Next week looks like another team challenge which always promises plenty of drama so tune in for that.
Now on to The Real World: Sydney which has quietly been chugging along on MTV. Early on I complained that this season was too white bread and vanilla and while those complaints are still valid the show has certainly done the best with what they’ve got. While the show has not rivaled the previous season in Denver in the sex category, the body count of this season has become staggering. First up we had the seemingly independent Shauvon head home to beg forgiveness from her ex-fiancee who doesn’t want her to work or leave the house. Then we had the coolest Real Worlder ever, Isaac, take a sabbatical for a few weeks because he saw CGI blackbirds. Now we’ve got the kicker though, as Trisha got kicked the fuck out for pushing Persian princess Parisa. I’ve been on the Trisha hating bandwagon ever since episode one when she displayed her xenophobic intolerance but week after week I’ve developed a deep reality hate for the woman. Parisa meanwhile certainly can push peoples buttons and be a bit of a drunk mom, but at least she’s been honest towards her roommates (perhaps to a fault). Taking a stand and sending Trisha packing was a bold and correct move by Parisa and hopefully one the guys in the house will continue to back her up on. Meanwhile, the remaining girls in the house have officially joined the Trisha team and displayed Trisha’s trademark classlessness when they spit at Parisa while she was on the phone. Here’s hoping next week the returning Isaac puts them in check. Either way the show has once again been entertaining and we’ve still got at least another month of drama before the season comes to an end.
I’ll be off this weekend trying to forget my age but I’ll be back next week as we enter the final month of the year and prepare to name the best of 2007.
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