One of the brighter sides of the writer strike was the promise of a winter version of Big Brother; sadly this has turned into fool's gold. Big Brother: Til Death Do Us Part is the weakest installment of the perennial summer guilty pleasure and the blame lands squarely on this year's failed twist. By partnering up players as soul mates Big Brother has taken out half the fun of the game…shomance. These forced pairs are awkward and unneeded. Filling the house with relatively attractive single people would have been enough to ensure some hook ups and break ups. On top of the failed concept the producers needlessly added another twist by placing an ex couple and a current couple in the house. Again this was boring and pointless. Sure you could blame Ryan and Jen for misplaying their advantage but truth is there wasn't much of an advantage to be played. Likewise it was no shock that the ex couple was the first to go. Some of the folks are interesting but are overshadowed by the burden of this bizarre twist. Thankfully the pairs twist does make for a shorter season but one hopes this terrible season doesn't ruin the future of the show which hopefully includes an upcoming summer season.
While Big Brother has fallen on the sword of their twist, Survivor has once again excelled at making minor adjustments to keep the show fresh. Instead of doing another All Star installment the show has struck gold with their Fans vs. Favorites concept. Truth is there probably weren't enough ex-players to constitute an entire show of All Stars so the Fans idea seems like a natural UNFORCED progression. Of course that wasn't the only twist up the producer's sleeves although the failure of the second falls squarely on the player. By sending opposite tribe members to Exile Island the show laid the groundwork for an incredible competition of wits and strength. Unfortunately Kathy from the Fans showed no interest in finding the idle after her first of FOUR TRIPS, and has decidedly become a fair weather fan. Credit goes to the Fans not losing every challenge and actually managing to hold their own in terms of tribe drama. Last night's vote was another shocking ouster much like their previous trip. The Favorites are truly an intriguing bunch with the exception of Cirie. I truly hate these reality folks that spend all their time talking about how good a person they are and then don't back it up with actions. Once she's gone I think a case can be made for any of the favorites being truly favorites, even sex pot in her own eyes Pavarti. Next week looks like another twist as the tribes get shaken up and just like the show I expect both tribes to keep on keeping on.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Runway Roundup: Week 12

The penultimate Project Runway brought laughter and tears. First off I have got to say that the ugliest thing I've seen in 4 years of the show graced my TV tonight and that was Jillian's hat/wrap/wig/sculpture/live animal pictured above. My god woman you are showing at fashion week not Cirque De Solie. Speaking of outlandish shows how about our Chris. I loved his collection. The human hair aspect made me gag like Tim but I must say when his looks marched (yes pun intended) down the runway I became a convert. Costume yes but also high fashion. I disagreed with the judges criticism of the long black dress. Yes the model had trouble moving but sometimes that's just the price you have to pay to look that damn good. Rami however put together a bit of a mis-mash. I liked his first two looks especially the blue jacket but I found his black gown downright horrible. I thought it was poorly fitted and like Michael Korrs I hated on the hip pads. Furthermore, I felt like his 3 pieces lacked the cohesiveness that Chris' had. Of course that could have been solved with a pair of scissors and a trip to the wig store. No tears though for Chris who I feel would have gotten his clock cleaned at fashion week and Rami might actually have a chance against the Long Island Princess and the out of the closet closet dweller. Seriously Tim seemed close to passing out when seeing Christian's studio studio. Next week looks like we're in for the usual finale drama including lost models, missing pieces, and teary breakdowns. Enjoy it folks since it has to hold us for a while...or at least until Top Chef comes back in March.
Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Week 6
Another week and another veteran romp. Seriously I would love to see all the rookies wiped out before the final mission. Could that even be possible? Based on this week's performance...yes. Frank sticks around but does so at the expense of one his best physical teammates. Tori wins a Gauntlet she wishes she never was in. They all hate each other and meanwhile weaklings Rachel and Ryan sit back and coast forward. Meanwhile the Vets had it tough...relatively speaking. After throwing one mission last week the men were determined to repeat that performance but after the challenge offered them no choice, it was clear they had to put in a little effort. Unfortunately for them a little was all they needed. In the second challenge the Vets faced huge odds yet came through again. Seems like Coral still has a bulls eye on her back and now even the women are turning on her. Danny also seems to be wearing on his team but maybe now that his porcelain princess Melinda is gone he'll mellow the fuck out. Back again to the calm before the storm people...the story of the season.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Final Oscar Thoughts
It's the morning after and I've got a few final observations on last night's show. To me it all seemed very old Hollywood. No big musical numbers, no skits with the host, no red carpet hi-jinks (except for Hannibal Busey). In short this was a classy show from start to finish and in doing so became one of the most boring shows in recent memory. I know the strike affected the show but Jon Stewart should have been able to drum up a little more funny. As always his strong moments came when he gave his honest reactions to some of the winners, losers, and clips. His political jokes hit the mark but often he seemed to be floating in an ocean with no life preserver in sight. Still I'd take him over Ellen or Whoopi any day. The stars shined brightly but given that many of the major categories were shoe-ins, the show lacked any discernable tension. That's not to say there weren't some great moments such as the duo from Once walking away with Best Song and the winners of the two documentary categories sharing their emotions so freely. The pace of the show was knuckle draggingly slow in the first two hours but the last hour plus just flew by. It was a quiet show and one that fit the majority of this year's films in that it was dark, sometimes depressing (miss you Heath), and featured a bunch of psychos (see the aforementioned Busey). As for me I did horribly in my pool for not listening enough to my heart. I've been praising The Bourne Ultimatum all year yet when push came to shove I didn't pick it in any of the 3 categories it swept. Oh well there's always next year...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Live Oscar Blog
5:40- Welcome everyone to Oscar night 2008. This is my first attempt at live blogging folks so bear with me.
5:43- Love that the rain is coming and making Seacrest uncomfortable. I love the red carpet but I hate the way the coverage really ugly ups the event. For example Seacrest and co just uttered the term "crotch cam". Clooney and his lady looking beautiful is ever.
5:53- It's official, ABC is smarter then E! I used to dislike the 30 minute preshow on ABC but even if Billy Bush acts inapproapriately to our national treasures, at least they condense the red carpet into a more palatable version. Seacrest and company are just dragging on and I've only had it on for 25 minutes. Kimora Lee might have a fashion line but good god I can't believe how she ooohed and ahhhed over Anne Hathaways butt ugly rosette neck line.
6:00- Ok enough of E! let's see what Baba Wawa has in store for us. Hannah Montana? Damn this might suck but Harrison Ford might be fun.
6:10- Mylie Cyrus has chased me back to E! Can't believe the Rock is not only attending the show but also presenting. What is this the People's Choice Awards?
6:20- Vanessa Williams? Are you fucking kidding me? Is this Baba Wawa amateur hour?
6:30- Gary Busey is bat shit crazy. Poor J Garner but yay for Seacrest being scared out his underoos.
6:40- Ok Ellen Page has redeemed Baba a bit. Although Baba is damn pushy! Best moment is Baba looking generally put off by Ellen's sleepwalking story. Makes me wonder if Ellen is pulling her leg. If so then huge kudos. Harrison up next.
6:50- Ford is honest if nothing else. Love him controlling the interview instead of Baba but is anyone else feeling a little underwhelmed by Indy 4. Don't get me wrong I'll be there opening weekend but it the hype feels a little blah.
7:10- Regis is doing well. He might be losing it but he's not BILLY BUSH! Plus he actually seems to know what he's talking about. Marion Cotillard is just stunning this evening. Meanwhile Travolta just needs to go away. Laura Linney is always beautiful and her dress is so simple and just so stunning. Javier Bardem is the best dressed man I've seen so far. Poor guy must be sick of the haircut questions.
7:11- Holy shit was that a Guttenberg sighting?!?!?!?!?
7:25- Ok here we go. Let's all send J Stew our best wishes for the night.
7:41- The CGI opening was crap. Can't believe they went straight from that into the sponsored by routine. Stewart's Norbit joke was money. I'm using Gaydolf Titler as my new nom de plum. Pretty good monologue but not great.
7:43- Costume to Elizabeth and I'm already 0 for 1 in my pool.
7:51- First clip assembly nicely introduced by Clooney. Hard not to get sentimental about 80 years although it seems we see these clips every year in some form or another.
7:55- Steve Carrell made me miss The Office so much. Animated goes to Ratatouille which just proves that you can't stop Pixar.
8:00- Katherine Heigl seemed more like a winner then a presenter as she was just so damn nervous. Make Up goes to La Vie En Rose saving us all from referring to Norbit as an Oscar winning film.
8:10- Well at least they type cast the Rock and gave him the FX category. First shock of the night as Compass beats out Transformers and Pirates.
8:12- Art direction was a highly competitive field this year but you always have to go for Tim Burton films.
8:15- Does Oscar really want us to remember that Cuba Gooding Jr won best supporting actor a few years back? Jennifer Hudson looks like a deer in headlights. This was no surprise but still wonderful to see. Javier certainly deserves it. One psycho to go.
8:28- The two musical performances have been really understated so far which I'd usually appreciate but these are REALLY understated.
8:30- First toss up award of the night goes to the Mozart Pickpockets. Well that was that.
8:33- Short animated is one of those awards where you realize you should have picked something the minute you see the clip but not this year as Peter and the Wolf looked completley underwhelming.
8:37- I'm so happy Tilda won but good god that's the worse dress of the night.
8:47- Adapted screenplay for the Cohens which makes my heart warm. Their speech is my favorite so far. No time for smoke breaks, drink making and what not as the academy president is out.
8:56- Now there's our big musical number. Kristen Chenowirth has such a beautiful voice and the big production actually makes sense given the context of the song. Big but tasteful...thankfully.
9:05- I always thought of Seth Rogen as more of a Catherine Zeta Jones. So glad to see Bourne win something even though its for sound...its something and its more awards then Norbit.
9:07- Sound mixing gives Bourne the clean sound sweep yay!!!!
9:13- I could listen to Forrest Whitaker read all long as its not last year's acceptance speach. Lovely to see such true joy from a winner with Marion.
9:20- What a wonderful moment to see the stars of Once standing on film's biggest stage. If they win I may go apeshit...
9:24- Best Pic montage is great. Thanks again Academy for reminding us of some of the bad films that have won Hollywood's highest honor. English Patient is just 2 and half hours of sand...sand. Side note Kramer vs. Kramer was the first Oscar I remember. Oh and don't even get me started on Forest Gump.
9:30- Oh great Renee "Open Your Eyes" Zellweger. Editing goes Bourne. Thank god I'm so happy for Greengrass and co and proves this film should have gotten more nominations.
9:32- What happened to Nicole Kidman's necklace?
9:42- Something died on Penelope Cruz's breasts!
9:46- I think we can all agree that we're happy the songs are over. I love how McDreamy was introduced as versitile. That's the kind of compliment you get when no one can come up with anything specific to say about you. Stay on TV pseudo hunk.
9:50- Fuck yea! Way to go Academy for giving it to Once.
9:57- What a class move by the producers and Stewart for bringing out Marketa to give her a chance to speak and what a speach.
10:00- Oh Cameron this why you don't work anymore. Elswit and Blood take cinematography which is surprising to me but I must say the work has been growing on me after an initial indifference.
10:10- The memorium segment is always so well done. Atonement seemed like a resonable winner for score as I heard more of it but I'm still dismayed that There Will Be Blood wasn't nominated.
10:12- Hey look Hollywood is doing their token support our troops moment. Nice touch to give them one of the awards few care about.
10:15- Damn I thought we were done with Hanks. Plus side no long winded Michael Moore speech.
10:24- No surprise here but what a great moment for Minnesota's own ex-stripper. Not so sure about the dress though. Harrison Ford Tarzan...she Jane?
10:34- And now the coronation for Daniel Day Lewis. A role for the ages and the greatest performance I've ever seen.
10:40- Despite my poor pool performance I must say this show has gone pretty much according to script. A bit boring no.
10:43- The Coens take directing and while I'm happy I feel that PTA should have taken it home. On a happier note I'm pleased to say that my friend Kristen has not only broken her streak of Oscar pool futility she took home the top prize. Congrats K!
10:45- Wow that was a fast wrap up in the last half hour. Glad for No Country and while the show was a bit flat I thought it was very good especially since this was a very good year of cinema. The live blog is done and I wish you all a great night and enjoy the after parties or as I call them sleep.
Pool Totals
5:43- Love that the rain is coming and making Seacrest uncomfortable. I love the red carpet but I hate the way the coverage really ugly ups the event. For example Seacrest and co just uttered the term "crotch cam". Clooney and his lady looking beautiful is ever.
5:53- It's official, ABC is smarter then E! I used to dislike the 30 minute preshow on ABC but even if Billy Bush acts inapproapriately to our national treasures, at least they condense the red carpet into a more palatable version. Seacrest and company are just dragging on and I've only had it on for 25 minutes. Kimora Lee might have a fashion line but good god I can't believe how she ooohed and ahhhed over Anne Hathaways butt ugly rosette neck line.
6:00- Ok enough of E! let's see what Baba Wawa has in store for us. Hannah Montana? Damn this might suck but Harrison Ford might be fun.
6:10- Mylie Cyrus has chased me back to E! Can't believe the Rock is not only attending the show but also presenting. What is this the People's Choice Awards?
6:20- Vanessa Williams? Are you fucking kidding me? Is this Baba Wawa amateur hour?
6:30- Gary Busey is bat shit crazy. Poor J Garner but yay for Seacrest being scared out his underoos.
6:40- Ok Ellen Page has redeemed Baba a bit. Although Baba is damn pushy! Best moment is Baba looking generally put off by Ellen's sleepwalking story. Makes me wonder if Ellen is pulling her leg. If so then huge kudos. Harrison up next.
6:50- Ford is honest if nothing else. Love him controlling the interview instead of Baba but is anyone else feeling a little underwhelmed by Indy 4. Don't get me wrong I'll be there opening weekend but it the hype feels a little blah.
7:10- Regis is doing well. He might be losing it but he's not BILLY BUSH! Plus he actually seems to know what he's talking about. Marion Cotillard is just stunning this evening. Meanwhile Travolta just needs to go away. Laura Linney is always beautiful and her dress is so simple and just so stunning. Javier Bardem is the best dressed man I've seen so far. Poor guy must be sick of the haircut questions.
7:11- Holy shit was that a Guttenberg sighting?!?!?!?!?
7:25- Ok here we go. Let's all send J Stew our best wishes for the night.
7:41- The CGI opening was crap. Can't believe they went straight from that into the sponsored by routine. Stewart's Norbit joke was money. I'm using Gaydolf Titler as my new nom de plum. Pretty good monologue but not great.
7:43- Costume to Elizabeth and I'm already 0 for 1 in my pool.
7:51- First clip assembly nicely introduced by Clooney. Hard not to get sentimental about 80 years although it seems we see these clips every year in some form or another.
7:55- Steve Carrell made me miss The Office so much. Animated goes to Ratatouille which just proves that you can't stop Pixar.
8:00- Katherine Heigl seemed more like a winner then a presenter as she was just so damn nervous. Make Up goes to La Vie En Rose saving us all from referring to Norbit as an Oscar winning film.
8:10- Well at least they type cast the Rock and gave him the FX category. First shock of the night as Compass beats out Transformers and Pirates.
8:12- Art direction was a highly competitive field this year but you always have to go for Tim Burton films.
8:15- Does Oscar really want us to remember that Cuba Gooding Jr won best supporting actor a few years back? Jennifer Hudson looks like a deer in headlights. This was no surprise but still wonderful to see. Javier certainly deserves it. One psycho to go.
8:28- The two musical performances have been really understated so far which I'd usually appreciate but these are REALLY understated.
8:30- First toss up award of the night goes to the Mozart Pickpockets. Well that was that.
8:33- Short animated is one of those awards where you realize you should have picked something the minute you see the clip but not this year as Peter and the Wolf looked completley underwhelming.
8:37- I'm so happy Tilda won but good god that's the worse dress of the night.
8:47- Adapted screenplay for the Cohens which makes my heart warm. Their speech is my favorite so far. No time for smoke breaks, drink making and what not as the academy president is out.
8:56- Now there's our big musical number. Kristen Chenowirth has such a beautiful voice and the big production actually makes sense given the context of the song. Big but tasteful...thankfully.
9:05- I always thought of Seth Rogen as more of a Catherine Zeta Jones. So glad to see Bourne win something even though its for sound...its something and its more awards then Norbit.
9:07- Sound mixing gives Bourne the clean sound sweep yay!!!!
9:13- I could listen to Forrest Whitaker read all long as its not last year's acceptance speach. Lovely to see such true joy from a winner with Marion.
9:20- What a wonderful moment to see the stars of Once standing on film's biggest stage. If they win I may go apeshit...
9:24- Best Pic montage is great. Thanks again Academy for reminding us of some of the bad films that have won Hollywood's highest honor. English Patient is just 2 and half hours of sand...sand. Side note Kramer vs. Kramer was the first Oscar I remember. Oh and don't even get me started on Forest Gump.
9:30- Oh great Renee "Open Your Eyes" Zellweger. Editing goes Bourne. Thank god I'm so happy for Greengrass and co and proves this film should have gotten more nominations.
9:32- What happened to Nicole Kidman's necklace?
9:42- Something died on Penelope Cruz's breasts!
9:46- I think we can all agree that we're happy the songs are over. I love how McDreamy was introduced as versitile. That's the kind of compliment you get when no one can come up with anything specific to say about you. Stay on TV pseudo hunk.
9:50- Fuck yea! Way to go Academy for giving it to Once.
9:57- What a class move by the producers and Stewart for bringing out Marketa to give her a chance to speak and what a speach.
10:00- Oh Cameron this why you don't work anymore. Elswit and Blood take cinematography which is surprising to me but I must say the work has been growing on me after an initial indifference.
10:10- The memorium segment is always so well done. Atonement seemed like a resonable winner for score as I heard more of it but I'm still dismayed that There Will Be Blood wasn't nominated.
10:12- Hey look Hollywood is doing their token support our troops moment. Nice touch to give them one of the awards few care about.
10:15- Damn I thought we were done with Hanks. Plus side no long winded Michael Moore speech.
10:24- No surprise here but what a great moment for Minnesota's own ex-stripper. Not so sure about the dress though. Harrison Ford Tarzan...she Jane?
10:34- And now the coronation for Daniel Day Lewis. A role for the ages and the greatest performance I've ever seen.
10:40- Despite my poor pool performance I must say this show has gone pretty much according to script. A bit boring no.
10:43- The Coens take directing and while I'm happy I feel that PTA should have taken it home. On a happier note I'm pleased to say that my friend Kristen has not only broken her streak of Oscar pool futility she took home the top prize. Congrats K!
10:45- Wow that was a fast wrap up in the last half hour. Glad for No Country and while the show was a bit flat I thought it was very good especially since this was a very good year of cinema. The live blog is done and I wish you all a great night and enjoy the after parties or as I call them sleep.
Pool Totals
Friday, February 22, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Picture
Who’s Nominated: No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood, Michael Clayton, Juno, Atonement
Who’s Missing: Once, Ratatouille, Inland Empire, Hot Fuzz, The Bourne Ultimatum, Eastern Promises…any of these deserve a nod in the biggest category on Hollywood’s biggest stage. I think the best case can be made for The Bourne Ultimatum which like the nominees in the category was a complete film from script to screen. Matt Damon led a dynamic cast that kept the audience out of breath and on its toes for 90 plus minutes. Paul Greengrass shot the hell out of this film and while I know it was omitted for being too commercial, voters should take note that commercial can sometimes mean artistic too.
Who Should Win: You could read my blog on Best Director and get the gist of my feelings. Love, love, love, Michael Clayton, but while it’s a great picture it sadly was released against two monster films in There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men. Personally I think Blood should win. It’s a film that demands patience and attention and then rewards the viewer ten fold. It’s the ultimate investment picture in that the more you give to the film the more you will get back. I love No Country for its genre bending ways but Blood haunts me like no film has in a while.
Who Will Win: Once again you could read my directing column for the answer. Based on the accessibility and the slightly more Hollywood feel of No Country, I believe that the Coen’s will best PTA again here. For example, the fact that Blood is centered around one well known performer, where as No Country is filled with many familiar faces is a small but important factor to consider when thinking like an Oscar voter.
Who’s Missing: Once, Ratatouille, Inland Empire, Hot Fuzz, The Bourne Ultimatum, Eastern Promises…any of these deserve a nod in the biggest category on Hollywood’s biggest stage. I think the best case can be made for The Bourne Ultimatum which like the nominees in the category was a complete film from script to screen. Matt Damon led a dynamic cast that kept the audience out of breath and on its toes for 90 plus minutes. Paul Greengrass shot the hell out of this film and while I know it was omitted for being too commercial, voters should take note that commercial can sometimes mean artistic too.
Who Should Win: You could read my blog on Best Director and get the gist of my feelings. Love, love, love, Michael Clayton, but while it’s a great picture it sadly was released against two monster films in There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men. Personally I think Blood should win. It’s a film that demands patience and attention and then rewards the viewer ten fold. It’s the ultimate investment picture in that the more you give to the film the more you will get back. I love No Country for its genre bending ways but Blood haunts me like no film has in a while.
Who Will Win: Once again you could read my directing column for the answer. Based on the accessibility and the slightly more Hollywood feel of No Country, I believe that the Coen’s will best PTA again here. For example, the fact that Blood is centered around one well known performer, where as No Country is filled with many familiar faces is a small but important factor to consider when thinking like an Oscar voter.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Runway Reunion aka Wake Me Up Next Week

I've said it once and I'll say it again I hate that Bravo! does these reunion shows before the end of the season. Watching the designers of season 4 of Project Runway gather last night was one big predictable snooze fest. There were clips of Ricky crying, Chris laughing, Christian saying fierce, and Heidi being crazy. Oh didn't you just love that when "blank" happened? Yes I did...when I saw it 1 week ago.
I must say that watching tight lipped ego maniac Victorya grimace through the experience was somewhat rewarding. Clearly she thinks she belonged in the finale and brought a huge shoulder pad on her shoulder about it. The little exchange with Heidi and Tim about her stoicism was the moment of the night. She might be a bit of bitch but to her credit she did show at Fashion Week and got good reviews which just shows if you fail on a reality show create your own prize and give it to yourself. I myself treasure the hidden immunity idol I found on my back porch last week.
Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Week 5
Well it finally happened last night. The fire was lit as the Veteran men tanked a challenge to "trim the fat" off their team...aka the women. This was more of a smoldering pile of ash though then a raging wild fire. Somehow the dimwitted women folk completely missed this at the challenge and in good-natured fashion chalked up the loss as "not their day." I hate that the guys did this but I've got little sympathy for the women when they all new this was coming eventually. Oh and the fact they didn't catch that Danny just ran around the challenge area for 20 minutes instead of doing something didn't help my opinion either. The only fireworks in those first 30 minutes came when Coral was put into the Gauntlet against centenarian Beth, the one woman she didn't want to face (apparently fearful of lawsuits from AARP...or PETA). Coral triumphed, got a little pissed and that was that. Where was my forest fire of rage that would consume the whole game? Where was my screaming match with clothes ending in the pool? All in all a huge disappointment. On the flip side the second half hour was notable if only for the competition aspect. Once again the vets proved they could beat the Rookies whenever they actually try. Meanwhile David (Ryan) sent Goliath (Derek) packing in the Gauntlet further reducing any chances the Rookies have. Kind of disappointing night in all, as I'm eager for more crazy but the chance to see whiny hypochondriac couple Danny and Melinda implode next week is promising.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Director
Who’s Nominated: Joel & Ethan Coen (No Country for Old Men), Paul Thomas Anderson (There Will Be Blood), Tony Gilroy(Michael Clayton), Jason Reitman (Juno), Julian Schnabel (The Diving Bell and Butterfly)
Who’s Missing: I can understand not nominating Inland Empire for Best Picture but the fact that the Academy has once again ignored David Lynch in this category is quite upsetting. His work in the film was the very definition of art. It’s ground breaking stuff from camera work to performance to story. In short, it broke new ground in what a director is and what a director can do. Even more glaring thanks to its mainstream success is the omission of The Bourne Ultimatum's Paul Greengrass who created a genre defining action thriller in his own unique style.
Who Should Win: With two of my favorites locked in battle I’m finding it very hard to choose. In the end though I’m going to go with Paul Thomas Anderson over the Coen’s thanks to the lasting impact the film has left on me. Both films left an emotional mark on me but I’m still thinking long and hard about There Will Be Blood and the stylistic and storytelling choices PTA made. I truly feel for Tony Gilroy though, as he made one of the strongest directorial debuts in memory and usually would be a shoe in to win both in my opinion and the voters.
Who Will Win: Like myself I feel the voters will be conflicted but I believe their end decision will be the opposite of mine and the Coen’s will walk away with the trophy. I think the Coen’s have created such a finely crafted film and the fact that it’s a slightly more accessible film then There Will Be Blood will push it them to the top.
Who’s Missing: I can understand not nominating Inland Empire for Best Picture but the fact that the Academy has once again ignored David Lynch in this category is quite upsetting. His work in the film was the very definition of art. It’s ground breaking stuff from camera work to performance to story. In short, it broke new ground in what a director is and what a director can do. Even more glaring thanks to its mainstream success is the omission of The Bourne Ultimatum's Paul Greengrass who created a genre defining action thriller in his own unique style.
Who Should Win: With two of my favorites locked in battle I’m finding it very hard to choose. In the end though I’m going to go with Paul Thomas Anderson over the Coen’s thanks to the lasting impact the film has left on me. Both films left an emotional mark on me but I’m still thinking long and hard about There Will Be Blood and the stylistic and storytelling choices PTA made. I truly feel for Tony Gilroy though, as he made one of the strongest directorial debuts in memory and usually would be a shoe in to win both in my opinion and the voters.
Who Will Win: Like myself I feel the voters will be conflicted but I believe their end decision will be the opposite of mine and the Coen’s will walk away with the trophy. I think the Coen’s have created such a finely crafted film and the fact that it’s a slightly more accessible film then There Will Be Blood will push it them to the top.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Actress
I’m sorry but 2007 was yet another non-descript year for female roles. While all these talented actresses are Oscar worthy none of them played roles that are being talked about with such passion as Clooney’s, Bardem’s or Day Lewis’. This is further indictment on the film industry and their treatment of female roles and characters. It is also very telling that aside from Ellen Page none of the nominees are from films nominated for Best Picture. Still I suppose we have to do this anyway…
Who’s Nominated: Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth: The Golden Age), Julie Christie (Away From Her), Marion Cotillard (La Vie En Rose), Laura Linney (The Savages), Ellen Page (Juno)
Who’s Missing: In a year of films and performance that turned genre conventions on their heads, I find it hard to believe that Naomi Watts “wrong place, wrong time” role in Eastern Promises was ignored by the Academy. Like the other nominees it was nothing amazing but still very very good.
Who Should Win: I’m going to go with Page. No huge rational here just good performance breathing life into a unique character that we’ve never quite seen before.
Who Will Win: Sounds like a two person race between Christie and Cotillard. I think Christie takes it home in the end as experience trumps exoticness.
Who’s Nominated: Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth: The Golden Age), Julie Christie (Away From Her), Marion Cotillard (La Vie En Rose), Laura Linney (The Savages), Ellen Page (Juno)
Who’s Missing: In a year of films and performance that turned genre conventions on their heads, I find it hard to believe that Naomi Watts “wrong place, wrong time” role in Eastern Promises was ignored by the Academy. Like the other nominees it was nothing amazing but still very very good.
Who Should Win: I’m going to go with Page. No huge rational here just good performance breathing life into a unique character that we’ve never quite seen before.
Who Will Win: Sounds like a two person race between Christie and Cotillard. I think Christie takes it home in the end as experience trumps exoticness.
Monday, February 18, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Actor
Who’s Nominated: George Clooney (Michael Clayton), Daniel Day Lewis (There Will Be Blood), Johnny Depp (Sweeney Todd), Tommy Lee Jones (In the Valley of Elah), Viggo Mortenson (Eastern Promises)
Who’s Missing: Clearly I’m all about Jason Bourne and his exclusion from this years awards (3 noms and two are for sound). Matt Damon’s omission is striking to me as he does so much with so little in The Bourne Ultimatum. After 3 films he still finds new ways to make a rather bland character interesting and the responses and motivations he conveys with his eyes and body are amazing without being theatrical.
Who Should Win: Like Bardem in the Supporting Actor category, Daniel Day Lewis created a character that people will remember for years but I’ll go one step further and say it’s the greatest individual acting display I’ve ever seen. Witnessing this performance, meeting this character was a completely unique and new film experience. Its difficult for me to share exactly how different this performance was. It broke across boundaries of comparison and reference into a category all its own.
Who Will Win: Man I love Clooney and I’d so like to see him win, likewise I think Viggo’s work in Eastern Promises was great and deserving, but this is a slam dunk for Day Lewis. If you inspect the voting results I’m guessing this year’s margin of victory will be the largest ever.
Who’s Missing: Clearly I’m all about Jason Bourne and his exclusion from this years awards (3 noms and two are for sound). Matt Damon’s omission is striking to me as he does so much with so little in The Bourne Ultimatum. After 3 films he still finds new ways to make a rather bland character interesting and the responses and motivations he conveys with his eyes and body are amazing without being theatrical.
Who Should Win: Like Bardem in the Supporting Actor category, Daniel Day Lewis created a character that people will remember for years but I’ll go one step further and say it’s the greatest individual acting display I’ve ever seen. Witnessing this performance, meeting this character was a completely unique and new film experience. Its difficult for me to share exactly how different this performance was. It broke across boundaries of comparison and reference into a category all its own.
Who Will Win: Man I love Clooney and I’d so like to see him win, likewise I think Viggo’s work in Eastern Promises was great and deserving, but this is a slam dunk for Day Lewis. If you inspect the voting results I’m guessing this year’s margin of victory will be the largest ever.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Runway Roundup: Week 11

Ok that is good frickin’ Project Runway right there. At the end of last weeks episode they made it clear this was the final challenge prior to Bryant Park. In my head I figured they’d take 4 designers instead of 3 and then last night the show took that preconception and twisted it in a way I didn’t see coming.
Much like season 2’s final challenge where the designers drew inspiration from the city, this challenge allowed the 5 finalists to choose from 3 galleries in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. With that many pieces I thought it was great that no designers overlapped in their choices although I was saddened that the Egyptian room got no love. A $300 budget and two days meant that the designers had every opportunity to blow the judges away which was important since Heidi informed them that 2 would be out which meant 3 finalists not 4.Jillian’s was not my favorite but I certainly saw enough skill and artistry in the piece to send her on to Fashion Week. Christian dazzled again and despite the preview was actually less bitchy then in recent eps. His ensemble (pictured above) inspired by a painting of a Spanish nobleman was avant garde and wearable. The amount of wearable pieces in the outfit was impressive and that more than anything probably helped him win and get him to the finale. Sweet P came in knowing she was the worst designer of the final 5 and it almost seemed like she was resigned to going home. Yet another patchwork piece from her that was fine but had no wow factor and when your inspo is a peacock that’s very disappointing. Predictably she was out. That left Chris and Rami fighting for the final spot. Rami’s been one of the best all season and I’ve always thought it would come down to him and Christian. However, Rami predictably went for a Greek inspiration and then even more predictably did nothing to spice up his usual draping dress. Like all his clothes it was beautiful but as the judges said can he do anything else? Chris dipped back into the high shoulder bag and made a very nice couture dress that made me think he had a chance. Obviously Rami’s prior excellence matched up well with Chris recent surge (remember he was actually kicked off at one point, thanks Jack). Deadlocked the judges pulled another fast one and said both will survive until Fashion Week but that only one will show. Meaning each will create a collection but the judges will view them ahead of time and choose only one to continue. I’m happy with that as I think Rami is more talented then Chris but needs to show more. If he can’t do that yet again then by all means send Chris on. Next week we’ve got reunion then I’m guessing a two part finale after that. I’m sticking with Christian as my choice to win it all. Unless he’s used all his great ideas to get here I think he’s got to be the favorite. Jillian could surprise but I’m not sure she can make a cohesive collection. Chris is great and if he get’s past Rami I expect a fun but not high fashion collection. Then there’s Rami who I think will do enough to get by Chris but may not have enough new inspiration to carry him past Christian. I look forward to seeing all the designs though which is something I’ve never been able to say going into the finale.
Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Week 4
Quick thoughts on this week:
The Rookies are coming off as not only inexperienced but just plain stupid. Watching them lose would be painful if not for the fun of watching them screw up the task.
Despite all the unintentional loosing I believe they are well on their way to winning the final challenge. They’ll have less crazy mouths to listen to, less people to split the winnings with, and the final event usually does not involve something were more people are needed.
Please someone kill (or at least send home) Frank or Jillian. Frank’s scheming definitely will qualify him for the vet team next time around.
For a second I thought I was watching a Real World Austin repeat as Melinda was sick, weak, and emptier headed then usual. She is absolutely useless and Danny’s not much better.
Sad to see Janelle and Zack go home. Poor Key West I thought this was your chance. Zach’s too nice to be on this show and Janelle never looks like she wants to break a nail. I mean could she have been any daintier while trying to rip the ball away from Jillian?
Once again we’re promised that the powder keg that is the Veteran squad will go off next week but I’m getting to the point where I’ll have to see it to believe it.
The Rookies are coming off as not only inexperienced but just plain stupid. Watching them lose would be painful if not for the fun of watching them screw up the task.
Despite all the unintentional loosing I believe they are well on their way to winning the final challenge. They’ll have less crazy mouths to listen to, less people to split the winnings with, and the final event usually does not involve something were more people are needed.
Please someone kill (or at least send home) Frank or Jillian. Frank’s scheming definitely will qualify him for the vet team next time around.
For a second I thought I was watching a Real World Austin repeat as Melinda was sick, weak, and emptier headed then usual. She is absolutely useless and Danny’s not much better.
Sad to see Janelle and Zack go home. Poor Key West I thought this was your chance. Zach’s too nice to be on this show and Janelle never looks like she wants to break a nail. I mean could she have been any daintier while trying to rip the ball away from Jillian?
Once again we’re promised that the powder keg that is the Veteran squad will go off next week but I’m getting to the point where I’ll have to see it to believe it.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Supporting Roles
Supporting Actor
Who’s Nominated: Casey Affleck (The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford), Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men), Philip Seymour Hoffman (Charlie Wilson’s War), Hal Holbrook (Into the Wild), Tom Wilkinson (Michael Clayton)
Who’s Missing: How about the Arrested Development duo of Jason Bateman and Michael Cera for Juno. Honestly this is a stacked category but throw the men in Juno a little love especially Cera who turned in two great performances this year with Juno and Superbad.
Who Should Win: Javier Bardem collaborated with the Coens to bring to life a villain for the ages. Hannibal, Darth, all look like softies next to Anton Chigurh. The way Bardem conveys this man’s convictions, no matter how screwed up they might be, is captivating and still entertaining. He manages to avoid the trap of making a charismatic villain an anti-hero and does so with a brutality I’ll not soon forget.
Who Will Win: While all the nominees have been praised there is no doubt that Bardem will take home the prize. First you get the script, then you get the money, then you get the Chigurh!
Supporting Actress
Who’s Nominated: Cate Blanchett (I’m Not There), Ruby Dee (American Gangster), Saoirse Ronan (Atonement), Amy Ryan (Gone Baby Gone), Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton)
Who’s Missing: Not that I’m the drive of the Juno bandwagon, but Mrs. Affleck aka Sidney aka Jennifer Garner should have slipped in here. This role was a huge step for her as an actress and perhaps an even bigger step in erasing Electra and Going on 30 from our minds.
Who Should Win: After watching Tilda Swinton’s first scene in Michael Clayton I said to myself, “Self, this is going to be an Oscar worthy performance.” The rest of the film backed that up and then some, as Swinton once again proved her versatility and talent as an actress. Her “villain” was multi dimensional and deeper then she had any right to be, and while you are happy to see her get hers in the end, you are pained as Swinton conveys her breakdown right in front of you.
Who Will Win: I think this is our sentimental category of the year as the amazing Ruby Dee will take the Oscar. Sure she’s probably had greater performances (should have won for Do the Right Thing) in her illustrious career, but this was still a performance that stood out in a rather lackluster flick. While not the most deserving of the Oscar (poor Tilda), I’ll have no problem getting to my feet to salute this American treasure on Oscar night.
Who’s Nominated: Casey Affleck (The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford), Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men), Philip Seymour Hoffman (Charlie Wilson’s War), Hal Holbrook (Into the Wild), Tom Wilkinson (Michael Clayton)
Who’s Missing: How about the Arrested Development duo of Jason Bateman and Michael Cera for Juno. Honestly this is a stacked category but throw the men in Juno a little love especially Cera who turned in two great performances this year with Juno and Superbad.
Who Should Win: Javier Bardem collaborated with the Coens to bring to life a villain for the ages. Hannibal, Darth, all look like softies next to Anton Chigurh. The way Bardem conveys this man’s convictions, no matter how screwed up they might be, is captivating and still entertaining. He manages to avoid the trap of making a charismatic villain an anti-hero and does so with a brutality I’ll not soon forget.
Who Will Win: While all the nominees have been praised there is no doubt that Bardem will take home the prize. First you get the script, then you get the money, then you get the Chigurh!
Supporting Actress
Who’s Nominated: Cate Blanchett (I’m Not There), Ruby Dee (American Gangster), Saoirse Ronan (Atonement), Amy Ryan (Gone Baby Gone), Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton)
Who’s Missing: Not that I’m the drive of the Juno bandwagon, but Mrs. Affleck aka Sidney aka Jennifer Garner should have slipped in here. This role was a huge step for her as an actress and perhaps an even bigger step in erasing Electra and Going on 30 from our minds.
Who Should Win: After watching Tilda Swinton’s first scene in Michael Clayton I said to myself, “Self, this is going to be an Oscar worthy performance.” The rest of the film backed that up and then some, as Swinton once again proved her versatility and talent as an actress. Her “villain” was multi dimensional and deeper then she had any right to be, and while you are happy to see her get hers in the end, you are pained as Swinton conveys her breakdown right in front of you.
Who Will Win: I think this is our sentimental category of the year as the amazing Ruby Dee will take the Oscar. Sure she’s probably had greater performances (should have won for Do the Right Thing) in her illustrious career, but this was still a performance that stood out in a rather lackluster flick. While not the most deserving of the Oscar (poor Tilda), I’ll have no problem getting to my feet to salute this American treasure on Oscar night.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Screenplays
Adapted Screenplay
Who’s Nominated: Atonement, Away From Her, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood
Who’s Missing: Its tough for the Academy to acknowledge great films that are sequels but once again The Bourne Ultimatum gets the screw. Compiled from various Robert Ludlum works the movie gives Jason Bourne his most interesting script to date. It takes a great screenwriter to make a film so engrossing despite the fact that its biggest star and best actor plays most of the scenes with little or no dialogue.
Who Should Win: I have a hard time with this, as the Adapted Screenplay category often presents a conundrum. Should a script that follows its original material to such an exact measure be recognized or should a script that takes an existing idea and then creates a whole new world get the recognition? This year I’m going with the latter as There Will Be Blood is one of the finest examples of a screenwriting I’ve ever seen. Paul Thomas Anderson pulled in a few stray ideas from Oil! by Upton Sinclair, and then created the rest of his screenplay upon them. I think the character of Daniel Plainview is one of the greatest ever committed to paper and that alone makes this screenplay the best for me.
Who Will Win: I feel like this could be Atonement's major win but the praise that No Country for Old Men has received prior to the Oscars makes me think it’ll get the win. The original piece of fiction by Cormac McCarthy certainly gave the Coen brothers a good start but they deserve a ton of credit for knowing where and when to trim pieces from the original.
Original Screenplay
Who’s Nominated: Juno, Lars and the Real Girl, Michael Clayton, Ratatouille, The Savages
Who’s Missing: With the heavies in the screenplay categories bottled up in the Adapted category I actually had a hard time coming up with a missing nominee for Original and so it would seem did the Academy given the wide range of nominees. If forced to pick though, I’m going to go with Judd Apatow for Knocked Up. Sure its not a cinematic masterpiece and I certainly don’t think it should win an Oscar but given that his films dominated theaters this past year he should receive some kind of recognition. Knocked Up along with Superbad have made adult comedies worth while and relevant again in an age where special f/x movies dominate our cultural landscape.
Who Should Win: When I saw Michael Clayton, I was struck by how crafty the screenplay was in that it took the trappings of a legal drama such and quietly played with those conventions until we were left with a legitimate thriller. This is no small task and one I think deserves the win.
Who Will Win: Juno is the darling film of this year’s awards but like most darling films I believe it will rack up many nominations but walk away with few statues. This category though seems tailor made for the film as it would give Juno a major win and acknowledge one of this year’s greatest stories in Diablo Cody.
Who’s Nominated: Atonement, Away From Her, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood
Who’s Missing: Its tough for the Academy to acknowledge great films that are sequels but once again The Bourne Ultimatum gets the screw. Compiled from various Robert Ludlum works the movie gives Jason Bourne his most interesting script to date. It takes a great screenwriter to make a film so engrossing despite the fact that its biggest star and best actor plays most of the scenes with little or no dialogue.
Who Should Win: I have a hard time with this, as the Adapted Screenplay category often presents a conundrum. Should a script that follows its original material to such an exact measure be recognized or should a script that takes an existing idea and then creates a whole new world get the recognition? This year I’m going with the latter as There Will Be Blood is one of the finest examples of a screenwriting I’ve ever seen. Paul Thomas Anderson pulled in a few stray ideas from Oil! by Upton Sinclair, and then created the rest of his screenplay upon them. I think the character of Daniel Plainview is one of the greatest ever committed to paper and that alone makes this screenplay the best for me.
Who Will Win: I feel like this could be Atonement's major win but the praise that No Country for Old Men has received prior to the Oscars makes me think it’ll get the win. The original piece of fiction by Cormac McCarthy certainly gave the Coen brothers a good start but they deserve a ton of credit for knowing where and when to trim pieces from the original.
Original Screenplay
Who’s Nominated: Juno, Lars and the Real Girl, Michael Clayton, Ratatouille, The Savages
Who’s Missing: With the heavies in the screenplay categories bottled up in the Adapted category I actually had a hard time coming up with a missing nominee for Original and so it would seem did the Academy given the wide range of nominees. If forced to pick though, I’m going to go with Judd Apatow for Knocked Up. Sure its not a cinematic masterpiece and I certainly don’t think it should win an Oscar but given that his films dominated theaters this past year he should receive some kind of recognition. Knocked Up along with Superbad have made adult comedies worth while and relevant again in an age where special f/x movies dominate our cultural landscape.
Who Should Win: When I saw Michael Clayton, I was struck by how crafty the screenplay was in that it took the trappings of a legal drama such and quietly played with those conventions until we were left with a legitimate thriller. This is no small task and one I think deserves the win.
Who Will Win: Juno is the darling film of this year’s awards but like most darling films I believe it will rack up many nominations but walk away with few statues. This category though seems tailor made for the film as it would give Juno a major win and acknowledge one of this year’s greatest stories in Diablo Cody.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Cinematography
Who’s Nominated: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Atonement, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood
Who’s Missing: The Bourne Ultimatum was a simply amazing cinematic achievement. The art and skill of the handheld style employed by Paul Greengrass and company is never given its due. People tend to just chalk it up as an impromptu style but the level to which this film took the camera work too, was truly something to behold.
Who Should Win: Cinematographer Roger Deakins has worked with the Coen Brothers since Barton Fink and while he’s done some amazing work, No Country for Old Men is the new benchmark of greatness in their collaborative history. I was stunned at how beautifully ugly this film was. The shots of the desert where rich and somehow inviting and the small Texas towns our anti-heroes visit had their underbellies exposed and captured in a rich palette of colors.
Who Will Win: While I might be on my way towards naming There Will Be Blood as one of my favorite films of all time, I must admit I was not blown away by the cinematography on my first viewing. While it didn’t detract from the film in any way, I did expect more of a wow from director Paul Thomas Anderson and his long time collaborator Robert Elswit especially after their breathtaking work in Magnolia and Punch Drunk Love. Still I’m apparently in the minority as Elswit has claimed a number of pre-Oscar awards so that and the fact that Deakins might split his own vote with two nods (No Country and Assassination), should give There Will Be Blood an Oscar win.
Who’s Missing: The Bourne Ultimatum was a simply amazing cinematic achievement. The art and skill of the handheld style employed by Paul Greengrass and company is never given its due. People tend to just chalk it up as an impromptu style but the level to which this film took the camera work too, was truly something to behold.
Who Should Win: Cinematographer Roger Deakins has worked with the Coen Brothers since Barton Fink and while he’s done some amazing work, No Country for Old Men is the new benchmark of greatness in their collaborative history. I was stunned at how beautifully ugly this film was. The shots of the desert where rich and somehow inviting and the small Texas towns our anti-heroes visit had their underbellies exposed and captured in a rich palette of colors.
Who Will Win: While I might be on my way towards naming There Will Be Blood as one of my favorite films of all time, I must admit I was not blown away by the cinematography on my first viewing. While it didn’t detract from the film in any way, I did expect more of a wow from director Paul Thomas Anderson and his long time collaborator Robert Elswit especially after their breathtaking work in Magnolia and Punch Drunk Love. Still I’m apparently in the minority as Elswit has claimed a number of pre-Oscar awards so that and the fact that Deakins might split his own vote with two nods (No Country and Assassination), should give There Will Be Blood an Oscar win.
Friday, February 08, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Music
Original Score
Who’s Nominated: Atonement, The Kite Runner, Michael Clayton, Ratatouille, 3:10 to Yuma
Who’s Missing: The haunting score of There Will Be Blood deserves almost as much praise as Daniel Day Lewis’ performance. I can’t imagine the film with a single note missing. However, once again the antiquated rules of the Academy strike again and the score was disqualified from the race. It’s a shame that one of the best scores I’ve heard in years, by Radiohead member Jonny Greenwood, will fall on deaf ears Oscar night.
Who Should Win: I’ve only heard two of the nominees but the score from Michael Clayton was such a surprise I think it is deserving of the win. Why surprising? Because in a movie like Clayton one does not expect to walk away remembering the score. Like the aforementioned There Will Be Blood, this score complimented and heightened the film.
Who Will Win: This is the first of many tricky categories. My gut says Ratatouille for its Parisian overtures but Atonement’s epic scale will make it a tight race. I’m going to stick to my instincts though and say Ratatouille pulls it out.
Original Song
Who’s Nominated: Once, August Rush, and 3, count them 3, songs from Enchanted
Who’s Missing: Two words…Spider Pig. It's in the movie, it's over the credits and most importantly it's stuck in proverbial pop culture skull. The Simpsons Movie gave the world a gift in Spider Pig, isn’t it time we gave back?
Who Should Win: I dare you to listen to Falling Slowly from Once and not find yourself moved by it in some fashion. The song drills down to your very soul and in a film filled with great music stands out above the rest. I was disappointed to see the minimum recognition the film received but recognizing the music is appropriate and deserving.
Who Will Win: As much as it pains me to say it I’ll say Enchanted takes this home. Now of course the question is which song. I’m going to go with Happy Working Song. It’s one of the few clips I’ve seen from the film and I’ve got to say I enjoyed the song and laughed pretty hard. The self mockery Disney pulls off here will be appreciated by the voters and will pay off with Oscar gold.
Who’s Nominated: Atonement, The Kite Runner, Michael Clayton, Ratatouille, 3:10 to Yuma
Who’s Missing: The haunting score of There Will Be Blood deserves almost as much praise as Daniel Day Lewis’ performance. I can’t imagine the film with a single note missing. However, once again the antiquated rules of the Academy strike again and the score was disqualified from the race. It’s a shame that one of the best scores I’ve heard in years, by Radiohead member Jonny Greenwood, will fall on deaf ears Oscar night.
Who Should Win: I’ve only heard two of the nominees but the score from Michael Clayton was such a surprise I think it is deserving of the win. Why surprising? Because in a movie like Clayton one does not expect to walk away remembering the score. Like the aforementioned There Will Be Blood, this score complimented and heightened the film.
Who Will Win: This is the first of many tricky categories. My gut says Ratatouille for its Parisian overtures but Atonement’s epic scale will make it a tight race. I’m going to stick to my instincts though and say Ratatouille pulls it out.
Original Song
Who’s Nominated: Once, August Rush, and 3, count them 3, songs from Enchanted
Who’s Missing: Two words…Spider Pig. It's in the movie, it's over the credits and most importantly it's stuck in proverbial pop culture skull. The Simpsons Movie gave the world a gift in Spider Pig, isn’t it time we gave back?
Who Should Win: I dare you to listen to Falling Slowly from Once and not find yourself moved by it in some fashion. The song drills down to your very soul and in a film filled with great music stands out above the rest. I was disappointed to see the minimum recognition the film received but recognizing the music is appropriate and deserving.
Who Will Win: As much as it pains me to say it I’ll say Enchanted takes this home. Now of course the question is which song. I’m going to go with Happy Working Song. It’s one of the few clips I’ve seen from the film and I’ve got to say I enjoyed the song and laughed pretty hard. The self mockery Disney pulls off here will be appreciated by the voters and will pay off with Oscar gold.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Strike Over?
Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Week 3
Quick thoughts on last night’s episode that once again gave us an hour’s worth of drama. Of course the big headline in the first half hour was the departure of dear, dear, Brooke (RW: Denver). Her crazy was on full display last night and it made her departure all the more tragic. From her meltdown on Johanna (RW: Austin) to her confusing, mixed messages she gave EV (Challenge: Fresh Meat), Brooke gave us a sample of what we’ll be missing over the next few weeks. Her statement to EV that she’d be perfect if she had a penis was down right mean and poor EV was so into Brooke that it flew right over her head. I mean seriously at the end EV is talking about how much she loves Brooke and looks forward to continuing their relationship off air but Brooke’s goodbye interview pretty much thanked EV for showing her what qualities she needs to find in a man. To paraphrase Coral’s (RW: New York) line of the night; “I’m not even sure if Brooke’s a real lesbian, or even really bisexual.” Lost in her departure was the fact that the Rookies lost another challenge to go 0-4 but truth is they don’t seem to mind as they’re trimming the fat, both literally and figuratively off their team.
If the first half hour belonged to Brooke, the second belonged to the men. First up the inevitable happened as the Vets finally lost a challenge. The Rookies quickly lost their momentum by arguing over who to send in. Evan (Challenge: Fresh Meat) was the eventual choice and poor poor Johnny (RW: Key West) was chosen to face him thanks to some stellar politicking by Brad (RW: San Diego) and the ever present CT (RW: Paris). Johnny was sent packing and he and booty call Casey (Challenge: Fresh Meat) had an appropriately shallow goodbye (EV could learn from them). The bigger drama though was the second male departure of the ep, as Tyrie (RW: Denver) chose to leave for a family emergency. Again this was probably a good loss for the Rookies who now are down to their best male competitors. Something tells me the tide is turning in favor of the young kids. Still waiting for the ticking time bomb that will be the Veteran women’s gauntlet….tick tick tick.
If the first half hour belonged to Brooke, the second belonged to the men. First up the inevitable happened as the Vets finally lost a challenge. The Rookies quickly lost their momentum by arguing over who to send in. Evan (Challenge: Fresh Meat) was the eventual choice and poor poor Johnny (RW: Key West) was chosen to face him thanks to some stellar politicking by Brad (RW: San Diego) and the ever present CT (RW: Paris). Johnny was sent packing and he and booty call Casey (Challenge: Fresh Meat) had an appropriately shallow goodbye (EV could learn from them). The bigger drama though was the second male departure of the ep, as Tyrie (RW: Denver) chose to leave for a family emergency. Again this was probably a good loss for the Rookies who now are down to their best male competitors. Something tells me the tide is turning in favor of the young kids. Still waiting for the ticking time bomb that will be the Veteran women’s gauntlet….tick tick tick.
Runway Roundup: Week 10

After a week off, our designers are back and whoa nelly I did not see this one coming. I mean who could guess that two of my secret passions, Project Runway and professional wrestling would ever come together. Sadly, it did not make for a great challenge. Once again we got a challenge that ignored the regular models and even worse replaced them with women that are hardly normal or average. While the idea of creating an in ring outfit for the WWE Divas was interesting the fashion relevance of the pieces was nil. In fact I found none of the outfits terribly interesting. Why not give the designers a typical Runway curve ball and have them create a second everyday look inspired by the ring gear? That would have been interesting and we would’ve gotten to see Jillian mismanage her time again. Instead we got a rather flat challenge where I felt bad for anyone who was out because of it, except….Ricky. Thank you lord Jesus Gunn, our prayers have been answered. No more crying fits. No more poorly made sacks. No more ugly, ugly clothes. Ricky just seemed to miss the point of the challenge completely and worse yet he never really got his client/model. Everyone else really took the time to listen to their Divas and all Ricky did was make assumptions about her spunk and ethnicity. Sure the other outfits didn’t blow me away but at least they fit the challenge. Sweet P really owes Ricky a debt of gratitude though as hers was the worse outfit that fit the challenge. Granted she had a difficult client who truly put the diva in WWE Diva, but she really seemed to psych herself out of the challenge from the get go. Rami and Jillian did safe and boring pieces that looked almost like the ones their clients wore in the opening. Chris and Christian were the tops for me and the judges and like them I’d have to pick Chris as the winner. I’ve got to say I’m getting a little tired of those Christian collars he’s pushing on us every week. Chris listened to his client and while the challenge was costumey, he still managed some taste restraint. Now there are five left and from the previews it appears we’re going to get four finalists again this season as opposed to three. That mean’s Chris or Sweet P will be showing Bryant Park and I must admit I would have found that hard to believe a few short weeks back.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
2008 Oscar Preview- Welcome and Animated Feature
This year’s Oscar season is obviously filled with doubts. Not just the usual doubts about who will win tight races but also doubts about who will show up, what kind of show will we see, and who will watch it. I’m hoping the WGA and the producers can settle before the show if only for the fact that I’d like to see Jon Stewart save some face and not end up hosting a glorified press conference. While we wait for February 24th and the resolution of some of these mysteries, I thought I’d kick off this year’s preview. Here’s the line up:
2/6- Animated Feature
2/8- Music (Song and Score)
2/10- Cinematography
2/12- Screenplay (Adapted and Original)
2/13- Supporting Actor and Actress
2/18- Actor
2/19- Actress
2/20- Director
2/22- Picture
2/25- Show Reaction and Fallout
So without further ado…
Animated Feature
Who’s Nominated: Persepolis, Ratatouille, Surf’s Up
Who’s Missing: It took 18 years but 2008 finally brought the Simpson family to the big screen. Was it the greatest Simpons ever? No, but it was a damn entertaining 90 minutes and more to the point the mix of cell and computer animation was flawless. In a category where there is usually a small list of films to choose from I would have thought this would be a slam dunk. Instead we’re stuck with a movie about a surfing penguin. Hey Oscars, enough with the penguins already!
Who Should Win: Brad Bird is one of the great storytellers of the 21st century in any medium. While I thought Ratatouille few short of his master strokes The Incredibles and The Iron Giant, it was one of the best films I saw last year. The animation set new highs even by Pixar standards especially in the recreation of Paris. The voice acting was great especially Patton Oswalt. The story, the acting, the animation all combine for a wonderful stew that’s should bring Ratatouille the Oscar.
Who Will Win: This is a two horse race with Surf’s Up playing the role of child actor in this category. Persepolis might not have the jaw dropping visuals of a Pixar flick but it’s a great story and has been embraced by critics. Furthermore the fact that it was snubbed in the Foreign Language category gives the film an even greater appeal to voters. In the end though, it will come up short against the powerhouse studio and an equally deserving film in Ratatouille.
2/6- Animated Feature
2/8- Music (Song and Score)
2/10- Cinematography
2/12- Screenplay (Adapted and Original)
2/13- Supporting Actor and Actress
2/18- Actor
2/19- Actress
2/20- Director
2/22- Picture
2/25- Show Reaction and Fallout
So without further ado…
Animated Feature
Who’s Nominated: Persepolis, Ratatouille, Surf’s Up
Who’s Missing: It took 18 years but 2008 finally brought the Simpson family to the big screen. Was it the greatest Simpons ever? No, but it was a damn entertaining 90 minutes and more to the point the mix of cell and computer animation was flawless. In a category where there is usually a small list of films to choose from I would have thought this would be a slam dunk. Instead we’re stuck with a movie about a surfing penguin. Hey Oscars, enough with the penguins already!
Who Should Win: Brad Bird is one of the great storytellers of the 21st century in any medium. While I thought Ratatouille few short of his master strokes The Incredibles and The Iron Giant, it was one of the best films I saw last year. The animation set new highs even by Pixar standards especially in the recreation of Paris. The voice acting was great especially Patton Oswalt. The story, the acting, the animation all combine for a wonderful stew that’s should bring Ratatouille the Oscar.
Who Will Win: This is a two horse race with Surf’s Up playing the role of child actor in this category. Persepolis might not have the jaw dropping visuals of a Pixar flick but it’s a great story and has been embraced by critics. Furthermore the fact that it was snubbed in the Foreign Language category gives the film an even greater appeal to voters. In the end though, it will come up short against the powerhouse studio and an equally deserving film in Ratatouille.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Tuesday Tidbits
I’m in the process of gearing up for a move back to my beloved Madison and my beloved beloved, so the blog may get a bit scattered here this month but rest assured the 2008 Oscar Preview, Runway Roundup and Throwing Down the Gauntlet segments will appear as planned. Any columns In addition to those will be like today filled with random thoughts about various pop culture items. Honestly my head is just swimming right now so the best I can do is pour out a little alphabet soup.
Item 1: Lost is officially no longer lost.
I defy anyone to tell me that Lost has lost it. The creators, writers and actors opened the 4th season with a spectacular episode that had purpose and drive. Jorge Garcia gave an Emmy worthy performance (other then the odd Pam Anderson Baywatch homage). The flash forward element has reignited the shows narrative structure and given us plenty of new mysteries. Meanwhile you sense that we’re going to get some answers fast and furious as the season goes on.I think Cuse and Lindeloff truly know where the end of the show is and they are not going to waste any time in getting us there.
Item 2: Diddy teaches kids about disease.
Last night on Making the Band 4, Sean “P Diddy” Combs gave an inspiring lecture to his new boy band about a dangerous disease in the music community called “Bitch-assness”. It was a stirring lecture where he listed symptoms, such as acting like a bitch, acting like an ass, and acting like a bitch-ass. Sounds serious, get yourself checked today.
Item 3: Late Night Superfriends Unite
Stop reading this blog go over to YouTube and search for clips from last night’s Stewart/Colbert/O’Brian triangle of doom. The brewing issue of who made Mike Huckabee might have started as a way to kill 90 seconds of writerless shows but last night each host used it to kill damn near 5 minutes of their respective programs. As the three hosts made their way from show to show promising a brawl to end it all, we were treated to great commercial bumps and awkward pauses. In the end of course we saw a fight of epic proportions and a dance display that would make Carrie Ann and Bruno proud. Seriously some of the best stuff since these shows came back on the air.
Item 4: Terminator finding its groove.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles gave us their best ep yet last night and the show has certainly become TiVo worthy. The character of John is still a bit too whiney but he’s showed progress plus the writer’s are smartly putting all the focus on Lena Headley and Summer Glau. Let’s all join hands now and hope that the rumored WGA settlement is for real so shows like this and Lost can flush out their full order of episodes prior to the summer.
Item 1: Lost is officially no longer lost.
I defy anyone to tell me that Lost has lost it. The creators, writers and actors opened the 4th season with a spectacular episode that had purpose and drive. Jorge Garcia gave an Emmy worthy performance (other then the odd Pam Anderson Baywatch homage). The flash forward element has reignited the shows narrative structure and given us plenty of new mysteries. Meanwhile you sense that we’re going to get some answers fast and furious as the season goes on.I think Cuse and Lindeloff truly know where the end of the show is and they are not going to waste any time in getting us there.
Item 2: Diddy teaches kids about disease.
Last night on Making the Band 4, Sean “P Diddy” Combs gave an inspiring lecture to his new boy band about a dangerous disease in the music community called “Bitch-assness”. It was a stirring lecture where he listed symptoms, such as acting like a bitch, acting like an ass, and acting like a bitch-ass. Sounds serious, get yourself checked today.
Item 3: Late Night Superfriends Unite
Stop reading this blog go over to YouTube and search for clips from last night’s Stewart/Colbert/O’Brian triangle of doom. The brewing issue of who made Mike Huckabee might have started as a way to kill 90 seconds of writerless shows but last night each host used it to kill damn near 5 minutes of their respective programs. As the three hosts made their way from show to show promising a brawl to end it all, we were treated to great commercial bumps and awkward pauses. In the end of course we saw a fight of epic proportions and a dance display that would make Carrie Ann and Bruno proud. Seriously some of the best stuff since these shows came back on the air.
Item 4: Terminator finding its groove.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles gave us their best ep yet last night and the show has certainly become TiVo worthy. The character of John is still a bit too whiney but he’s showed progress plus the writer’s are smartly putting all the focus on Lena Headley and Summer Glau. Let’s all join hands now and hope that the rumored WGA settlement is for real so shows like this and Lost can flush out their full order of episodes prior to the summer.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Just got done watching the Giants pull off the upset of the century (whoops spoiler alert for those that TiVo'd the game) and I'm strangely unimpressed. I love the NFL and pro foosball in general and I don't have a vested interest in the New England Patriots (other then the fact that they seem to be a predictor for my fantasy football fortunes) yet I sit here a bit down and out.
The idea of a perfect season truly captured my imagination. Watching the Patriots week in and week out was second only to watching Rookie of the Year Adrian Peterson run his way into the history books for my beloved purple. As I settled in tonight I actually found myself hoping for a blowout rather then my usual hope for a close game when it's two teams I have no rooting interest in. Why though, why were the Patriots and their quest so engaging a story for me and many other sports fans?
Perhaps it's the fact that in this day and age of cynicism, steroids, individual egos the size of King Kong, and sick sick salaries, the Patriots wreaked of the purity of sport. Sure there was spygate (really who cares but Arlen Spector) but really when you watched these guys play you saw a team in the truest sense that executed everything perfectly. The way these guys picked each other up, units bailed out other units, and of course the big plays made them a pleasure to watch.
Also there's the selfish aspect of witnessing history. We all want to see history made and be a part of it. This was something any football fan could look back in 20 years and tell the next generation about. I can just see bouncing junior on my knee telling him about how Tom Brady could throw 50 TDs in a season and still have time to knock boots with Giselle.
Credit to the Giants for playing a great game but I can't get excited about a sub par team hosting the trophy. The Patriots were the more worthy champions, heck even the Colts repeating would have had more cache. History is lost, the Patriots will join the 75 Vikings, the 98 Vikings, and get the idea. Meanwhile Super Bowl 42 will be remembered not for the history of perfection but for the history of an arguably middle of the road team rising up for one night of greatness.
Oh yeah and it will be remembered for that kick ass Iron Man preview. Downey Jr rulz!!!!
The idea of a perfect season truly captured my imagination. Watching the Patriots week in and week out was second only to watching Rookie of the Year Adrian Peterson run his way into the history books for my beloved purple. As I settled in tonight I actually found myself hoping for a blowout rather then my usual hope for a close game when it's two teams I have no rooting interest in. Why though, why were the Patriots and their quest so engaging a story for me and many other sports fans?
Perhaps it's the fact that in this day and age of cynicism, steroids, individual egos the size of King Kong, and sick sick salaries, the Patriots wreaked of the purity of sport. Sure there was spygate (really who cares but Arlen Spector) but really when you watched these guys play you saw a team in the truest sense that executed everything perfectly. The way these guys picked each other up, units bailed out other units, and of course the big plays made them a pleasure to watch.
Also there's the selfish aspect of witnessing history. We all want to see history made and be a part of it. This was something any football fan could look back in 20 years and tell the next generation about. I can just see bouncing junior on my knee telling him about how Tom Brady could throw 50 TDs in a season and still have time to knock boots with Giselle.
Credit to the Giants for playing a great game but I can't get excited about a sub par team hosting the trophy. The Patriots were the more worthy champions, heck even the Colts repeating would have had more cache. History is lost, the Patriots will join the 75 Vikings, the 98 Vikings, and get the idea. Meanwhile Super Bowl 42 will be remembered not for the history of perfection but for the history of an arguably middle of the road team rising up for one night of greatness.
Oh yeah and it will be remembered for that kick ass Iron Man preview. Downey Jr rulz!!!!
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