The penultimate Project Runway brought laughter and tears. First off I have got to say that the ugliest thing I've seen in 4 years of the show graced my TV tonight and that was Jillian's hat/wrap/wig/sculpture/live animal pictured above. My god woman you are showing at fashion week not Cirque De Solie. Speaking of outlandish shows how about our Chris. I loved his collection. The human hair aspect made me gag like Tim but I must say when his looks marched (yes pun intended) down the runway I became a convert. Costume yes but also high fashion. I disagreed with the judges criticism of the long black dress. Yes the model had trouble moving but sometimes that's just the price you have to pay to look that damn good. Rami however put together a bit of a mis-mash. I liked his first two looks especially the blue jacket but I found his black gown downright horrible. I thought it was poorly fitted and like Michael Korrs I hated on the hip pads. Furthermore, I felt like his 3 pieces lacked the cohesiveness that Chris' had. Of course that could have been solved with a pair of scissors and a trip to the wig store. No tears though for Chris who I feel would have gotten his clock cleaned at fashion week and Rami might actually have a chance against the Long Island Princess and the out of the closet closet dweller. Seriously Tim seemed close to passing out when seeing Christian's studio studio. Next week looks like we're in for the usual finale drama including lost models, missing pieces, and teary breakdowns. Enjoy it folks since it has to hold us for a while...or at least until Top Chef comes back in March.
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