Just got down watching the last Project Runway and I must say this was the strongest runway show they’ve ever put on. I’m getting ahead of myself of course so first let’s break down the pre-runway drama. Oh wait there was none…or at least nothing much new. Rami continued to view himself as perfect (no thanks to Tim’s fawning). Jillian let the pressure get to her when it came to casting and broke down. Christian had snappy quips about all his competitors…oh wait he didn’t. Instead of the “cocky” Christian we’ve all come to love and/or hate we got a timid humble Christian who really seemed concerned about his chances to pulls this off. Maybe it was because of his bleak future if he didn’t win or maybe it was because he caught some of the previous eps during the hiatus and he thought he needed to make himself look better. Personally I think the kid is just growing up and to tell you the truth I always think he’s always respected the other designers. Anyway once that so called drama went aside we got to the meat of the show, which was the actual show. I know we always get a guest judge in the finale but usually they’re human! The Posh-bot showed up next to Michael and Nina and I just about lost it. You could almost hear the gears turning as her head followed the models walk the runway. Anyway on to the designers and their work:
This was Jillian’s first collection and it showed. There was no cohesion in the line. I loved a lot of the designs especially those with the cutouts and the gold dress but I had no sense of what she was going for. Also she went a little Rami with all the coats. I thought her biggest missteps were the blue dress and black dress with plastic trim. Neither was particularly flattering on her models and they seemed the most out of place with her collection. Oh god I almost forgot about that sweater that she had stolen from a sailor. Still I was impressed but easily in my mind the third best.
I immediately noticed the care and consistency in Rami’s line. His make up and hair scheme was supreme amongst the designers. I thought a couple of missteps were the horrible pantaloons with the beautiful red top and the gold draping dress. Now I don’t diss the draping because it’s his usual thing but really cause I thought of all the pieces by all the designers it looked like it was the poorest constructed. I love however, the gold and black dresses in the collection as they truly defined Rami’s theme of a celebration of women.
Well here we are and boy did Team Fierce go for it. I think his use of hats might have been overboard but by far did he have the most consistent design theme of any of the designers. I loved his Spanish themed inspiration. The ruffled dress completely knocked me out and the so did the feathered look on the last one. His collection kept building to a climax which is something Jillian and Rami failed to do. On the negative I absolutely hated the ruffled feathered top with the pink tight pants. Good god that was probably the ugliest piece that any of the three showed.
The judging I thought wasn’t as tough as in past finales but again that’s a testament to the strength of this designers. I thought they were pretty much spot on and I think it must be noted that perhaps it was the Beckham that pushed Christian to his much deserving win. I love it and I’m so happy to see the kid win. I also loved that after a few tears our Christian was back as he told us that of course he was not surprised to win. Perhaps though the moment was upstaged by Victoria’s robotic switch from smiling to disdain and anger when Christian’s family and friends coming out. That was scary folks. Of course the best news might be that next week Top Chef is back and we now know we shouldn’t have to wait another year and a half for another season of Runway as Tim and Heidi pimped the casting. Now that's fierce.
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