Returning Shows
Pushing Daisies (7pm CST, ABC): Thanks to the writer’s strike it seems like forever since we last saw Chuck and the Pie Maker. Oh wait, it was forever ago! Last year’s stand out is finally coming back with tales of misery, sadness and humor.
The mix of dark and light that carried the show through its freshman year was something unique, as was the colorful look of the show. I’m so happy I’ve got HD now cause I’m guessing those daisies will pop.
Premieres October 1st
America’s Next Top Model (7pm CST, CW): I’m hoping that the addition of the transgender model will make for positive TV. Then again we’re talking Tyra here, so the outlook appears dim. Still yet another year of catty comments and dirty looks await us…and I’m just talking about the judges.
Premieres September 3rd
Dirty Sexy Money (9pm CST, ABC): Another of my favorite new shows from 2007 returns after a lengthy strike induced hiatus. The creative team has undergone some changes, so I’m curious if this nighttime soap for adults can maintain the momentum it had last year. Even if it can’t, I think this might be the best cast on TV so I’m guessing there will still be plenty of enjoyment to be gained from watching Peter Krause and Donald Sutherland do the do.
Premieres October 1st
Top Design (9pm CST, Bravo!): After nearly 2 years, Todd Oldham and company are back for a second season. While many saw this Runway spin off as a snooze fest, I was captivated by both the challenges and the judges, especially the oddity that is Kelly Wearstler. I could watch that woman kill fashion for days. After being exposed to the Next Design Star I’m curious if my love of season 1 will stand up after all this time.
Premieres September 3rd
Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island (9pm CST, MTV): New rules, new players, new drama. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we’ve heard all that before. This time however it appears MTV is serious. 16 former MTV reality stars head out to a Survivor-type show this time around. If they actually take alcohol away from them then we might get some Lord of the Flies shit here.
Premieres September 10th
New Shows
Knight Rider (7pm CST, NBC and 8pm CST Saturday, NBC): Yet another retread and this one is harder to muster up excitement for. The TV movie NBC rolled out last year certainly didn’t do the show any favors as it stunk to high heaven. However I’m hoping against hope that KITT makes a proper return. With it airing against Top Model and Daisies, NBC has wisely catered to me, by airing repeats on Saturdays. This is also a strong indication that the execs have seen the show and are worried. Oh well, TV could use less of the Hoff.
Premieres September 24th
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Updated: 5 Thoughts on Obama's Speech (now with more thoughts)
5. Jin is alive and he made it off the freighter. Now the question is did the island moving cause him to be transported to the floor of the stadium for Obama's speech or was this an alternate future. (BTW, I think I saw Desmond in the audience on Big Brother tonight too)
4. Michelle should wear a t-shirt that says Obama Mama.
Updated: He should have Dick Van Patten join him on the campaing trail handing out Eight is Enough shirts.
3. As Americans it is our duty or dare I say our responsibility, to find Obama a better theme song then that country drivel that played him off stage.
2. I wish he didn't constantly point out that my home state and city are hosting the RNC next week. It's a badge of shame that all Minnesotans carry with a heavy heart. Updated:The only upside about having the RNC in the Twin Cities was that they might take Tim Pawlenty with them when they left. Sadly McCain went for an inexperienced, outside the box canidate. Sounds like someone paniced and hit their Med-alert necklace a little to early in the campaign.
1. While it was not the most poetic speech ever, it was certainly the right speech at the right time. I defy people to say that they were not in awe of the spectacle that took place tonight. I'm one of the cynics that Barack spoke of and I found myself captivated by every word. I've been waiting for Obama to call out McCain and tonight he did that and then some. His strength and passion for this country can not be questioned. Of course there were some negatives. His plea for unison on abortion, gun control, and gay marriage was disheartening. While I understand the need to appeal to a middle ground, he must understand that moving forward doesn't just mean new energy and new jobs. It means evolving as a society and as a nation. It means that we must uphold the "promise of America" by giving equal rights and equal protection to every one no matter their orientation. It means upholding every American's freedom to choose what is right for them and their body. It means embracing our country's promise of a safe place to live by limiting the availability of guns. I can only hope that he means to keep his promises and stay true to the party that has put him in this historic position. Tonight Obama made history but it will be all for naught if he squanders that history in November or in 4 or 8 years.
4. Michelle should wear a t-shirt that says Obama Mama.
Updated: He should have Dick Van Patten join him on the campaing trail handing out Eight is Enough shirts.
3. As Americans it is our duty or dare I say our responsibility, to find Obama a better theme song then that country drivel that played him off stage.
2. I wish he didn't constantly point out that my home state and city are hosting the RNC next week. It's a badge of shame that all Minnesotans carry with a heavy heart. Updated:The only upside about having the RNC in the Twin Cities was that they might take Tim Pawlenty with them when they left. Sadly McCain went for an inexperienced, outside the box canidate. Sounds like someone paniced and hit their Med-alert necklace a little to early in the campaign.
1. While it was not the most poetic speech ever, it was certainly the right speech at the right time. I defy people to say that they were not in awe of the spectacle that took place tonight. I'm one of the cynics that Barack spoke of and I found myself captivated by every word. I've been waiting for Obama to call out McCain and tonight he did that and then some. His strength and passion for this country can not be questioned. Of course there were some negatives. His plea for unison on abortion, gun control, and gay marriage was disheartening. While I understand the need to appeal to a middle ground, he must understand that moving forward doesn't just mean new energy and new jobs. It means evolving as a society and as a nation. It means that we must uphold the "promise of America" by giving equal rights and equal protection to every one no matter their orientation. It means upholding every American's freedom to choose what is right for them and their body. It means embracing our country's promise of a safe place to live by limiting the availability of guns. I can only hope that he means to keep his promises and stay true to the party that has put him in this historic position. Tonight Obama made history but it will be all for naught if he squanders that history in November or in 4 or 8 years.
Runway Roundup: Week 7

Could last night have been more perfect of a Project Runway episode? The right person won, the right person lost, and there were more one liners then a Don Rickles concert.
Let’s start with last night’s innovative yet commercial challenge. While I was many of the critics of last season’s focus on corporate sponsorship, I had no problem with this one. Saturn has been associated with the show from day one and while I know the inspiration for the challenge definitely stemmed from their association I say “ok”. I also loved that this gave the designers a shot at redemption following the snooze fest at the grocery store in week 1. It was great to see Tim get stern with the designers and remind them of their previous failing. Like the grocery store, there were plenty of non-traditional fabrics here and for the most part the designers embraced them. However, the ubiquitous use of seatbelts did call back to the table clothes of episode one.
While I supported the decisions of the judges on both the winner and loser, there were plenty of outfits that are worth talking about. Blayne had a losing concept from the start. Too many seat belts and too reminiscent of Keith’s style (or lack there of). To top it off it looked unfinished thanks to the atrocious fit on his model’s upper east side. Thankfully he wasn’t loser-licious. Kenley really dazzled me again with both her design and her ability to whine. Taking the air filters and creating a pattern was a risk that I thought deserved a spot in the top 3 (sorry Jerrell you’re outfit was good but not top 3). On the other hand her breakdown over the loss of her model was so petty and so annoying. Stella had me gasping and then gasping. When her look first hit the runway I was blown away. The skirt looked amazing and the top was sharp. Then of course they had to show us close ups and I thought the skirt looked poorly made and there was little to no connection between the two pieces. I do applaud her for going out of her box though. Korto did an amazing job while using the seat belts. Her coat was high fashion and wearable. Any other week I’d have given Korto the title but unfortunately for her, Leanne (design above) knocked this out of the park. I love Leanne’s silhouette and the bumpers on the hips. It was true to the challenge yet could easily be found in a couture shop in Paris. Leanne seems to be an all or nothing kind of girl and the other designers should be afraid. On the other hand they never had to be afraid of Keith and thankfully the talentless cry baby has left the building. His lack of style and craftsmanship was never more apparent then last night as his boring outfit was ripped and bunchy. Of course Keith blamed that on the judges and his model respectively but in the end they let him know what’s up. I was reminded of my dislike of season 3 finalist Laura Bennett last night as she guest judged but I must say I was glad to see her smack Brigham Young in the mouth when he got uppity. (On a side note I was shocked that Laura never mentioned last night how she was an architect or that she has 14 children) The only thing more satisfying then seeing Keith exit, was seeing the other designers giving him the most minimalist send off ever. Even Tim Gunn gave a look as if to say, “Thank god, you’re leaving you untalented hack.” Amen to that Tim, amen to that.
Monday, August 25, 2008
2008 Fall TV Preview: Tuesdays
Returning Shows
Zip, nadda, nothing! NCIS? Dancing with the Stars? Just kill me now! Thankfully two of the most promising shows debut on this otherwise forgettable night.
New Shows
90210 (7pm CST, CW): Ok so maybe we shouldn’t call this a new show. After all, we’re just returning to the old haunts of West Beverly High right? Wrong or at least I hope so. While he’s no longer involved in the project Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars) had a hand in resurrecting the teen show that captivated all us Gen X and Y folks. Based on that quality mind being involved, if only for the pilot, I’m more then willing to get behind this relaunch. The nostalgia factor will be thick too with Jennie Garth and Shannon Doherty popping up and of course there’s the specter of Nat and his great fries popping up at the Peach Pit. In my heart though I’m guessing this becomes Gossip Girl in LA and fails to keep my attention after a few months. Unless maybe Tori and Luke stop by too…
Premieres September 2nd
Fringe (8pm CST, FOX): JJ Abrams is back at it again and from what I hear the pilot lives up to the standards the man has set with Alias, Lost and yes, even Felicity. Honestly I’m just as excited to see old Pacey, aka Joshua Jackson, to the boob tube, as I am to see JJ’s new show. Many X-Files comparisons have been made and if the show is able to not get bogged down in mythology (something JJ has been very public about acknowledging) it could really succeed. Then again I love JJ’s mythology shit so I’m hoping this tale of agents investigating the paranormal is such a success that he can go all Rambaldi on us in season 2.
Premieres September 9th
Zip, nadda, nothing! NCIS? Dancing with the Stars? Just kill me now! Thankfully two of the most promising shows debut on this otherwise forgettable night.
New Shows
90210 (7pm CST, CW): Ok so maybe we shouldn’t call this a new show. After all, we’re just returning to the old haunts of West Beverly High right? Wrong or at least I hope so. While he’s no longer involved in the project Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars) had a hand in resurrecting the teen show that captivated all us Gen X and Y folks. Based on that quality mind being involved, if only for the pilot, I’m more then willing to get behind this relaunch. The nostalgia factor will be thick too with Jennie Garth and Shannon Doherty popping up and of course there’s the specter of Nat and his great fries popping up at the Peach Pit. In my heart though I’m guessing this becomes Gossip Girl in LA and fails to keep my attention after a few months. Unless maybe Tori and Luke stop by too…
Premieres September 2nd
Fringe (8pm CST, FOX): JJ Abrams is back at it again and from what I hear the pilot lives up to the standards the man has set with Alias, Lost and yes, even Felicity. Honestly I’m just as excited to see old Pacey, aka Joshua Jackson, to the boob tube, as I am to see JJ’s new show. Many X-Files comparisons have been made and if the show is able to not get bogged down in mythology (something JJ has been very public about acknowledging) it could really succeed. Then again I love JJ’s mythology shit so I’m hoping this tale of agents investigating the paranormal is such a success that he can go all Rambaldi on us in season 2.
Premieres September 9th
Saturday, August 23, 2008
2008 Fall TV Preview: Mondays
Returning Shows
Gossip Girl (7pm CST, CW): Last year’s surprise hit from the creator of The OC faces the second year challenge this Fall. As with most teen-centric dramas, GG cycled through so much drama in year one that year two is wrought with the possibility of over the top plots and/or unwelcome newbie characters. I know The OC hit a wall its second season so hopefully Josh Schwartz and crew are able learn from experience and keep the show grounded. Well at least as grounded as a show about spoiled rich kids in the Upper East Side can be.
Premieres September 1st
Heroes (8pm CST, NBC): If the positive Comic-con buzz is to be believed then Heroes might be back. If you accept the fact that the show will never be Lost I think there’s a real possibility the show can succeed. Truth is the show is pretty shallow when compared to other mythology based shows and that’s ok. If it can regain the pace and unexpected twists that made 99% of the first season enjoyable then I’ll be there.
Premieres September 22nd
Chuck (7pm CST, NBC): Well Mondays at 7 are the Josh Schwartz showdown, as the man behind Gossip Girl also has his geek baby Chuck returning for a second year. Last year this show proved to be a fun diversion (I love you Adam Baldwin) but its closing episodes began to take a down turn into over plotted long-term stories. Much like Heroes the show needs to embrace what it does best to succeed especially considering there’s another geek show it’s facing off against in Terminator.
Premieres September 29th
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (7pm CST, Fox): If Chuck slips then here’s my replacement show. I loved Summer Glau in the Ah-nold role last year and the twists at the end of the season made me wish for more right off the bat. Who knew old David Silver could be a compelling leading man? Now if the kid we’re all supposed to care about can just improve, the show could reach it’s full potential.
Premieres September 8th
New Shows
My Own Worst Enemy (9pm CST, NBC): Christian Slater joins the ranks of movie stars jumping to TV, although in fairness Slater stopped being a movie star years ago. Still this new drama about a man living a double life is intriguing because he’s doesn’t know he’s doing it. Early buzz is strong and unlike many new shows this year the creative team has remained intact from pilot to series.
Premieres October 13th
Gossip Girl (7pm CST, CW): Last year’s surprise hit from the creator of The OC faces the second year challenge this Fall. As with most teen-centric dramas, GG cycled through so much drama in year one that year two is wrought with the possibility of over the top plots and/or unwelcome newbie characters. I know The OC hit a wall its second season so hopefully Josh Schwartz and crew are able learn from experience and keep the show grounded. Well at least as grounded as a show about spoiled rich kids in the Upper East Side can be.
Premieres September 1st
Heroes (8pm CST, NBC): If the positive Comic-con buzz is to be believed then Heroes might be back. If you accept the fact that the show will never be Lost I think there’s a real possibility the show can succeed. Truth is the show is pretty shallow when compared to other mythology based shows and that’s ok. If it can regain the pace and unexpected twists that made 99% of the first season enjoyable then I’ll be there.
Premieres September 22nd
Chuck (7pm CST, NBC): Well Mondays at 7 are the Josh Schwartz showdown, as the man behind Gossip Girl also has his geek baby Chuck returning for a second year. Last year this show proved to be a fun diversion (I love you Adam Baldwin) but its closing episodes began to take a down turn into over plotted long-term stories. Much like Heroes the show needs to embrace what it does best to succeed especially considering there’s another geek show it’s facing off against in Terminator.
Premieres September 29th
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (7pm CST, Fox): If Chuck slips then here’s my replacement show. I loved Summer Glau in the Ah-nold role last year and the twists at the end of the season made me wish for more right off the bat. Who knew old David Silver could be a compelling leading man? Now if the kid we’re all supposed to care about can just improve, the show could reach it’s full potential.
Premieres September 8th
New Shows
My Own Worst Enemy (9pm CST, NBC): Christian Slater joins the ranks of movie stars jumping to TV, although in fairness Slater stopped being a movie star years ago. Still this new drama about a man living a double life is intriguing because he’s doesn’t know he’s doing it. Early buzz is strong and unlike many new shows this year the creative team has remained intact from pilot to series.
Premieres October 13th
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Runway Roundup- Week 6

A huge weight has been lifted from my shoulder as the “impeccable standards” of Daniel has finally left Project Runway. It was a fitting irony that a designer who constantly spoke of his high taste finally showed it in a challenge that required designers to let it all hang out. Of course the challenge I’m speaking of was the drag queen challenge. This was a blast right out of the gate with the return of season 4 designer Chris. As Chris introduced the models you knew that some of the designers were going to hit this out of the park. Poor Stella got last pick again and seemed to be mismatched. However, she did a great job of being true to her style and listening to her client. The pink plaid, both in front and back, made for one of my top 3 looks. Meanwhile, my other season favs Blayne and Suede seemed well matched with their models but neither delivered anything too stunning. Although, Blayne’s creation might have deserved to win based on it evoking the following comment from Tim: “It’s a pterodactyl out of a gay Jurassic Park.” Best line of the year, wings down. My favorite look of the night was Leanne (pictured above). While I loved Fusilli Joe’s winning design and Stella’s look too, I was very impressed with the style Leanne brought to the challenge. While the garment still screams drag queen, it also was very fashion forward and created a memorable silhouette. Daniel missed the boat completely by going for fashion boring and not adding any drag. I’m so glad he’s gone because every week some of you were taunting me for making him my sleeper pick. Brigham Young, aka Keith, turned in an equally bad effort and hopefully he and his fringe will be sent packing next week.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
“And I have cake on my dress” aka the return of The Hills
Every time a new season of The Hills premieres, I pontificate on how the show makes me dumber, on the mystery of why these people are interesting, and how it must be coming to an end. Last night’s season 4 premiere was no different except for the fact that I can now add guilt to my usual list of feelings. While I’ve introduced my scholarly partner to many new TV shows, they’ve usually been of high quality, Lost, Heroes, Venture Brothers, etc. However, last night she sat with me and watched the entire new episode. Now I hoped that the disease that is The Hills wouldn’t take, but sure enough by the end she was captivated and turned to me and said, “You know what? I like your Hills.” Damn you Lauren, you have stolen another bright mind that could be thinking about poignant topics like Georgia and Russia, and instead have them thinking about how Doug is a weird name (btw it’s not that weird, Lo is a weird name not Doug). As for the show itself I of course loved it. Anytime Lo gets quality screen time I’m happy and her talk over showdown with Audrina was AWESOME. I love that Speidi really think the show is theirs and have added yet another spin off cast member in Heidi’s sister. You can just smell the desperation in those two as their fame begins to flicker out. Publicly Lauren is actually sounding convincing that she’s done after this season but in the meantime we’ve got plenty more drama with dumb, dumb, dumb people. Let’s just hope Barack never sits down to watch, or we may lose another bright mind.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Movie Review: Tropic Thunder
From the moment I heard a father with his 12 year old daughter gasp, to the closing moments of the credits, Tropic Thunder captivated and entertained me like no comedy has in ages. Ben Stiller may not be a comedic genius when left to his own devices, but put him behind the camera with a good script and surround him onscreen with superior actors and the guy makes gold.
First up, let me take a moment to tell the self important politically correct world to drink a tall glass of “shut the hell up” juice. Between folks objecting to the use of Vietnam in a comedy and those upset about the portrayal of intellectually disabled folks, the films gotten a lot of detractors lately. As usual though, I’m guessing these folks haven’t even the seen the flick. If they had, then surely they’d realize that the film is poking fun at the self important Hollywood folks who have milked both ‘Nam and the cognitively challenged for millions of dollars over the last two decades. This is, in fact, the genius of the film.
Stiller has turned the mirror back on to Hollywood in a manner not seen since Altman’s The Player. While that film made several folks in La-la Land squirm in their chairs, I’m thinking Thunder will make the audiences that drive the Hollywood drivel squirm a bit. Nothing is safe here, as Stiller and co-writer Justin Theroux skewer pretentious art house films, big budget action, lowest common denominator comedies, and of course the prestige war film. Someone sitting in front of me, let out a loud laugh at a clip from Jack Black’s fart driven faux film, and then quickly coughed as if realizing the joke was on him.
These challenges to the genre would not work in some hands but thankfully Stiller assembled a worthy cast. Jack Black seems more alive then he has in his recent starring vehicles. As he mentioned in a recent interview, “if not for the grace of God, I could be making Fatties 2.” Stiller does his usual shtick of the oblivious jerk face with a misplaced heart of gold. Nick Nolte delivers a very solid performance as does the McConaughey. Lots of people are already talking about the performance put in by a very famous star in a fat suit and while it’s quite good, Robert Downey Jr. steals the show in an award worthy role. Seriously, I know comedies rarely win but Downey is hands down the soul of this movie and I don’t think I’ve seen a better performance this year.
The final joke of the film is the scale and grandeur it itself displays. At a budget of $90 million, we’re talking about one of the most expensive comedies in history. Thankfully every dollar seems well spent. Whether it’s the massive explosions (believe the Danny McBride hype by the way) or the dizzying ‘Nam cinematography, Stiller gets every penny out on the screen.
First up, let me take a moment to tell the self important politically correct world to drink a tall glass of “shut the hell up” juice. Between folks objecting to the use of Vietnam in a comedy and those upset about the portrayal of intellectually disabled folks, the films gotten a lot of detractors lately. As usual though, I’m guessing these folks haven’t even the seen the flick. If they had, then surely they’d realize that the film is poking fun at the self important Hollywood folks who have milked both ‘Nam and the cognitively challenged for millions of dollars over the last two decades. This is, in fact, the genius of the film.
Stiller has turned the mirror back on to Hollywood in a manner not seen since Altman’s The Player. While that film made several folks in La-la Land squirm in their chairs, I’m thinking Thunder will make the audiences that drive the Hollywood drivel squirm a bit. Nothing is safe here, as Stiller and co-writer Justin Theroux skewer pretentious art house films, big budget action, lowest common denominator comedies, and of course the prestige war film. Someone sitting in front of me, let out a loud laugh at a clip from Jack Black’s fart driven faux film, and then quickly coughed as if realizing the joke was on him.
These challenges to the genre would not work in some hands but thankfully Stiller assembled a worthy cast. Jack Black seems more alive then he has in his recent starring vehicles. As he mentioned in a recent interview, “if not for the grace of God, I could be making Fatties 2.” Stiller does his usual shtick of the oblivious jerk face with a misplaced heart of gold. Nick Nolte delivers a very solid performance as does the McConaughey. Lots of people are already talking about the performance put in by a very famous star in a fat suit and while it’s quite good, Robert Downey Jr. steals the show in an award worthy role. Seriously, I know comedies rarely win but Downey is hands down the soul of this movie and I don’t think I’ve seen a better performance this year.
The final joke of the film is the scale and grandeur it itself displays. At a budget of $90 million, we’re talking about one of the most expensive comedies in history. Thankfully every dollar seems well spent. Whether it’s the massive explosions (believe the Danny McBride hype by the way) or the dizzying ‘Nam cinematography, Stiller gets every penny out on the screen.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Runway Roundup: Week 5

Right off the bat I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in Project Runway this week, since they only kicked off one designer. 11 designers still make for much too full of an Atlas apartment. That being said I loved the challenge. While I’m not so sure what a “Lipstick Jungle” is, I always love the "pitch and then team design" challenges. The SJP one from season past is one of my favs. So this year it’s that crazy drug lady Brooke Shields and understandably the designers were a little under whelmed. Still it was great visibility for the winner.
As Brooke went through the sketches I was most intrigued by Blayne, Terri, and Fusilli Joe’s designs. Sadly old man Joe got passed over, Terri did not deliver, and Blayne fell short. Surprisingly Jerrell’s design, which did nothing for me in the sketch phase, really dazzled me (pictured above). Plus I loved his ass kissery and the fact that he not only picked Stella as his partner (by default) but also utilized her to the max. I thought his outfit best fit the “character” of the challenge. The judges loved Keith and I gotta believe his Mormon ego is huge right now. Kenley was the perfect balance to his lack of control and the outfit was definitely strong. I thought Kelly’s design was the weakest of those picked by Brooke and it showed. Her design looked cheap and Daniel’s impeccable taste let them down. I loved his bff Kenley snickering at him, as he looked insulted on the runway. Sorry to say that I made him my dark horse for the top spot. In the end though Kelly needed to go. She clearly peaked the first week and while she correctly stated she was never in the bottom 3 prior to this week she never regained the brilliance of her first design. Thankfully Blayne skirted by as I still enjoy his entertainment value far too much. Another week and some more fat trimmed, plenty more to go.
Madison Restaurant Update: Alchemy Café
A couple weeks back I gave a brief review of the Alchemy Café on Atwood. Well after making my second visit in a month, I feel compelled to give an update. The menu I raved about has undergone a bit of a face lift. Sadly the best tortilla chips in town are gone, however in their place are the best sweet potato fries these lips have ever tasted. Similar to their house cut fries, the thin crisps allow the sweetness of the potato to stay passive and not dominate the palate. The accompanying garlic aioli and jelly (yes jelly) were great dip components. Meanwhile, we sampled two new sandwiches. The BLFT (bacon lettuce fried tomato) is the new king of sandwiches. The tempura-like fried tomatoes melted in your mouth along with bacon. The bread was soaked in butter (did I taste truffle oil?) yet managed to maintain its firmness. Another companion tried the shrimp salad sandwich and was not only pleased with the flavor but also noted the size and quality of the shrimp which is unusual for “bar food”. After two visits I think the Alchemy is quickly becoming the equivalent of the nordeast Bulldog in Minneapolis. Now they just have to pass the Jaager bomb test.
Alchemy Café, 1980 Atwood Ave, Madison, 608-204-7644
Alchemy Café, 1980 Atwood Ave, Madison, 608-204-7644
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Madison Brunch Review: The Old Fashioned
While I haven’t officially reviewed Madison’s tribute to all culinary things Wisconsin, aka The Old Fashioned, I’m on the books as being a huge fan. However I’ve never made it up in time to experience their brunch menu. We first attempted to hit the place on Saturday around noon thinking the Farmer’s Market crowds might have cleared out. Whoops! The place was packed like it was 6:30 at night. With a wait over 30 minutes we postponed our date with delicacies until Sunday. Arriving around 11am on Sunday proved a much better plan of attack. While the place was still humming, we only had about a 10 minute wait. The décor of the place really pops in the daylight compared to the dimly lit ambiance of the evening. I never tire of scanning the walls for the little touches in the Old Style, PBR, or Schlitz signage.
Faithful readers will know that my first impressions of a brunch destination are tied to the drink menu. One companion squealed in delight upon finding her favorite Earl Grey tea on the menu. I on the other hand was eager to sample either their Bloody Mary or Ginger Bloody Mary. Sadly I picked incorrectly. While the pickled asparagus and brussel sprout were divine, their house Bloody Mary was not mixed well and was rather bland. The horseradish was too choppy and no amount of stirring was going to get it to spread. Also the drink lacked celery salt and a rim of spices. Conversely the Ginger Bloody Mary was a delight. While the pickled veggies were MIA the ginger infused vodka stole the show. I was tempted to swap drinks with my partner and steal hers.
While the drinks were inconsistent the food scored perfect marks across the board. I fell out of the brunch mode and went with the house burger. The high quality, perfectly cooked meat was the star of the burger but it got strong supporting performances from the garlic mayo, fried onions, thick bacon, and local cheddar. The matchstick fries were light as air and a good compliment to the heavy burger. My two companions both went the breakfast route. The Wisconsin Benedict featuring eggs, bratwurst, and mustard cream sauce over English muffins were an ode to lumberjacks everywhere. The sauce was so good I could drink it. The Chicken Fried Steak special was an ode to parts South but equally delicious. The gravy clung to the crisply fried steak in harmony. Perhaps the biggest stars were the potatoes that accompanied both breakfast dishes. It appeared as if the cubes of tater where pan fried then sprinkled with cheese before a couple of seconds in the deep fryer. The crisp flavor cut across both main dishes and could be a meal all to themselves.
While the menu is relatively small compared to their regular menu, the specials and varied preparations make this a repeat brunch destination. Here’s hoping their Bloody mix matches their veggies for flavor. If that happens, The Old Fashioned may pull into a battle for my favorite brunch spot.
The Old Fashioned, 23 N. Pinckney St., Madison, WI, 608.310.4545
Faithful readers will know that my first impressions of a brunch destination are tied to the drink menu. One companion squealed in delight upon finding her favorite Earl Grey tea on the menu. I on the other hand was eager to sample either their Bloody Mary or Ginger Bloody Mary. Sadly I picked incorrectly. While the pickled asparagus and brussel sprout were divine, their house Bloody Mary was not mixed well and was rather bland. The horseradish was too choppy and no amount of stirring was going to get it to spread. Also the drink lacked celery salt and a rim of spices. Conversely the Ginger Bloody Mary was a delight. While the pickled veggies were MIA the ginger infused vodka stole the show. I was tempted to swap drinks with my partner and steal hers.
While the drinks were inconsistent the food scored perfect marks across the board. I fell out of the brunch mode and went with the house burger. The high quality, perfectly cooked meat was the star of the burger but it got strong supporting performances from the garlic mayo, fried onions, thick bacon, and local cheddar. The matchstick fries were light as air and a good compliment to the heavy burger. My two companions both went the breakfast route. The Wisconsin Benedict featuring eggs, bratwurst, and mustard cream sauce over English muffins were an ode to lumberjacks everywhere. The sauce was so good I could drink it. The Chicken Fried Steak special was an ode to parts South but equally delicious. The gravy clung to the crisply fried steak in harmony. Perhaps the biggest stars were the potatoes that accompanied both breakfast dishes. It appeared as if the cubes of tater where pan fried then sprinkled with cheese before a couple of seconds in the deep fryer. The crisp flavor cut across both main dishes and could be a meal all to themselves.
While the menu is relatively small compared to their regular menu, the specials and varied preparations make this a repeat brunch destination. Here’s hoping their Bloody mix matches their veggies for flavor. If that happens, The Old Fashioned may pull into a battle for my favorite brunch spot.
The Old Fashioned, 23 N. Pinckney St., Madison, WI, 608.310.4545
Monday, August 11, 2008
Random Olympic Thoughts
* I was strong armed into watching the Opening Ceremony on Friday and I still just don’t get it. China is a huge human rights violator and yet for 5 plus hours we were supposed to sit back and enjoy the glory. I rarely, strike that; never agree with W, but kudos to him for speaking out against the Chinese government prior to the ceremony. Too little too late though.
* On the plus side fireworks look amazing in HD. In fact, watching the Olympics in HD might be the best sales pitch for HD ever. From the water droplets in the pool to the wrinkles on Jim Lampley’s face, the detail is amazing.
* I might be buying into the hype of the Redeem Team as they looked like an actual team in yesterday’s win over China. Let Chris Paul start and it might actually be appointment TV.
* Bob Costas is getting awfully surly in his old age. Saturday night he just about shot his entire studio team as both he and Bela weren’t miked up for their gymnastics discussion. It’s a live broadcast Bob, mistakes happen, it’s not like you had four years to prepare or anything.
* The smog in Beijing looks so oppressive. Sure the new buildings are beautiful, especially the swimming cube, but it’s hard to take in the cycling against a grey backdrop.
* As much as I try to be a cynic I found myself screaming like a giddy Jonas Brothers fan as the US relay team pulled off that amazing comeback last night. It’s hard not to get caught up in the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat.
* On the plus side fireworks look amazing in HD. In fact, watching the Olympics in HD might be the best sales pitch for HD ever. From the water droplets in the pool to the wrinkles on Jim Lampley’s face, the detail is amazing.
* I might be buying into the hype of the Redeem Team as they looked like an actual team in yesterday’s win over China. Let Chris Paul start and it might actually be appointment TV.
* Bob Costas is getting awfully surly in his old age. Saturday night he just about shot his entire studio team as both he and Bela weren’t miked up for their gymnastics discussion. It’s a live broadcast Bob, mistakes happen, it’s not like you had four years to prepare or anything.
* The smog in Beijing looks so oppressive. Sure the new buildings are beautiful, especially the swimming cube, but it’s hard to take in the cycling against a grey backdrop.
* As much as I try to be a cynic I found myself screaming like a giddy Jonas Brothers fan as the US relay team pulled off that amazing comeback last night. It’s hard not to get caught up in the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Runway Roundup: Week 4

Doctor, I’ve got a case of contestant overload. After 4 weeks of Project Runway, I find myself wishing that they’d cut half the cast. Sure people like Fusilli Joe and Jerrell make for some entertainment, but that’s what we have Stella for. They certainly showed that their best efforts still don’t make them serious contenders. Take Joe’s Olympic piece from last night. While it certainly felt the most Olympic, it also seemed the most predictable and ordinary. That’s Joe’s problem in a nut shell. He’s certainly got talent but more in a Wal-mart, Jacquelyn Smith kind of way. Jerrell on the other hand hasn’t made a strong statement other then last night’s horribly designed outfit. I thought he was wearing the opening ceremonies outfit with his little military hat. His outfit not only failed to meet the challenge, but it also failed to impress as a piece in general. Take emerging drama queen Kenley. She also missed the boat badly on the challenge but at least her outfit was still super stylish.
At least some of the excess fabric got cut last night as Jennifer went a packing. Her dress looked like everything else we’ve seen from her including last week’s cringe inducing number. She also badly missed the boat on the challenge and unfortunately for her, she just doesn’t have the chops to make up the difference.
On the plus side I think I’m coming around on Korto. Her pants suit fit the challenge and expressed her view as a designer(pictured above). I loved the simplicity and the fact that it could be altered for male athletes as well. Blayne and Suede made strong statements again and while they didn’t win I think they’re proving they’re here to stay. Can’t say I swooned as much as Tim or my partner over Terri’s outfit. While it was nice I thought there was just too much going on.
What I’d love to see is the show narrowed down to Blayne, Suede, Stella, Daniel, Kenley, Terri, and Korto but I know we have to wait for that. Thankfully next week looks like a team challenge which always means there’s the possibility that two people will be out. From the looks of the preview this challenge could tear new BFFs Kenley and Daniel apart…oh the drama.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Finale Thoughts: Doctor Who
Friday night brought the US viewer the last episode of the latest season of Doctor Who. It’s been 4 years now since the show was resurrected by Russell T Davis (Queer As Folk) and I can safely say it’s been a ride that’s far exceeded all expectations.
I never thought I’d see a competent update of one my favorite child hood shows but Davis and company have pulled it off. David Tennant and Chris Eccelston both added to the lore and history of the Doctor. Tennant in particular has crafted a character that seems to encompass everything the old show did well when it was firing on all cylinders. The relaunch of the show has brought back old devices (multi-parters, companions, cliff hangers) as well as a multitude of familiar foes. It’s been a perfect blend of nostalgia and new material.
This week’s finale brought together everything that’s made this new series work. The Doctor was surrounded by his companions from the past four years as he faced off against arguably his greatest enemies, the Daleks. The plot was all over the place and the special effects were still questionable at best but that’s ok. It was an enjoyable mess. That being said I think it’s time to wrap it up.
There’s just not much more the show can do. While Tennant has added so much to the role, I can’t see him doing much more. The returning villain barrel is just about dry. Finally there’s just only so much trouble the Earth can get in to. I’d hate to see the show run into the ground. The fact that Davis is leaving might give the show a boost of fresh energy but I think it would be better to simply let the show fade out once again.
I never thought I’d see a competent update of one my favorite child hood shows but Davis and company have pulled it off. David Tennant and Chris Eccelston both added to the lore and history of the Doctor. Tennant in particular has crafted a character that seems to encompass everything the old show did well when it was firing on all cylinders. The relaunch of the show has brought back old devices (multi-parters, companions, cliff hangers) as well as a multitude of familiar foes. It’s been a perfect blend of nostalgia and new material.
This week’s finale brought together everything that’s made this new series work. The Doctor was surrounded by his companions from the past four years as he faced off against arguably his greatest enemies, the Daleks. The plot was all over the place and the special effects were still questionable at best but that’s ok. It was an enjoyable mess. That being said I think it’s time to wrap it up.
There’s just not much more the show can do. While Tennant has added so much to the role, I can’t see him doing much more. The returning villain barrel is just about dry. Finally there’s just only so much trouble the Earth can get in to. I’d hate to see the show run into the ground. The fact that Davis is leaving might give the show a boost of fresh energy but I think it would be better to simply let the show fade out once again.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Quick Review: X-Files: I Want to Believe (spoilers below)
Sometimes you wait too long to catch a flick and you lose out on all the good jokes. So far I’ve seen “I Want a Better Movie”, “I Want to Pretend this Never Happened”, and “I Want to Remember the Show Fondly”, as review headers for the X-Files: I Want to Believe. Beyond all the hyperbole and puns, the truth is out there, and that truth is this movie is not the antichrist but it sure as hell isn’t good either. I think the biggest thing I learned from this film is that I’m not that big of an X-Files fan anymore. Sure I still love the show but since the groundbreaking show hit the airwaves we’ve gotten far superior shows that share a similar bloodline (Lost, Buffy, Alias, Battlestar).
I think if I was still a huge devotee to Mulder and Scully then I would be genuinely offended by creator Chris Carter’s directorial debut. Screw the mythology, I get that, but the problem is that Carter couldn’t resist throwing in some bits and pieces. Unfortunately those tidbits minimize the importance of the mythology and pretty much shit on the series. I love that the couple’s idea of hiding is living one state away from FBI headquarters under their real names. Having Skinner pop buy to move the plot along and nothing more, smacks of laziness. The references to Mulder’s sister and the love child William are annoying and again trivialized by the characters one-dimensional attitudes.
However, one-dimensional characters, poor production values, and a brittle plot actually pull together in the end though to make one funny ass B-movie. I think there should be a drinking game for every time Scully says she’s a doctor or Mulder’s sister is referred too. While it’s been years since the show went away, the characters haven’t moved an inch, in fact they’ve moved back and become characterizations. Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny seem to realize this and are poking fun at themselves along the way. It’s even more laughable when you see the 20 plus years they’ve added on in age thanks to the appallingly bad hair and make up in the film. I’ve heard people say this looks like an episode of the show, but truth is those looked better. This looks like someone who just got out of 10 Minute Film School did it. Despite that, the film has a certain Roger Corman type charm. Since they had no budget there’s a lot of driving and talking, and walking and talking, and standing and talking, all set to vaguely scary music. Somehow that makes it all kind of enjoyable.
If you can let the X-phile in you let go then you can get a kick out of the movie. I laughed quite a bit and still walked away enjoying the chance to see Duchovny and Anderson. Of course if you can’t let it go, then be warned this movie will crush you and any hopes you even had of heading to a theater on 12/12/2012 to see the colonization movie you’d always hoped for.
I think if I was still a huge devotee to Mulder and Scully then I would be genuinely offended by creator Chris Carter’s directorial debut. Screw the mythology, I get that, but the problem is that Carter couldn’t resist throwing in some bits and pieces. Unfortunately those tidbits minimize the importance of the mythology and pretty much shit on the series. I love that the couple’s idea of hiding is living one state away from FBI headquarters under their real names. Having Skinner pop buy to move the plot along and nothing more, smacks of laziness. The references to Mulder’s sister and the love child William are annoying and again trivialized by the characters one-dimensional attitudes.
However, one-dimensional characters, poor production values, and a brittle plot actually pull together in the end though to make one funny ass B-movie. I think there should be a drinking game for every time Scully says she’s a doctor or Mulder’s sister is referred too. While it’s been years since the show went away, the characters haven’t moved an inch, in fact they’ve moved back and become characterizations. Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny seem to realize this and are poking fun at themselves along the way. It’s even more laughable when you see the 20 plus years they’ve added on in age thanks to the appallingly bad hair and make up in the film. I’ve heard people say this looks like an episode of the show, but truth is those looked better. This looks like someone who just got out of 10 Minute Film School did it. Despite that, the film has a certain Roger Corman type charm. Since they had no budget there’s a lot of driving and talking, and walking and talking, and standing and talking, all set to vaguely scary music. Somehow that makes it all kind of enjoyable.
If you can let the X-phile in you let go then you can get a kick out of the movie. I laughed quite a bit and still walked away enjoying the chance to see Duchovny and Anderson. Of course if you can’t let it go, then be warned this movie will crush you and any hopes you even had of heading to a theater on 12/12/2012 to see the colonization movie you’d always hoped for.
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