Could last night have been more perfect of a Project Runway episode? The right person won, the right person lost, and there were more one liners then a Don Rickles concert.
Let’s start with last night’s innovative yet commercial challenge. While I was many of the critics of last season’s focus on corporate sponsorship, I had no problem with this one. Saturn has been associated with the show from day one and while I know the inspiration for the challenge definitely stemmed from their association I say “ok”. I also loved that this gave the designers a shot at redemption following the snooze fest at the grocery store in week 1. It was great to see Tim get stern with the designers and remind them of their previous failing. Like the grocery store, there were plenty of non-traditional fabrics here and for the most part the designers embraced them. However, the ubiquitous use of seatbelts did call back to the table clothes of episode one.
While I supported the decisions of the judges on both the winner and loser, there were plenty of outfits that are worth talking about. Blayne had a losing concept from the start. Too many seat belts and too reminiscent of Keith’s style (or lack there of). To top it off it looked unfinished thanks to the atrocious fit on his model’s upper east side. Thankfully he wasn’t loser-licious. Kenley really dazzled me again with both her design and her ability to whine. Taking the air filters and creating a pattern was a risk that I thought deserved a spot in the top 3 (sorry Jerrell you’re outfit was good but not top 3). On the other hand her breakdown over the loss of her model was so petty and so annoying. Stella had me gasping and then gasping. When her look first hit the runway I was blown away. The skirt looked amazing and the top was sharp. Then of course they had to show us close ups and I thought the skirt looked poorly made and there was little to no connection between the two pieces. I do applaud her for going out of her box though. Korto did an amazing job while using the seat belts. Her coat was high fashion and wearable. Any other week I’d have given Korto the title but unfortunately for her, Leanne (design above) knocked this out of the park. I love Leanne’s silhouette and the bumpers on the hips. It was true to the challenge yet could easily be found in a couture shop in Paris. Leanne seems to be an all or nothing kind of girl and the other designers should be afraid. On the other hand they never had to be afraid of Keith and thankfully the talentless cry baby has left the building. His lack of style and craftsmanship was never more apparent then last night as his boring outfit was ripped and bunchy. Of course Keith blamed that on the judges and his model respectively but in the end they let him know what’s up. I was reminded of my dislike of season 3 finalist Laura Bennett last night as she guest judged but I must say I was glad to see her smack Brigham Young in the mouth when he got uppity. (On a side note I was shocked that Laura never mentioned last night how she was an architect or that she has 14 children) The only thing more satisfying then seeing Keith exit, was seeing the other designers giving him the most minimalist send off ever. Even Tim Gunn gave a look as if to say, “Thank god, you’re leaving you untalented hack.” Amen to that Tim, amen to that.
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