This week’s Project Runway certainly set up as if it was going to be an hour-long good bye to everyone’s favorite bitch Kenley. Yes Kenley, the designer who I was initially in love with, thanks to her retro style and catty attitude. However as the weeks have gone on we’ve seen what was once cute, turn into monotonous styles and straight up asshole ‘tude. For example, she’s grown increasingly testy with Miss Heidi herself. Unfortunately, Kenley’s departure was not meant to be.
As we opened this week Kenley certainly seemed to be set up to fail as she was confronted with this week’s make over challenge. Taking women fresh out of college and giving them professional looks definitely ranks up there as a classic Runway challenge. As luck (or dumb stupid fate) would have it Kenley was paired with a mini-me. The two of them not only shared a fashion sense but also seemed to be equally childish. However, the two paired together to make a passable dress although not a winning one. In fact, perhaps the most enjoyable moment we got was seeing Kenley smolder when Jerrell was named the winner. Speaking of Jerrell his look this week finally seemed to match his potential. I loved the brown color palette and he even managed to make the tired pencil skirt look fresh (see above). I thought Leanne once again nailed it and was shocked that the judges found it frumpy. Her client was a schoolteacher for Christ sake! Oh well at least she was safe. I liked Suede’s as well but it looked a little sloppy. I thought Korto made a huge misstep this week. Her jacket was the best individual piece but I thought it didn’t match the dress. On top of that, I thought the dress was too short and unflattering. Korto didn’t have anything to worry about though since the judges liked it and she was going against Racist Fuseli Joe. Yes dear old out of touch Joe. After a few weeks of almost appearing to be you and hip, Joe had a senior moment and made one of the worst looks of the season. The pinstripes were ugly and that blouse looked like something a designer eliminated in week one would have made. Therefore, Joe leaves us and that makes me sad, especially as Kenley snickered away on the runway. Next week we can only hope she get’s her comeuppance when she takes on Jesus…I mean Tim Gunn.
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