Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, and I might just claw my eyes out. Someone needs to tell the Project Runway producers how to create a true roller coaster show. Tonight’s anticlimactic snooze fest of a penultimate episode had deep ravines of dullness but never rose to much more then an anthill of excitement.
Perhaps the problems started with the challenge. When we are talking about a final challenge you expect something that allows the designers to really wow us, but tonight it was anything but. I can’t blame the producers wholly as the designers certainly did their part by making gowns that underwhelmed. The idea of creating an evening gown based on inspiration from a botanical garden was too similar to the earlier challenge where they created a look inspired by New York City scenes. Too many camera based challenges this season. Once the designers started working, there was an equal lack of excitement. Sure Kenley lost a Mood bag but we all knew she’d get a replacement. The show just dragged as we watched all four designers sleep walk while they worked on their garments.
The one high point of the show came at the end but it was quickly swept aside. As we watched the gowns come down, it seemed clear who was going to Bryant Park. Leanne made a good dress that was a bit outside of her comfort zone. The tacked on finishes dragged it down but it was clear she was safe. Jerrell got a bit sloppy and failed to connect to his picture. However, the gown was exciting so you figured he was safe. Korto failed miserably but as always showed the best construction. I would have been worried that she was going home but then we got Kenley. Yes, it seemed as if the last few frustrating weeks were finally going to pay off as Kenley walked out the door. Her lizard queen dress (pictured above) was something out of Whoreville USA. Then she finally went completely psycho as she insulted all the judges. Seriously, there was no finer moment than seeing Heidi shoot daggers through Kenley. Then inexplicably Kenley was still there. Yes, once again we’ve adopted tee-ball rules where everyone is a winner. Now on the plus side we’ve milked two weeks more of show but on the flip side we get stuck with more Kenley. It’s stunts like this that don’t make so sad that we have to wait for Lifetime and Bravo! to settle their legal dispute until we get season 6.
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