8pm- Showing up at my polling place this morning a whole 20 minutes ahead it opening and still being number 138 in line, almost makes my cynical heart melt. Of course turning on the TV can turn that off quickly. Here are my thoughts as of 8pm CST (stay tuned for drunken ramblings either win, or god forbid lose):
• First, the TV geek in me is loving the HD experience on NBC, CBS, and ABC (sorry Fox I’m not fair and balanced so I didn’t check on you). The continuous side data is a politicos dream.
• I miss Tim Russert more then I ever thought but NBC still has the best coverage. That being said they still haven’t learned from 2000 as they called Pennsylvania waaaay too early.
• If you’re reading this in California and haven’t voted then run out and vote against Prop 8. While I live in the backwater Midwest where the majority of our hicks think gay is a disease, you Cali folks as supposed to get it and be smarter. When the State Supreme Court legalized gay marriage last year, I predicted that it was in an effort to force the issue to a negative outcome. Prove me wrong Cali-folks and show us that you aren’t as bigoted as the rest of this country.
• Damn I wish I was in Chicago right now. That crowd is beginning to look amazing.
• I wish the local news was that compelling. With our polls just closing I’m already sick of the repeated “polls were busy”, “machines aren’t working”, and lets go to the party headquarter stories. Just stick with national stuff until you can actually tells us something other then tomorrow’s weather.
• If you haven’t guessed, I’m pulling for Obama. I’ve got to say, while I don’t find him as liberal as I’d like, I really can’t imagine what it means for us as a country if McCain wins.
Ok so at 9pm things are looking good but something tells me its still going to be a late night. Thankfully Stewart and Colbert are now up.
9:15- Maybe it's time to actually your hopes up when Colbert and Stewart are feeling so good. You gotta believe Stewart would be going off the wall crazy if McCain was looking strong.
Is anyone feeling bad for the news networks that sunk so much money into their sets only to have this wrap up at a decent hour?
Franken is still fighting in Minnesota, keep hope alive.
Anyone catch Dan Rather on HDNet? He's reporting from the Newseum! Are you kidding me, how awesome is that? I want to visit the Newseum next time I'm in HDVille. As a bonus it appears Mark Cuban and HDNet has given him a green light on rambling.
10:30- So it's official. Don't screw this up Mr. Obama. We've given you a chance. America is giving you a chance to prove that changes isn't just a catch phrase.
You gotta love that the hate the McCain babyfuckers...I mean McCain supporters, still is with them as he concedes. I'm not sure how I feel about him playing up the race card in his concession speech. It just seemed odd. Where's Sara's kids now? Her tears are the first drops in the 2012 race.
I'm also just as sore a winner as I am a loser. Don't think I'm going to buy this "we need to work together" bullshit. We had to sit through 8 years of an imperial presidency run by an evil son of a bitch (literal and figuratively). Let's give it back in spades and legalize gay marriage, ensure that Roe vs. Wade stays in tact, and get health care for every American. Oh yeah we should probably get out of that Iraq place too.
Final note, how great, and by great I mean fucking awful, was the CNN Hologram gimmick. The high note being the above picture.
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