Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Point Game

-3: EA Sports. This comes from the what goes around comes around category. Last year EA Sports, the world's top sports video game maker announced an exclusive partnership with the NFL which made their Madden title the only game in town. Now comes the revenge factor, Major League Baseball has signed an exclusive contract with 2K sports which has blocked EA from the baseball world. EA's solution is to make a college baseball game. I'm sure the kids will line up for that.

-4: Tyra Banks for cheapening the legitimate threat that clowns pose. On a show this week she helped a guest overcome their fear of clowns. Some fears are healthy. You should be scared of nuclear war and you should be scared of clowns. Tyra should stick to having doctor's feel her up and dressing in fat suits.

+2: Eminem for divorcing his wife Kim for the 13th time. He's currently on hiatus from the music biz and obviously this marriage was a great way for him to rediscover his inner misogynist. He truly must be the most prolific writer in rap if it only took him a couple of months of marriage to get enough material for a new album.

-5: CBS News for picking Katie Couric for their nightly newscast. I don't watch a lot of nighttime news but I certainly don't want a perky Katie telling me about the body count in Iraq. On the plus side maybe they'll send her south for next years hurricane season and she'll blow away.

+4: NBC News for picking Meredith Viera for the Today show. I don't care what this does for the Today show but I am very excited about the effect this will have on The View. This is the first nail in the coffin for that show. My guess is that we're only a few scant weeks away from a Joy/Star sloberknocker.

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