Sunday, February 03, 2008

Just got done watching the Giants pull off the upset of the century (whoops spoiler alert for those that TiVo'd the game) and I'm strangely unimpressed. I love the NFL and pro foosball in general and I don't have a vested interest in the New England Patriots (other then the fact that they seem to be a predictor for my fantasy football fortunes) yet I sit here a bit down and out.

The idea of a perfect season truly captured my imagination. Watching the Patriots week in and week out was second only to watching Rookie of the Year Adrian Peterson run his way into the history books for my beloved purple. As I settled in tonight I actually found myself hoping for a blowout rather then my usual hope for a close game when it's two teams I have no rooting interest in. Why though, why were the Patriots and their quest so engaging a story for me and many other sports fans?

Perhaps it's the fact that in this day and age of cynicism, steroids, individual egos the size of King Kong, and sick sick salaries, the Patriots wreaked of the purity of sport. Sure there was spygate (really who cares but Arlen Spector) but really when you watched these guys play you saw a team in the truest sense that executed everything perfectly. The way these guys picked each other up, units bailed out other units, and of course the big plays made them a pleasure to watch.

Also there's the selfish aspect of witnessing history. We all want to see history made and be a part of it. This was something any football fan could look back in 20 years and tell the next generation about. I can just see bouncing junior on my knee telling him about how Tom Brady could throw 50 TDs in a season and still have time to knock boots with Giselle.

Credit to the Giants for playing a great game but I can't get excited about a sub par team hosting the trophy. The Patriots were the more worthy champions, heck even the Colts repeating would have had more cache. History is lost, the Patriots will join the 75 Vikings, the 98 Vikings, and get the idea. Meanwhile Super Bowl 42 will be remembered not for the history of perfection but for the history of an arguably middle of the road team rising up for one night of greatness.

Oh yeah and it will be remembered for that kick ass Iron Man preview. Downey Jr rulz!!!!

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