Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Impressions: The Real World- Brooklyn

The fact that I recently made a comparison between Oxygen’s Bad Girls Club and The Real World should tell you how far MTV’s reality flagship show has fallen. As I sat down to watch the first two hours, my expectations were to witness drunken fights, drunken hook ups, drunken breakdowns, and drunken accidents. In other words, my expectations were low.

Imagine my surprise though as I was introduced to the latest cast. Gone is the homogeny of recent seasons. We’ve actually got ourselves a diverse group of cast mates including two racial minorities, three folks that identify within the LGBT community, and even a Mormon for good measure. The roommates are having serious discussions and opening up about everything from parental abuse to living as transgender. There’s even an Iraqi vet in the cast who has provided a window into life after war. These discussions and this diversity is what many, including myself, have been calling for. It’s a return to the good ol’ days of New York, San Fran, and LA and you know what, it’s boring as hell!

Please go out and get wasted people! I’ll admit that seeing Va-jay-jay, or whatever her name is, try and hip-hop dance is pretty entertaining, but I’d much rather see her make out with strangers and then blow up at her roommates. Meanwhile, I’d love to see the vet go all flashback and either beat the crap out of his Mormon lifemate or conversely cry in his arms. Then there is the meathead body builder who seems completely against type and has shown no roid rage or intolerance at all. Previews do show abuse survivor JD breaking a table but come on folks that’s not only predictable but all too real for what we’ve come to expect from The Real World.

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