Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Point Game- Holiday Gift Edition

In honor of the holidays I thought I’d rate some of the many gift ideas that are out there.

+249.99: Nintendo Wii- Despite the fact that I’m a Nintendo loyalist, the new Nintendo has suprassed even my expectations. First off the marketing has been genius. The price of $249.99 while unreasonable in general looks downright arcaic next to the $600 price tag the PS3 carries. Nintendo was also wise enough to hold off on releasing the system until it had enough built up stock to actually satisfy the public. Then there is the game play. Nintendo has always been on the cutting edge when it comes to how you play the game. Who can forget the old Nintendo Power pad? What about the first fully functional and reliable wireless controller for the Gamecube? With the Wii, Nintendo has topped itself again by allowing motion capture remotes to dictate on screen action. The game lineup and graphics may not be at the level of the PS3 but the revolutionary gameplay more then makes up for that. Now of course I haven’t shelled out the big bucks for one or even played one but based on all the above I believe this to be the top gift of the season.

-33: Star Wars Transformers- Maybe this is an age thing but this toy makes me cringe. As a kid (or a 33 year old kid) I loved both Star Wars and the Transformers. Sometimes when I’d create my own stories and characters the two types of toys would even interact. Yet in my wildest, most creative, childhood dreams I never imagined a Han Solo that turns into the Milennium Falcon. These things look more like childhood nightmares. It doesn’t look good enough to be an awesome Transformer or an awesome Star Wars figure, instead it’s just a blah to bad in between.

+7: Underpants- Sure they can be a boring gift but come who couldn’t use an extra pair every now and then, after all we always need a fresh pair of drawers. I’ve already got some picked out for a few people on my list such as Britney, Lindsay, and Paris.

-6: Sparks- Often people like to exchange booze over the holidays as a way of saying you’re much more enjoyable when you’re drunk. Well if you’re looking for something for that special aunt let me NOT recommend Sparks. I've often thought the perfect drink would have alcohol, caffine, and vitamins so when a friend was drinking Sparks last weekend I ran to the store and grabbed a six pack. Now in all fairness the drink tastes good when it hits your mouth, unfortunately the problem comes in when you have to swallow it. This has the worst aftertaste I've ever experienced and this comes from a guy who drank every kind of malt liquor back in the hood (college=hood). So stay away from Sparks and wait for Vitamin Liquor to debut.

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