Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Quick Book Review: Tales of Beedle the Bard

A quick review is honestly all that’s needed when it comes to JK Rowling’s collection of fables from the wizarding world of Harry Potter. With five stories, and a collection of notes by Hogwart’s finest headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, the page-turner clocks in at a mere 111 pages. Hardly the time sucker that was the Order of the Phoenix. Originally written for charity, Rowling immediately brings the Potter fan back into the world some of us miss quite dearly (especially with the delay in the release of the Half Blood Prince movie). I can just picture Mollywobbles reading these tales to a young Ron or Ginny. I even found myself thinking about the day when I can share the tale of Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump with a young witch or wizard of my own. These tales are certainly good reading for any young folk and doubly so for any Potter fan. The Warlock’s Hairy Heart and The Tale of the Three Brothers might be best kept for kids who have read through at least Goblet of Fire. Actually this one tiny book encapsulates all that Rowling does well. She adjust the tales to fit the ages of her reader’s as they grow and she makes a magical world seem both magical and identifiable all at the same time.

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