Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thank God for Wrestling?????

It's about 9:45pm CST and wrestling just made my night. First of all after watching a two hour block of Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars there's nothing more manly then watching a bunch of oiled up men in tights grappling with each other. Wait this isn't working let's try again. After watching two shows that certainly could be classified as nightime soaps there's nothing better then watching a soap opera for men. Wait that doesn't work either. Okay now I've got it, there's nothing better then watching guys beat the piss out of each other especially when the one taking the punishment is none other then Mrs. Spears. Don't you love how these things work out. One day I'm lamenting the loss of Brit to white trashdom and the next I'm watching K-Fed's white trash amigos cheer for him getting slammed to the ground. Click on the vid if you need a smile today because this isn't just for Britney fans that hate K-Fed this is for every American, because I'm pretty sure everyone hates K-Fed.

UPDATE!!!!-Vince McMahon in all his hateful ways has had YouTube remove all video of the K-Fed thrashing so enjoy this and just imagine it's him. Sorry folks, maybe MTV will replay it on TRL.

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